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I keep getting booted when I'm watching games, and after a few minutes, it says that the game ended without a result (yeah, 11 minutes into an ARAM).

EDIT: About time that Akali's splash got updated! Here's hoping Shen is next!

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I feel like they might VU shen before they give him new art. IIRC, they didn't like how his tank-ness wasn't that apparent and how it didn't fit a Ninja. They might TU Kennen and give him a new splash though, he isn't that bad.


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still waiting for the inevitable kha mid meta

it's that broken.

I won't tell you how.


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Once again, NA has a shadow of EUW server difficulties. ;/

In other news, I'm not sure why Varus is in the "beginner" list for free champions. He's a ton of fun to play, though~! I wanna get to my Vayne~!

EDIT: Unless my installation is THAT messed up. But I kinda doubt that.

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- Your Malzahar is floating around at half health, and there's three members of the enemy team closing in. You're Volibear (support, no less), and you're at full health. What do you do?

(hint: RUN LIKE A WIMP will get Malzahar killed. . .and guess what that Volibear did)

Not enough context. If running into three enemy champions is going to feed them another free kill, ALWAYS leave your teammate behind. Feeding the enemy a free kill because someone else is in danger is a very common occurrence in low elo because of thinking like yours. They think that running away while someone else is getting gangbanged is "rude" and "wimpy" when in reality it is doing your team a favor by staying alive to get stronger and not making the enemy even more strong. It also prevents the enemy from taking objectives and establishing pressure and denying your other teammates. The fact that the bronzie who died might flame a person for preserving their own life when they are getting swamped (ie: wow report this n00b voli no help) encourages this counterproductive thinking, and you need to break that mindset if you want to climb. In higher divisions people always escape from danger if someone else's chances of surviving are slim, and no one will ever blame you for it, unless there was a clear way you could save them (you have hard cc, which voli doesn't, or you could fight them which voli can't, or you have a lantern or they are lee sin or something which malzahar isn't). I can barely imagine a scenario where a Volibear could save a low health Malz from three enemies, regardless of his health. But then I didn't see what happened. Although I could've misunderstood you, maybe you're saying running away was the right thing xD. I'm just trying to teach

- You are in chat, and call top (this time, in a normal game). Someone else says "No, I'm top, and STFU", then proceeds to pick Katarina. How hard do you facepalm?

(this was Katarina vs. Riven, and it ended as badly as you think it did for Kat)

Not at all. In normals I don't care if someone picks jungle blitzcrank or AD malzahar, that's literally the only reason blind normals exist for me xD. You can do whatever the hell you want in normal mode that's the beauty of it. Where else are you gonna learn Zed support? Play ranked if you wanna see meta picks and learn the game, it won't bite. And Kat top is perfectly viable actually challenger player Tiensi no Akuma plays it all the time, and she couldn't have known she was against Riven, my condolences to her though lol. edit: oh maybe this was draft pick? in that case that's pretty troll that they took your lane after you already chose your champ but hey it happens, you get jerks sometimes :/. still not a bad pick tho and it's ok if someone wants to practice kat vs riven in a normal, tiensi can do it in challenger so why not :D could be mid riven too

also azir looks awesome, can't wait to play him! @.@

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Not enough context. If running into three enemy champions is going to feed them another free kill, ALWAYS leave your teammate behind. Feeding the enemy a free kill because someone else is in danger is a very common occurrence in low elo because of thinking like yours. They think that running away while someone else is getting gangbanged is "rude" and "wimpy" when in reality it is doing your team a favor by staying alive to get stronger and not making the enemy even more strong. It also prevents the enemy from taking objectives and establishing pressure and denying your other teammates. The fact that the bronzie who died might flame a person for preserving their own life when they are getting swamped (ie: wow report this n00b voli no help) encourages this counterproductive thinking, and you need to break that mindset if you want to climb. In higher divisions people always escape from danger if someone else's chances of surviving are slim, and no one will ever blame you for it, unless there was a clear way you could save them (you have hard cc, which voli doesn't, or you could fight them which voli can't, or you have a lantern or they are lee sin or something which malzahar isn't). I can barely imagine a scenario where a Volibear could save a low health Malz from three enemies, regardless of his health. But then I didn't see what happened. Although I could've misunderstood you, maybe you're saying running away was the right thing xD. I'm just trying to teach

That wasn't me playing, that was me watching some other guy play.

Given how the game went, it was pretty likely that if Volibear ran interference, they both would've survived. That's why I facepalmed when I saw Volibear basically ditch and run.

Not at all. In normals I don't care if someone picks jungle blitzcrank or AD malzahar, that's literally the only reason blind normals exist for me xD. You can do whatever the hell you want in normal mode that's the beauty of it. Where else are you gonna learn Zed support? Play ranked if you wanna see meta picks and learn the game, it won't bite. And Kat top is perfectly viable actually challenger player Tiensi no Akuma plays it all the time, and she couldn't have known she was against Riven, my condolences to her though lol. edit: oh maybe this was draft pick? in that case that's pretty troll that they took your lane after you already chose your champ but hey it happens, you get jerks sometimes :/. still not a bad pick tho and it's ok if someone wants to practice kat vs riven in a normal, tiensi can do it in challenger so why not :D could be mid riven too

This was a guy who was about as skilled as the guy I was watching (read: the lower levels of Bronze), demanding a top Kat. After being killed six times during laning (because the enemy jungler wasn't an idiot, and because actually playing Kat in that match-up requires more than mashing keys), said guy disconnected, ensuring that his team lost.

Think back to when you were Bronze, and then think back to all the idiotic things that happened during that time. Now stretch it out, and that's what I saw. Before trying to educate, remember the context.

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still waiting for the inevitable kha mid meta

it's that broken.

I won't tell you how.


So you mean exactly like Kha mid used to be played a year ago? That's not a big secret.

It's nowhere near as good as it used to be - it loses to Zed, Yasuo and Orianna for one, and anyone who bothers to take Exhaust. It probably loses to Ryze as well but who plays mid Ryze anymore unless absolutely necessary?

It's not even close to the most broken things in League right now (Maokai's new ultimate, Tristana, Ryze...)

alex ich would often take kha'zix mid

EVERYONE took Kha mid back in his first competitive go around, Alex Ich was just particularly fond of it.

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Too bad I can't play Yasuo to save my life. Actually, I can't play at all. I'm still getting used to not failing miserably on Intermediate (I haven't lost in 3 days, but I still die 5 or 9 times).

Azir looks like a Maverick. And so does Voli. Will play with him as soon as he's released.

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Rapier - if you're ever on at the same time as me, feel free to hit me up for a bot game. I'll probably accept!

Played a bunch of ARAM, and was reminded why I love and hate it. Love the randomness, hate the people who do NOT STFU (yes I know I'm not the best, but you're paired with me, ergo, you're just as bad).

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Why does no one play teambuilder? These 20+ min queue times seem a bit steep just to find one game -_-.

It's only 20+ minutes for certain roles. (generally, the solo lanes.)

I think people sort of abandon it because they assume it will take forever though, or because they like pick/bans. Not quite sure.

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