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I like Cass, but I refunded her a few weeks ago in order two afford LeBlanc and Gangplank when they were both on sale so I thought it was worth it.

Anyone heard about the buffs she's getting later? Turning Twin Fang into single target. AKA best thing ever but it does kind of limit your build. Ryliandries, Manamune, and then I'd say Void Staff but you don't really need it with Sorc Shoes and Liandries.

Flat magic pen is NOT a replacement for % magic pen. Flat magic pen is stronger the less magic resist the target has. % magic pen is stronger the more magic resist the target has.

(Calcs: say the target has 150 magic resist. Therefore, they have 60% magic damage reduction. So the damage dealt is 40% of what it was before damage mitigation. With Void Staff passive, the target's magic resist is reduced to 97.5%, so they have about 50% magic damage reduction, so you deal 50% of your pre-mitigation damage, a 25% increase. In comparison, Haunting Guise passive reduces their magic resist by 15, which is only giving you a ~6% increase in damage.

If the target has only 25 magic resist (or 20% damage reduction), Void Staff passive would reduce their magic resist to 16.25, which is 14% damage reduction. This is only a 7.5% damage increase. Haunting Guise Passive reduces their magic resist to 10, which would be about a 14% damage increase.

Note that flat magic pen scales with magic pen. The lower the target's resistance is, the more effect you get out of flat magic pen. flat magic pen cannot reduce the target's resistance below zero, however. Also, Abyssal Scepter is not magic pen. It's applied before Void Staff passive, for instance, rather than after, so you probably shouldn't build both. However, this also works the other way. The best counter to building flat magic pen items is to build magic resist.)

This is kind of a long post but I find it really annoying how many people misunderstand how magic pen works. Also everything I said also applies to armour.

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Well yeah you gotta adapt depending on who you're fighting. So what items would you go for?

First, look at the other team. Do you see more AD or AP? Second, look at your own teammates. Are you the sole tank, or is someone else gonna help pick up the slack? Third, are you aiming to be an aurabot? Either way, if I'm tank, the first item I grab is Aegis - everyone benefits (my initial buy is usually Emblem of Valor, because I'm an aura freak). Second and on depends on the team comp on both sides (Warden's Mail into something else if I've got a lot of auto-attackers, massive MRES stacking if I see a lot of mages, Sunfire Cape if I plan on being in the middle of everything, etc.) I also snag a Philosopher's Stone if my team doesn't have good gap closers; the extra gold is nice, as is Shurelya's.

EDIT: Raven, you're right, there is a special kind of pity for those who whine in ARAMs. Shyvana couldn't stop doing it. While I'm terrible with Nasus, I managed to get more kills than her. Yeah, we lost, but I didn't feel too bad (it's what happens when the longest AA on our team is Teemo, and their longest is Kog'Maw).

EDIT AGAIN: ONE OF THESE YORDLES IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER. (I got an insanely lucky reroll, and the song on my MP3 player was Only My Railgun)


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Flat magic pen is NOT a replacement for % magic pen. Flat magic pen is stronger the less magic resist the target has. % magic pen is stronger the more magic resist the target has.

(Calcs: say the target has 150 magic resist. Therefore, they have 60% magic damage reduction. So the damage dealt is 40% of what it was before damage mitigation. With Void Staff passive, the target's magic resist is reduced to 97.5%, so they have about 50% magic damage reduction, so you deal 50% of your pre-mitigation damage, a 25% increase. In comparison, Haunting Guise passive reduces their magic resist by 15, which is only giving you a ~6% increase in damage.

If the target has only 25 magic resist (or 20% damage reduction), Void Staff passive would reduce their magic resist to 16.25, which is 14% damage reduction. This is only a 7.5% damage increase. Haunting Guise Passive reduces their magic resist to 10, which would be about a 14% damage increase.

Note that flat magic pen scales with magic pen. The lower the target's resistance is, the more effect you get out of flat magic pen. flat magic pen cannot reduce the target's resistance below zero, however. Also, Abyssal Scepter is not magic pen. It's applied before Void Staff passive, for instance, rather than after, so you probably shouldn't build both. However, this also works the other way. The best counter to building flat magic pen items is to build magic resist.)

This is kind of a long post but I find it really annoying how many people misunderstand how magic pen works. Also everything I said also applies to armour.

Yeah I know, I was just thinking it'd be better to get a Rabadon than a Void Staff with that Cass build if you already have 30 Magic Pen. Unless you want full penetration. AKA how I usually build Elise/LeBlanc.

Also you can usually go full damage as a support in aram as tanks usually prefer to get a Bulwark. As long as you have one on your team it really doesn't matter what else you get.

Meanwhile on list of things I must buy ASAP:


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Psych: IT DEPENDS. See that Lulu build above? Chalice was for skill spamming/MRes (Morgana/Akali/Janna warranted it, IMO), Merc Treads were for the CC (see the three ladies mentioned earlier), Twin Shadows was to keep Vayne/Akali from being invisible, Frozen Heart was to shut down Vayne/MF, and I was going for Aegis to make Darius even more ridiculous. Determine your role in the ARAM (in my case, aurabot), and build for that!

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AD Sona so fun.

I'm going to practice with her more, buy her after this free week's over and try to make her my main support. A good Sona can perform miracles for any team comp.

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I'm not as bad as Caitlyn as I thought I was! Thanks to my team, we won against Ezreal/Karthus (yes, that is a hellish combination). I have Katarina to thank for that; she kept diving Karthus!

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Caitlyn's not my cup of tea (hur hur). While I did well ok her in an ARAM, there's just something about her that doesn't appeal to me. I prefer using Trist or MF.


Augh I fucking love Sona. Just had an ARAM with her and did well.


I believe I've found the next champion on my to-buy list. Shame I missed the Arcade skin on offer, but whatever.

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Yeah I know, I was just thinking it'd be better to get a Rabadon than a Void Staff with that Cass build if you already have 30 Magic Pen. Unless you want full penetration. AKA how I usually build Elise/LeBlanc.

Also you can usually go full damage as a support in aram as tanks usually prefer to get a Bulwark. As long as you have one on your team it really doesn't matter what else you get.

Meanwhile on list of things I must buy ASAP:


You missed the point.

The difference in magic penetration is huge, a death cap would end up being worse than a void staff.

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Sona is an amazing support. Granted i only played bot games but i like what i see. I helped a Vayne, Penta kill, then double kill afterwards, and escape. It was awesome.

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Anyone main/play Kha'Zix often?

Hands down my favourite champ in the game. I saw him a few times in my earlier levels and thought he looked kinda cool with his jump and stuff. I bought him and have always played him since.

Gotta love jumping around everywhere in teamfights :P

3.7 looks to be a nice patch too. I'm happy that they listened to the fans about the custom recommended items. It will be heck of a lot more easier to just base and buy your stuff.

There's also a few balance changes too. Elise got her bonus armour and MR smacked off her with the nerf bat, but to be honest at max rank it is a bit ridiculous (25).

Zac is (finally) getting nerfed too. Honestly that thing is a monster and has such a strong kit.

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Anyone main/play Kha'Zix often?

Hands down my favourite champ in the game. I saw him a few times in my earlier levels and thought he looked kinda cool with his jump and stuff. I bought him and have always played him since.

Gotta love jumping around everywhere in teamfights :P

3.7 looks to be a nice patch too. I'm happy that they listened to the fans about the custom recommended items. It will be heck of a lot more easier to just base and buy your stuff.

There's also a few balance changes too. Elise got her bonus armour and MR smacked off her with the nerf bat, but to be honest at max rank it is a bit ridiculous (25).

Zac is (finally) getting nerfed too. Honestly that thing is a monster and has such a strong kit.

I like Kha' Zix. But my favorite champion is Zed atm.

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Anyone main/play Kha'Zix often?

Hands down my favourite champ in the game. I saw him a few times in my earlier levels and thought he looked kinda cool with his jump and stuff. I bought him and have always played him since.

Gotta love jumping around everywhere in teamfights :P

3.7 looks to be a nice patch too. I'm happy that they listened to the fans about the custom recommended items. It will be heck of a lot more easier to just base and buy your stuff.

There's also a few balance changes too. Elise got her bonus armour and MR smacked off her with the nerf bat, but to be honest at max rank it is a bit ridiculous (25).

Zac is (finally) getting nerfed too. Honestly that thing is a monster and has such a strong kit.

I do and love Kha'zix, although I wouldn't consider him my main (still top 3 played).

IMO he's the most fun ad caster/assassin - the other ones are more onesided (like Talon who is, in addition, pretty weak), while he is versatile.

Most balance changes in this patch are needed, including Zed/Zac/Diana nerfs and buffs for Akali (the nerf before was way too hard).

I'm glad that they finally introduce custom recommended items - especially as Kayle you had to search for your items as all recommended are hybrid/as.

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Yeah. I played a normal game with her last night.

Sona, Shaco, Rengar, Sivir, Lux vs Sivir, Fiora, Teemo, Darius, Gangplank.

They had no jungler, and Rengar 1v2 toplane was not going well, him having ended up with a score of 1/4/4. Lux disconnected for about 5 minutes, giving the enemy an opportunity to push mid hard despite losing in terms of KD. Shaco was doing well with kills but fuck me he's next to useless outside the jungle. They had the pushing power, and we had no tank. There's only so much a support can do. My own score was 5/4/18. Oh yeah, I was the only person to buy wards, too. Figures.

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It's all Teemo's fault. Ahem. . .


1. Clear minions. Leave Valor's targets alone.

2. When Quinn uses E, wait a split second for enemies to converge, then W over her head. Watch in amazement as it works every time.

3. If Quinn uses her ult, make damn well sure yours lands, to make her life easier.

That was a hell of a game.

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sona is so ridiculous in ARAM


plenty of damage

strong AoE ult

auras that make everyone else stronger

the only problem is that even with chalice she has mana issues early on. she consumes so much mana it's silly. i think i'm actually going to start skipping boots and pots and get chalice + mana manipulator, just to be able to spam Aria and Hymn. she heals herself so fast anyway there's no point in buying potions.

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Is it me or does poppy have potential in ARAM? I played with her and managed to shut down a few threat with my ultimate and pinning them to walls. We lost, but it seemed like her immunity to everything is very useful in that map.

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That was a long and frustrating round of ARAMs. Eventually got a team that could help me with the fact that I'm terrible with melee, and we won. Moral of the story: Do NOT piss off Mordekaiser.

(the second moral is don't focus Taric for giggles, especially when he rushes a Warden's Mail)

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Hey someone go take a look at my recent matches and try to tell me you're doing worse.

Oh wait you're not I've lost like 18 out of 20 games in the past week I wish I could call down a rain of angry bees to sting all of you repeatedly ;___;

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**** riot

I go to login (EUW) and see am presented with a 53 minute login.

Challenge accepted. I can pass some time on SF and play some Awakening.

I check back and...

'The server is currently busy'

*sigh* Might as well restart the login...

'Approximate wait time: 48 min'

y u do dis riot

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At one point during that game, I blew all three heals on Quinn. She in turn shredded the enemy team. I honestly think that Nasus would've been better off building tanky instead of damaging, because the rest of his team wasn't doing that.

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