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actually they sound rather simmilar in the way they speak to me though i think the german one is missing a few lines.

And if you want to hear a really bad german voice over

And a imo really good one; not that she has multiple emotes for her skills opposed to the english version

But im gald to have the english voices back ^^

Edit: OMG i just listened to Korean Ahri's voices (popstar Ahri has a new VO) and i think it's not save to link them here as it would probably violate the rules, lol XD

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Small alert guys: Don't do your placements....just don't do them yet.

In OCE, hilariously all challenger and diamond-level players got placed in Plat #1 at first. Including my friend, who was challenger. Of course, high LP gains and all, so climbing isn't too annoying for him.

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Probably your MMR or you lost a significant portion of your placement matches.

Also that CLG vs CRS match was easily the best match played in the LCS. (totally not biased)

I have horrible mmr, and I only went 6-4 lulz.


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Aww man where did you end up D:?

I didn't do them because I realized how pointless it was atm.

Why exactly? I did them already.

Because of the following:

  • Maximum known placement at the moment is Platinum 1 (mentioned). This means that even lower ranks may get affected since Platinum 1 is essentially considered the equivalent of Challenger or high Diamond thanks to how standard deviation of ELO works, causing people to place lower than they might in reality.
  • Once MMR standard deviation increases (since the soft reset puts the standard deviation at the lowest possible for the season), the maximum rank placement should also increase, meaning if you were at a high ELO originally, you have a better chance of placing there again. (However, if Riot decides to just keep this hard cap...*sigh*).
  • MMR for some reason isn't changed that much (if at all) during placements. This means if you place low from a high MMR, you will still be matched against high MMR. This is great for LP climbing but absolutely sucky for promotion series.
  • Because of the early season, anxiety is at its maximum, meaning toxicity follows leaving a trail of losses in its wake. Heavens forbid that Reddit is exploding over this, which is probably proof enough.

In short - it's advantageous to wait. If you manage to place high Platinum and grind from there - that's great. However, I'll wait and see if I get back in to Diamond or if I have to grind to earn my spot again.

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Because of the following:

  • Maximum known placement at the moment is Platinum 1 (mentioned). This means that even lower ranks may get affected since Platinum 1 is essentially considered the equivalent of Challenger or high Diamond thanks to how standard deviation of ELO works, causing people to place lower than they might in reality.
  • Once MMR standard deviation increases (since the soft reset puts the standard deviation at the lowest possible for the season), the maximum rank placement should also increase, meaning if you were at a high ELO originally, you have a better chance of placing there again. (However, if Riot decides to just keep this hard cap...*sigh*).
  • MMR for some reason isn't changed that much (if at all) during placements. This means if you place low from a high MMR, you will still be matched against high MMR. This is great for LP climbing but absolutely sucky for promotion series.
  • Because of the early season, anxiety is at its maximum, meaning toxicity follows leaving a trail of losses in its wake. Heavens forbid that Reddit is exploding over this, which is probably proof enough.

In short - it's advantageous to wait. If you manage to place high Platinum and grind from there - that's great. However, I'll wait and see if I get back in to Diamond or if I have to grind to earn my spot again.

I don't see the advantage in waiting when you lose practice in the meanwhile - just my opinion, but I can't take normals serious. In addition I expect the hardcap to stay.

Heh, but elo doesn't matter that much to me anyway - I want to get back to the ultimate troll elo and enjoy my support GP and full ap jungle Blitz.

On eu-west at least the anxiety doesn't matter, flaming and insults are part of our culture.

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Well on that last one, it's mostly about the increased prevalence. Ranked is a toxic wasteland in general anyways, but has varying degrees. Also, I'm finding some time to practice while I can. I'm only going to give this a brief amount of time before joining the fray (the last time I stayed out it was because League of Cleavers, lol). By then I can confirm whether the Plat 1 is indeed a hard cap (which makes no sense).

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I haven't really had a chance to find myself in the right state of mind to play any ranked games. It definitely won't be today or tomorrow considering I am in work until the evening and then the EU LCS starts. Maybe this weekend will be my chance to play some ranked.

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I just won a game as first time jungel Karma with no preparation (almost died twice on first clear and jungle is by far my weakest position) and we had a teemo with revive and tp top, and all lanes kinda lost early and bot fed first bloob .. and tbh i have NO idea how we won this (ok it was one decideing tf at the end) and well, dem Season 4 comebacks :D

And i love troll games :D

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So a 6v6 mode on summoner's rift is avaliable on PBE and will be the next featured game mode. source


I think it will be a pretty cool and different experiance but sadly my toaster already cannot handle normal teamfights very well so yeah ;_;

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> first bloob


And yeah, interesting game mode. Haven't even gotten myself a penta on summoner's rift yet. But the mode itself sounds like fun.

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