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Glad I managed that. The build was purely for removing minions As soon as possible. Someone placed a ward at enemy blue at some point. i warped in on it, and put a ward against the the outside of the wall of the enemy base, between mid and bot inhib. I warped in on that multiple times to destroy Inhibs, and in the end, I managed to backdoor as soon as the enemy team left base, killing the nexus before the could react. I was rather pleased.

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depending on timing/etc you can sign me up for the doomy bots of doom crew if you don't mind me "being bronze" and being terrible (plus china ping and not having played in months)

Edited by CT075
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Alright guys, thanks~! Uh, let's see if I've got a window of time somewhere? If I see any of you on, I'll bug ya~!

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So now that my smurf is (finally) at 20 and I've gotten runes, I've noticed the huge power spike it gives and it...kind of bothers me for a few reasons. I personally have been against the rune system due to the forced grind, price disparities, the issues it associates with IP (something I wrote on my blog ages ago), and the "raw stats" that apparently some members of the RIot balance team admits is poor/detestable design (see Morello on Irelia, various statements on Yasuo, etc).

Today this popped up in my sub box (yes, I know it's Totalbiscuit, but he brings up some good points).

So this brings me to a question (again) about what people think about the rune system...

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Hate it.

As if champions weren't disgustingly epesnsive as it is and ip difficult to farm efficiently enough, you need to spend enough IP on a bunch of runes that are even more expensive than champs (i'm looking at you hybrid runes >_>) to make sure your character doesn't fall squat on his face. Oh and to be most optimal you need to buy like 3 rune pages for an ungodly amount of ip. Unless you make generic pages which is fine, but not the best case scenario.

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If they disappeared I'd be happy.

Just give me my IP back that I've already spent on them. And the RP that I've spent on rune pages.

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I like it and prefer to keep runes - it's not much, but there is variety.

I didn't mind the "forced" grind as I play quite a lot and actually enjoyed having some kind of progression and customization. Matchmaking is there to prevent too great power disparity (as you shouldn't have to play against someone with 2000+ wins when you have 70 yourself).

I got 213000 IP, 20 Runepages, all champions and all the viable runes - I need new ways to spend IP ;_;

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I love the rune system and can't imagine playing the game without it. All champions starting out with the same stats regardless of who's playing them besides masteries? Doesn't make sense to me. I tailored my rune pages to the champions I play, and they are unique to every player (sort of, obviously there are optimal pages). And about having to spend loads of IP on runes... I've played many champions over the course of a year using only 4 rune pages, that I change according to what champions I like at the time. I literally still only use 4 rune pages (lol idk why though) that are generic enough to be used across all roles. Not all champions need a unique rune page. They either want ad/cdr, ad/as/ls, ap/cdr, or just as. That covers pretty much everything damage-wise (support pages lol what). The AS one used to be tailored for kayle and include AP and pen or something (cdr too?) but I stopped playing her a while ago and got into the feral flare hype, hence the AS page. Still good for many champions (like kayle. anyone who has extra on hit damage is great with it, such as Yi or Irelia).

Anyway it just adds uniqueness and a bit of an extra edge to players who are smart enough to think about which stats they want to put on their champions that they play the most. Doesn't require much IP to get the important runes and like 2 extra pages either, once you get the most common runes you pretty much don't have to buy anymore (ad/ap/as, armor, MR/cdr, whatever quints). Pretty much all my runes right there. sorry for poorly capitalized wall

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Honestly I'd rather they remove them and just buff champion health/armor/MR/attack damage and maybe give more MPen/Attack Speed item options. Most stats you get through runes aren't huge bonuses except in early game where they can simply buff base states.

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I love the rune system and can't imagine playing the game without it. All champions starting out with the same stats regardless of who's playing them besides masteries? Doesn't make sense to me. I tailored my rune pages to the champions I play, and they are unique to every player (sort of, obviously there are optimal pages). And about having to spend loads of IP on runes... I've played many champions over the course of a year using only 4 rune pages, that I change according to what champions I like at the time. I literally still only use 4 rune pages (lol idk why though) that are generic enough to be used across all roles. Not all champions need a unique rune page. They either want ad/cdr, ad/as/ls, ap/cdr, or just as. That covers pretty much everything damage-wise (support pages lol what). The AS one used to be tailored for kayle and include AP and pen or something (cdr too?) but I stopped playing her a while ago and got into the feral flare hype, hence the AS page. Still good for many champions (like kayle. anyone who has extra on hit damage is great with it, such as Yi or Irelia).

Anyway it just adds uniqueness and a bit of an extra edge to players who are smart enough to think about which stats they want to put on their champions that they play the most. Doesn't require much IP to get the important runes and like 2 extra pages either, once you get the most common runes you pretty much don't have to buy anymore (ad/ap/as, armor, MR/cdr, whatever quints). Pretty much all my runes right there. sorry for poorly capitalized wall

"Doesn't require much"? Perhaps if you spend RP to fill your champ roster. For those of us that don't, 6300 IP isn't exactly trivial (that's the price of a single rune page when not on special, IIRC).

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I got a 241 rune deal, which was good, four pages is plenty atm.

Picked up Ahri today, very fun champion to use and suits my play style. My flatmate told me to try fizz at first, but I didn't like the way he played. After getting adept at ahri i'll probably pick up thresh.

Oh and yay back in Silver IV

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I got a 241 rune deal, which was good, four pages is plenty atm.

Picked up Ahri today, very fun champion to use and suits my play style. My flatmate told me to try fizz at first, but I didn't like the way he played. After getting adept at ahri i'll probably pick up thresh.

Oh and yay back in Silver IV

IMO it was the better choice - Ahri is more difficult to play, but she's overall stronger and more useful for the team while Fizz's all-in playstyle often puts him in unfavorable situations.

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...What's wrong with that Roxas? I don't see anything.

Unless you're referring to the fact all of them are in game and you have no one to play with. And well, I'm free.

Edited by Fateborn
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...What's wrong with that Roxas? I don't see anything.

Unless you're referring to the fact all of them are in game and you have no one to play with. And well, I'm free.


but it's okay, I found people. :^)

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This match was a thing

My team wouldn't stop fighting the entire match, the enemy had 5 kills by the six minute mark and it just kept getting worse and worse. The Sejuani build is the best part

I need out of this hell

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I managed a couple of Doom Bots, but my finger hurts way too much to continue. They'd better bring this back in the future, because that was hilariously fun!

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