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Server lag is, like, one of those things that are outside of the player's control. :P:

disconnects are always because Riot hates me

Summertime makes for fun fun latency spikes and all that...even on NA D:.

I feel really bad for EUW though.

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On that note, I don't know how to fucking Ryze. Every time I get him in ARAM I digress.

Snare someone and unload. Abuse his passive, and if it's a defensive item that adds to your mana pool, and the situation calls for it, go berserk.

I just got out of the craziest game as Graves. I honestly did NOT think we'd win that (enemy Varus penta does that). I still don't know how we won. . .but we did.

EDIT: Highlight of that game for me was killing Sivir with a Smoke Grenade.

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On that note, I don't know how to fucking Ryze. Every time I get him in ARAM I digress.

Don't worry. I have no idea how to play Ryze either. Played mid against a Fizz and got owned.

Snare someone and unload. Abuse his passive, and if it's a defensive item that adds to your mana pool, and the situation calls for it, go berserk.

I just got out of the craziest game as Graves. I honestly did NOT think we'd win that (enemy Varus penta does that). I still don't know how we won. . .but we did.

EDIT: Highlight of that game for me was killing Sivir with a Smoke Grenade.

Varus Sivir

Wow I hope they had some tanks ;o

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Wow I hope they had some tanks ;o

Full teams: Tryndamere/Warwick/Sona/Riven/Graves versus Trundle/Zilean/Nidalee/Varus/Sivir

Their tank was Trundle.

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So much AD. Who was their support?

ARAM, so no support on their end. I, uh, may have cheated and got a Randuin's to spite Varus. :P:

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Played a couple matches today. They were truly amazing.

[spoiler=Match One - I was the Nasus]ez6Sbe9.png

[spoiler=Match Two was ranked - Duo Queue was Jarvan]kMaDhCo.png

Also managed to record both, so I have .lrf files and vods

How did this happen? Rengar never left fountain!


Wow they must've been inordinately bad.

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Wow they must've been inordinately bad.

After a bit more staring, I figured it out. Instead of going tank, Thresh went lolAD - not necessarily a bad choice, but it's bad when there's no other proper tank. Riven's itemized like a ranged carry - again, not necessarily bad, but no BC against two tanks is asking for trouble. I wouldn't know what a proper Nidalee build looks like, so lol. Fiddlesticks has Berserker's Greaves and Lich Bane - the latter belongs on Fizz. For Fiddles to auto, he needs to be close, which means that he's in range of Teemo shitting all over him. The Grail/Book combo is nice for a full 40% CDR, but I think I would've put a Spirit Visage over one of them - it would improve his "stand and heal", and it would screw over everyone on my team. Nasus went glassy - not always a bad thing, but when your team lacks tanks, it's not pretty.

Our team consisted of an Udyr that went full tank with Randuin's, me who went aura tank with a bit of AP for better R-W combos, Lissandra who grabbed an Abyssal Scepter (which benefits her/Teemo), and Teemo who stacked AP like no tomorrow. If I had a chance to do something with Kage's Lucky Pick, it would've turned into Twin Shadows - it gives me AP/MR, a bit of movement, and a way to punish people who think it's funny to kite Udyr/Taric. Taric naturally radiates defense, which I think really helped against Thresh/Riven (since the only armor pen they had between the two of them was a Brutalizer).

Gameplay-wise, the enemy team didn't really rush us down - Lissandra was doing most of the initiation with her E-W or E-R (self) combos. I'd stun whoever wasn't stuck, and then it was clean-up.

Now, for those games. . .why does Elise in the first game have Frozen Heart? I'm confused!

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So yeah that Spirit Guard Udyr. Too bad I:

don't want to spend any more money on LoL for a while

have never used Udyr

don't even own Udyr

But fuck I'm jealous my mains don't have anything even half as cool as this.


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I was really hoping for Pulsefire Teemo Lee Sin ultimate skin and for Spiritguard Udyr to be a legendary skin (since the Rioters kept dropping hints about it Spiritguard Udyr)

After a bit more staring, I figured it out...

I didn't actually look to hard, but I went back and found some issues too.

  • Thresh going full AD is legit, but he should've built tanky or at least some defensive stats.
  • Riven should never, under any circumstance, build attack speed, of which her entire item build consists of. Also would've helped to go tanky too.
  • Nidalee's build was okay, but she really should've built some CDR.
  • Fiddlesticks should not have built Lich Bane or Berserkers but instead opted to stack magic pen and/or build a Zhonya's or Abyssal Scepter or equivalent items.
  • AP Nasus is legit, but going Deathcap is just lolzy. Same for Void Staff. (Needed way more defense)
Now, for those games. . .why does Elise in the first game have Frozen Heart? I'm confused!

I'm pretty sure it was because I was getting fed and she needed some Armor or something. I got most of the kills midgame and lategame though and Ashe certainly wasn't doing much.

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I'm actually Super excited for that udyr skin~ He's been one of my favorites in the past and gives me an excuse to try to be a good jungler. XD Right now it's my worst role, Lol.

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I was really hoping for Pulsefire Teemo Lee Sin ultimate skin and for Spiritguard Udyr to be a legendary skin (since the Rioters kept dropping hints about it Spiritguard Udyr)

I didn't actually look to hard, but I went back and found some issues too.

  • Thresh going full AD is legit, but he should've built tanky or at least some defensive stats.

I don't understand why Thresh would want to build like an ADC. Yes building AD on him is fine, but the one time I've played AD Thresh I just stacked bloodthirsters. He wants pure AD to burst things down with his E passive, otherwise he's just a bad adc.

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I'm actually Super excited for that udyr skin~ He's been one of my favorites in the past and gives me an excuse to try to be a good jungler. XD Right now it's my worst role, Lol.

he can also be played top lane. hell, he can be played mid lane

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Now, for those games. . .why does Elise in the first game have Frozen Heart? I'm confused!

To answer this specifically at higher levels of play generally Elise will just build MAg pen + cdr and tankie.

Frozen heart gives her all the armor she needs + 20% cdr and free mana + a good passive.

It's a great item on her in plenty of situations.

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