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the support role is also for noobs. unless youre playing zyra or karma ofc, they're hardcore.

Or unless you're Braum, and support your way to OP levels

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Brothers and Sisters, let us read a passage from the Book of Dong at this time

[spoiler= The Book of Dong]

Book of Dong
Our Scarra, who art in heaven, dognitas be thy name, thy donger come, thy dong be done, in LoL as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bowflex, and forgive us of our #heimermechanics, as we forgive those who #heimermechanic against us, and lead us not into FrankerZ , but deliver us from Odee.
Praise the Lord and everlasting Scarra, praise his son Qtpie, our savior, and praise the holy dong, it flows through us all and gives us life. For without the dong, man would not have conquered the bowflex, and the world would be lost to FrankerZ
At the table, Qtpie took the bread, gave thanks and said "take this all of you, this is my body, it has been given up for you. Do this in memory of me." When supper was finished, Qtpie took the cup, gave thanks and said, "take this and drink from it, this is my blood, it has been shed for you and for all so that your sins may be forgiven, do this in memory of me."
And when Qtpie looked upon summoners rift and, behold, it was corrupt; for the FrankerZ had corrupted his way on the rift.
(Book of Dong 6:12)
And Qtpie said to Scarra, "The end of all minions is to come before me; for the rift is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the dong."
(Book of Dong 6:13)
And so Scarra said that it was to rain for 40 days and 40 nights, so Qtpie gathered up all of the dongers, FrankerZ's and bowflexes, and he build himself a great ship, an arc, and it was where he would save dognitas from the calamity.
(Chissoff/Neurotoxin13 4:20)
No one believed in my dong, but when I raised it, QTpie saw it and found a shred of potential in it. Then he believed. And all the others did as well. QTpie believes, and now so do I. I shall climb these mountains of Gold, destroy those Platinum plebs, and then, and only then, my dong will be strong and hard. As a diamond.

Edited by Eail
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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was placed in B1 back in S3, I was lucky enough to fly up the ladder and beat the promos first try. Now in S4, I'm 6/3 in placements and don't feel like playing the last game because I probably won't play one ranked game a month to stop the LP decay.

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When I was placed in B1 back in S3, I was lucky enough to fly up the ladder and beat the promos first try. Now in S4, I'm 6/3 in placements and don't feel like playing the last game because I probably won't play one ranked game a month to stop the LP decay.

If you play that one game a month and treat it as a normal, you'd be fine, seeing as there are no consequences to losing it (IE you can't fall back into Bronze.)

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oh my GOD, just played all but two of my placement matches in a span of 16 hours and i'm exhausted.

I was queuing with my silver 3 friend/s for placements, was on a good 4 win streak then lost the next 3, I was sure I was gonna end up in Silver and was getting really annoyed with my friend. So I solo queued my last one and achieved Gold IV. Went 6-4, which is the score I've gotten for the past seasons, minus S1 of course.

Guess i'll make it my goal to be Plat this season, started from Bronze and progressed to a new div each season.

Might level my smurf in NA over the holidays, the grind to 30 is obnoxiously long from what I remember though god damn.

Edited by Alb
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I want Lucian... Saving IP sucks dick. But I'll grind it out eventually. He is next on my list of champions to buy.

While we're at it, the champions I have used so far in my 9 ranked games this season:

Jinx - W1-L1

Malphite - W1-L0

Shyvana - W1-L1

Thresh - W1-L0

Vi - W2-L1

This doesn't mean to say I'm at all comfortable on Thresh and Malphite. I picked Malphite because the Sejuani jungler tempted me to pick something that would synergise well with her ult, and went with the safer tanky option. And I picked Thresh once only because I was pigeonholed into supporting, being last pick at the time.

And these are the champions I want to get:

Lucian - Fucking monster ADC. Current main ADC is Jinx, or Caitlyn if Jinx is not available.

Twitch - More viable ADC options. Plus I enjoyed using him during free week.

Ziggs - Need more than just Lux and Riven for mid if I ever somehow don't get my preferred top, adc or jungle position.

Leona - Extra support to go beyond Thresh and Braum. You never know when you're going to get pigeonholed into supporting.

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I want Lucian... Saving IP sucks dick. But I'll grind it out eventually. He is next on my list of champions to buy.

While we're at it, the champions I have used so far in my 9 ranked games this season:

Jinx - W1-L1

Malphite - W1-L0

Shyvana - W1-L1

Thresh - W1-L0

Vi - W2-L1

This doesn't mean to say I'm at all comfortable on Thresh and Malphite. I picked Malphite because the Sejuani jungler tempted me to pick something that would synergise well with her ult, and went with the safer tanky option. And I picked Thresh once only because I was pigeonholed into supporting, being last pick at the time.

And these are the champions I want to get:

Lucian - Fucking monster ADC. Current main ADC is Jinx, or Caitlyn if Jinx is not available.

Twitch - More viable ADC options. Plus I enjoyed using him during free week.

Ziggs - Need more than just Lux and Riven for mid if I ever somehow don't get my preferred top, adc or jungle position.

Leona - Extra support to go beyond Thresh and Braum. You never know when you're going to get pigeonholed into supporting.

you could also try taric for support. cheaper than Leona and maybe not as good, but he still works pretty well as a suport.

Alternatively you could try one of the ap mages as supports, like morgana. A little more risky, but with the gold support she is pretty good.

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It's weird, when I'm with my friends i'm usually playing jungle, I played at least 300 games with them since they started a year ago, I suppose I feel like I can babysit all over the map or get myself fed. When I'm ranked I tend to do better or at least prefer ADC (Tristana is my most played this season, Varus the last), in fact I tend to hate playing ADC with my friends and my track record is horrible with them despite getting matched with lower silvers.

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I don't understand the necessity for a team jungle....can someone explain to me the big deal about it?

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it allows you to have 4 players with complete access to an income point(the three lanes and the jungle), whereas if you duo top you either have 2 underfarmed top laners, or you have 1 farmed top laner and a second support. The jungle gold/.exp gets wasted, and no smite means no buff/dragon/baron control/steal potential. Also a jungler can gank a lane that is behind or force an even lane ahead by ganking.

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Isn't it better to have a second laner to intimidate/push back the other team though?

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A second top laner applies pressure to top lane. A jungler applies pressure to all 3 lanes, because the enemy team can't see them 90% of the time so they always need to be prepared to have them show up and start a fight.

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Riot is so full of ****. They neglect balance often enough and everyone is used to it, but holy shit, Cassio script shouldn't be possible and if they can't fix it, the champ has to be disabled. At least they have fun swimming in their money pool.

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Riot is so full of ****. They neglect balance often enough and everyone is used to it, but holy shit, Cassio script shouldn't be possible and if they can't fix it, the champ has to be disabled. At least they have fun swimming in their money pool.

The Cass script has been dead for a long time now, as I recall.

I don't understand the necessity for a team jungle....can someone explain to me the big deal about it?

Objective control, and access to another income stream. 2 guys top makes any fight for dragon a 4v3 and almost a guarantee for the 4 team. A near certainty if one team has smite and the other doesn't.

2v1ing against a lot of champions doesnt really accomplish much, and then the other lanes know they can do whatever they want in lane because there's no threat of them being ganked by a jungler. Meanwhile, the two guys in a duo lane fall behind in EXP and gold as the guy they're 2v1ing plays it safe.

Edited by Siuloir
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hmm...I might try that out then. I think I see the team benefit to it. My weeks of Ryze training might not be appropriate for Jungling though. My recent Irelia purchase might not be either. Would someone like Taric or Jaxx, or WuKong suffice better than ranged ADC/APC?

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hmm...I might try that out then. I think I see the team benefit to it. My weeks of Ryze training might not be appropriate for Jungling though. My recent Irelia purchase might not be either. Would someone like Taric or Jaxx, or WuKong suffice better than ranged ADC/APC?

Wukong is a solid jungler.

Jax CAN jungle but is better as a toplaner.

Jungle Taric was good for a couple months mid S3, it's probably not that great now. I haven't seen/tried it.

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Jax was actually a really strong jungler just recently during the Feral Flare being stupidly op months. He's back to average now though.

Wukong is good, definitely. He still draws bans in Ranked because of his jungling and teamfighting ability.

All Ranged ADC/APC are difficult jungles at best, with the exception of Fiddlesticks.

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