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Bard makes me want to catch up to the changes and come back to play :<.

His kit seems so awesome.

*Also the potential mischief that comes with it oh yes*

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Gonna try to start playing LoL but I have no idea what I'm doing: is there some good resources to start with before I go into an actual game. I've played some Smite, but that's about it.

Also recommendations for relatively easy beginning champions? On the free rotation now, at least.

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Gonna try to start playing LoL but I have no idea what I'm doing: is there some good resources to start with before I go into an actual game. I've played some Smite, but that's about it.

Also recommendations for relatively easy beginning champions? On the free rotation now, at least.


In terms of building, you can look at probuilds.net to copy what professional players do as a starting point but I think a big part to the game is learning it as you go and then maybe exploring from there.

For easy champions, based off what I've seen my friends who start the game comfortably play are champions like Sona, Kennen, Warwick, Garen, Tristana. Though they aren't necessarily the best, they are decent to start with I guess. In terms of the free rotation though, I would say Ashe is the easiest that fits into the game well. Rammus and Teemo are the other two on the free rotation that aren't super complicated imo.

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In terms of building, you can look at probuilds.net to copy what professional players do as a starting point but I think a big part to the game is learning it as you go and then maybe exploring from there.

For easy champions, based off what I've seen my friends who start the game comfortably play are champions like Sona, Kennen, Warwick, Garen, Tristana. Though they aren't necessarily the best, they are decent to start with I guess. In terms of the free rotation though, I would say Ashe is the easiest that fits into the game well. Rammus and Teemo are the other two on the free rotation that aren't super complicated imo.

Well, I played my first online game as Ryze and went mid. Though we lost, I was probably the best player on our team. I was okay with that.

What exactly is the standards for jungling? In Smite there's an active item that can quickly clear creep camps but are you just supposed to blow your abilities on them in LoL to clear them early game? Not that I would particularly would want to and looks like in lower level games anything goes anyway but I have jungled a little bit in Smite to know the basics. Also, what champions are meant to be jungling generally. In Smite it's usually an assassin or perhaps a mage with burst damage, but it seems like there are more sustain-based junglers in LoL from what I've heard.

I'll take a look at those, thanks. I played Jinx in a bot match as well and she seemed okay too.

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Well, I played my first online game as Ryze and went mid. Though we lost, I was probably the best player on our team. I was okay with that.

What exactly is the standards for jungling? In Smite there's an active item that can quickly clear creep camps but are you just supposed to blow your abilities on them in LoL to clear them early game? Not that I would particularly would want to and looks like in lower level games anything goes anyway but I have jungled a little bit in Smite to know the basics. Also, what champions are meant to be jungling generally. In Smite it's usually an assassin or perhaps a mage with burst damage, but it seems like there are more sustain-based junglers in LoL from what I've heard.

I'll take a look at those, thanks. I played Jinx in a bot match as well and she seemed okay too.

The thing about jungling is that it has a relatively high entry level right now with junglers needing to be able to take sustained damage. You do blow skills on the jungle depending on the skill though that's a mana management thing for each jungler. For jungling, the preferred role right now is a tanky frontline bruiser for the most part (Vi, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin) though anything that can fit in the jungle is probably okay. You just need someone who can survive in the jungle while still maintaining reasonable clear speeds and also have decent ganking abilities. Sustain is good but there are ways around pure sustain to survive in the jungle.

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Yeah I do not recommend jungling until you are much higher in account level, around 20-25 or even wait till 30. You really need Armor runes until you can survive and even then it's still tough for some people. The spell you're looking for to help clear the jungle is actually called Smite funny enough.

I recommend learning with Morgana or Annie. Morgana I think is the easiest person to learn with, because you just put your puddle down and then try to auto the minions. Unlike Smite, you need to try to last hit them, you don't get money for just being near them. Annie is also pretty easy to learn. After you have those guys down, I might move on to someone like Sivir or Garen.

Sona would be good to learn too, but she's a support. Smite's supports are purely tanks, but we also have some squishier utility mages like Soraka or Janna if you want to learn support. Annie and Morgana can be played as mid mages or supports so if you learn them you can try them in multiple roles. Just don't take the farm as a support of course.

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I started with Garen. His abilities are not complex, and you are capable of wrecking things building some damage (e.g. a Britalizer, then more damage if you are winning, or more health/armour/magic resist if you're losing) and then going into defensive items later. It is also advised to level up the champion's best ability first. So in Garen's case, his E, Ashe's W.

If you like the feel of a particular champion, spam it against easy A.I. just to get a good idea of what they do.

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In terms of building, you can look at probuilds.net to copy what professional players do as a starting point but I think a big part to the game is learning it as you go and then maybe exploring from there.

For easy champions, based off what I've seen my friends who start the game comfortably play are champions like Sona, Kennen, Warwick, Garen, Tristana. Though they aren't necessarily the best, they are decent to start with I guess. In terms of the free rotation though, I would say Ashe is the easiest that fits into the game well. Rammus and Teemo are the other two on the free rotation that aren't super complicated imo.

I'd add Morgana to this list. It's crazy how safe she is and you can pretty much send her anywhere. Annie's a good champion to start out with too.

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On one hand, Teemo has enough skins to last until eternity. On the other hand. . .that teaser is something else. . .man, it sounds like he finally snapped.

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On one hand, Teemo has enough skins to last until eternity. On the other hand. . .that teaser is something else. . .man, it sounds like he finally snapped.

it better be a teaser to his deletion, not a skin.
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I've enjoyed Ahri + Heartsplosion.

They jizzed in their pants. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.

EDIT: Oh my god Kassadin why didn't I try you before geeeeeez

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I didn't think Nidalee could get dumber in URF until I tried her. Hunt someone or land killing blows and your Pounce literally might as well have no CD.

Also, Rumble is incredibly strong to the point of being sleeper OP. Being able to endlessly Overheat (that damage adds up crazily fast, plus Danger Zone bonuses) and shield up every 1.2 seconds is obscene.

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[23:04:22] SB: the fuck was this game

The highlight was either watching my entire team run into mid individually and die repeatedly for about 5 minutes, or when I died just in time to watch Ziggs get a quadrakill on the rest of my team completely unassisted :V

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why would you get athene's in urf

why would you get archangel's in urf like come on veigar get a void staff

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why would you get athene's in urf

Looks like Ziggs/Malzahar/Brand were fucking things up, so it's somewhat understandable. I would've gone for Abyssal IMO (it's still in the game, right?), since it gives everything that the team wants.

Cho has the best boots, though. :P:

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AI URF Brand is pretty toxic. His burst and cooldowns, coupled with the stun, will fuck up your day if you don't dodge. % movespeed increase is pretty strong in such situations to dodge the skillshots thanks to the extra movespeed given for the gamemode.

Picking up first wins of the day, I often find myself in the mid lane and putting damage on the mid inner turret only to see one enemy from top and one from bottom join mid lane, meaning I can't do shit except defend until top and bot have also pushed into their own 2nd tier turrets. 1v3 is not going to happen even if I am doing well so early in the game.

Another thing, I tried Tristana yesterday for first wins vs AI URF, and holy rollface, Batman. Permanent Q buff, insane wave clear with E, W to chase and kill...

I was the Trist with Cho vs Warwick and Vlad top lane - http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/2056064950/203699348?tab=overview

Mid lane vs Ryze - http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/2056122471/30008778?tab=overview

These games were 11:35 and 12:05 in length, respectively.

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I'll miss URF. I completely forgot about LoL, so I only played it twice in a whole month. I could barely stand in a pvp using Ahri/Lux, my team pretty much carried the game while I tried not to mess up things too badly (which I did, since I died 6-8 times and killed just once in both games).

Should've tried Tristana out.

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