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I'm surprised you got so many kills considering you didn't buy a AD-heavy item like Bloodthirster (or whatever the equivalent's name is on ARAM) or Infinity Edge.

I think it's safe to say Tristana is my go-to champion should I end up in the ADC position.

Kog's W and BotRK makes for very painful percentage based damage (it's worse as the enemies are weaker, but eh, my job is to spray as much as possible, which is what I did).

Just had my first game as Warwick. I started off dying every few seconds, then got a Bulwark for my team, which gave them the durability to kill stuff. Meanwhile, I kept building tanky, and somehow we won that. I think the worst part of that entire game was that I had more kills than MF.

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Thank goodness!

Believe it or not, Vayne cries. Her tears are pink and sell for 250G in ARAM. I may not have had a spectacular game, but damned if I didn't get her low enough for everyone else to finish (fail Tristy right here, folks).

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In PBE they've changed Jayce's acceleration gate's cooldown to 16 seconds at all levels.


true, but with the manamune/tear changes where form switches like elise/jayce/nid not counting for stacks and it's now 2 charges per 8 seconds instead of one every 3 seconds makes me question how much this patch is going to hurt him

in other news i really question my riends when one of them wants to do morgana jungle because "her spellvamp passive works with smite and if you land q you have good ganks"

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Jayce needed taming.

Edit: In other news, I've never been involved in such a hard curbstomping in ARAM before:


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(he grabbed an Oracle's, which helped to counter a lot of Teemo shrooms, which I think helped us to win)

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Today, I learned what never to do as Jarvan, and that is use his ult on a Cho at full health. Especially when Cho has his ult up. Jarvan tastes like bear meat.

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Lol that panth support (assuming it is) right in the middle of it XD. Also if the Ultimate Skin is really fo Udyr and he changes into the respective animal for each skill I'm so going to try and get Udyr + that skin when it comes out.

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yeah, it is panth support. solo queue is about winning your lane and panth can really help your adc snowball with his earlygame strengths

I should try unconventional supports sometime. Panth support seems like fun... Mid needs help? Be there in like 2 seconds.

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I just bought Tryndamere so I decided to use him vs AI to get my first win of the day.


You should've seen him back when AP Tryndamere was broken. Unkillable as all hell.

Fortunately, as a Nasus main I still gave pretty much zero F's.

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7380 IP for 9 Greater Marks of Hybrid Pen... FUUUCK. I have over 9000 IP but ugh. So expensive.

They are worth it, if you play the right champions. Not like I have anything better do with 130.000 IP.

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and yeah i will undoubtedly use them at some point. I just need more rune pages because I only have 4. Maybe I'll replace my support page with it. I rarely use it, and I'd rather adc, jungle or top anyway.

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I find Pickpocket and with extension Hybrid Pen not that useful on some supports, but if you really want to use them then I would take them with Zyra, Nami, Thresh, Soraka, and maybe Nasus/Gangplank/Annie.

Zyra has great animations, Soraka has few other options for harrassing, Nami and Thresh have skills that encourage them autoing, Gangplank has his passive with Parrrley and Annie has great range. Nasus might prefer pure M Pen though.

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AAAAAHHHH!!!! If Poppy has Diplomatic Immunity up, and she didn't target you, then FFS stop trying to wail on her! I swear this caused me to die more than a few times (since I ignored her, went after just about everyone else, and died because the rest of my team was wasting their time chasing her).

EDIT: Speaking of stuff that should be learned. . .


0-5 early does not mean defeat.

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I'm wondering, manypeople say vayne is very squishy... but wouldn't you be able to deal a lot of damage with a tank vayne with attack speed? Her W is rather insane with her percent true damage.

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7380 IP for 9 Greater Marks of Hybrid Pen... FUUUCK. I have over 9000 IP but ugh. So expensive.

I know the feeling. I bought those to help master my Singed. Buying Lifesteal and Movespeed Quints was a doozy too. (Rune prices are so strange.)

I'm wondering, manypeople say vayne is very squishy... but wouldn't you be able to deal a lot of damage with a tank vayne with attack speed? Her W is rather insane with her percent true damage.

Bruiser Vayne is certainly a thing, though I prefer her as ADC largely because of her ridiculous lategame damage =D.

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AAAAAHHHH!!!! If Poppy has Diplomatic Immunity up, and she didn't target you, then FFS stop trying to wail on her! I swear this caused me to die more than a few times (since I ignored her, went after just about everyone else, and died because the rest of my team was wasting their time chasing her).

EDIT: Speaking of stuff that should be learned. . .


0-5 early does not mean defeat.




that shear combo my god

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