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These champion/skin sales as of late have been, putting it bluntly, shit.

Arcade Sona was the last decent sale, and even then I missed that because I couldn't get Sona in time (without paying RP for her, at least).

Riot need to kinda step it up if they want my money.

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I played as Rumble for the first time last night. So fucking OP. I didn't know he doesn't run off mana. Christ alive.

I love the guy. I bought him previously but sucked with him in laning so I refunded him :P But yesterday I got him in ARAM (F2P) and jesus that ulti is so strong.

When someone initiates and everyone just jumps into the fight, his ulti turns around almost any team fight into your favour. I also laned him on my smurf after that game. Absolutely amazing.

All you need is Liandry's and Rylai's and his ulti does so much fucking damage. If you know where and when to position it, you can win pretty much any team fight.

Gonna have to rebuy him soon... once I bother to get some damn AP runes T_T

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I played as Rumble for the first time last night. So fucking OP. I didn't know he doesn't run off mana. Christ alive.

Start tear on him for his no mana or mana regen start.

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I've got most of the runes I feel I need, so my new focus is getting champions. I have 17 in total now after getting all 450 IP champs and a handful of more expensive ones I really enjoy using. I have no idea who I want next. Maybe Rumble.

A few days ago I was playing as Garen. Nunu top lane is fucking murder. 0k 6d by the time laning phase was over, but from there the teamfights went in our favour. We won it, and I was 7/6 by the end of the game. Blind picks ftl.

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I've got most of the runes I feel I need, so my new focus is getting champions. I have 17 in total now after getting all 450 IP champs and a handful of more expensive ones I really enjoy using. I have no idea who I want next. Maybe Rumble.

A few days ago I was playing as Garen. Nunu top lane is fucking murder. 0k 6d by the time laning phase was over, but from there the teamfights went in our favour. We won it, and I was 7/6 by the end of the game. Blind picks ftl.

Nunu such a cheesy 1v1 :(

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It took three games. . .but I think I'm learning how to initiate as Alistar better. We lost, but damn if my team wasn't the coolest thing ever!

(Rumble is cool, but has a line to stand behind. . .a LONG line)

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With no mana to sustain, Rumble can build lots of AP with some HP, AR and MR,

Liandry's, Rylai's, Abyssal and Zhonya's. With a Deathcap to top it off.

I think he's my next buy. I need to widen my top lane pool beyond Garen and Vi.

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I just played Ziggs for the first time. I SAID I do this if we won, so. . .

Props to my team for knowing who to focus, and when! They were awesome!

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So, Korean server has had the same problem for a week that the EUW server has had for about month. People who have tried to login to the KR server between 23rd May and 30th May gets 10 IP boosts and Silent Night Sona skin (and champion if not owned).

EUW gets nothing.

Fuck me, right?

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I hope the EUW thing gets resolved!

On another note, I have the worst luck with Vayne. Yes, I'm bad. Constant 4v5 won't make me a better player! I seriously need to learn how to initiate with her on ARAM, because the rest of my team didn't notice that the other side had better poke.

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Silent Night Sona

They don't even sell that shit any more (limited edition), yet KR get it for a week of problems EUW have had for near a month. Riot's treatment towards EUW is unacceptable.

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You could always just put in a support and passive aggresively tell them that EUW should get Sona/Silent Night Sona too

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I believe that the problems on the Korean server were actually going on for closer to two months now. They just chose that week to be the one that gets Silent Night Sona for whatever reason.

Also when you consider differences in culture and the significance of online games there, the Korean server being mucked up is a much bigger deal overall.

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That's true, as told by this report on Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/league-of-legends-server-problems-are-pissing-off-korea-471993989

The problems seem to be with nearly every server other than NA. If there's a problem on NA servers everyone knows about it and it's dealt with as soon as possible, people get free shit. Yet it's taken this long for them to finally award other servers compensation of sorts (and still not having fixed the problems), while all EUW gets is excuses, hollow apologies and instructions to fix the problem (which don't work for most people) when it's the fault of the servers they are using, ultimately brushing everyone off their shoulders with "we're still working on it." Truly unprofessional.

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Yeah, I agree that they certainly aren't handling this the best, I was just pointing out that it wasn't just Korea getting compensation for a lesser problem.

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Yeah, it's a bit of a piss take.

They never really update anything. Whenever I can't login, I check the server status. I've never seen them change it at all. Maybe once. That's it :/

I see a crap ton of people posting about login issues on the forums, yet it takes days for a single post from Riot :/

They really need to step it up. If they can deal with NA and KR servers so fast, why can't we get ours fixed in a similar amount of time?

**** riot

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I've had a huge string of ARAMs where someone(s) have not shown up at all. One was a 3v5, and I felt really sorry for the opposing team. In another game, half the players were kicked out in the middle of the match. What's going on?

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wow i'm really liking leona

i wouldn't have thought so since she's kind of not my style as a support but she's actually really good

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Btw raven riot has said they do plan on giving you guys something but they haven't said what they plan on giving you yet.

I don't think KR shoulda got Silent night sona though. -.-"

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I just hope whatever EUW gets EUNE gets, but I don't really care about the skin since SN Sona is usually available at Christmas or whatever. I just hope they treat the EU servers equally.

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I just hope whatever EUW gets EUNE gets, but I don't really care about the skin since SN Sona is usually available at Christmas or whatever. I just hope they treat the EU servers equally.

No it's not.

It was a limited edition skin that was available once and never again since then. And that was available like 3 years ago.

Frankly the fact that Korea got it pisses me off. EU should have had this hit handled a long time ago. And why does Korea always have good stuff given to them period. They had a thing where you could get a legendary skin for free once. Seriously. -.-"

Edited by Shinori
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