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My lane was consistently getting ganked despite my warding. I was tower dived fuck knows how often and I was essentially given zero ganks. I find Lux's success relies a lot on her allies playing along. There's not many champs she can 1v1 and win.

I'm not sure how accurate of an assessment this is given that I haven't played Lux much at all but I think you're a bit off. Lux in lane doesn't straight out 100-0 but she can make plays across the map, wave clear well, and poke. These combinations allow you to do the 100-0 combos later on in the game but it's basically the difference between in lane mentality and late game.

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What do you do nowadays when you've lost in champ select. The classic arguing over mid, threatening to troll, first pick insta locking akali, etc? Is it worth the dodge even though you lose lp?

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Win a game, get 5LP. Lose a game, lose 10 LP.

I don't understand. What the hell is the win record for people in Diamond? Like 1,000 to 100 or some shit?

Idk I could help you get out of bronze if you're really desperate.

On a side note, after gaining 3 lp for a win two games in a row, I just lost 11 for losing another 4 v 5 and going 12-6 after my jungle xin fed my lane opponent 2 kills and ragequit. Some games just make you want to quit...

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Win a game, get 5LP. Lose a game, lose 10 LP.

I don't understand. What the hell is the win record for people in Diamond? Like 1,000 to 100 or some shit?

It means your elo is low relative to your division placement so it's trying to match you into what it considers to be a more appropriate tier

As you win more games the ratio will even out

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I think eclipse doesn't count as a 30 because lol pvp games...we'll see how that goes!

If the activation email doesn't come, hit resend. If it still doesn't come, drop me a line and I'll admin override it for you. Otherwise, just show up in the chat on the day itself, we're filling rosters from there anyway.

Calling in admin favors. My two validation e-mails haven't shown up, and it's been nearly 24 hours.

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I'm not sure how accurate of an assessment this is given that I haven't played Lux much at all but I think you're a bit off. Lux in lane doesn't straight out 100-0 but she can make plays across the map, wave clear well, and poke. These combinations allow you to do the 100-0 combos later on in the game but it's basically the difference between in lane mentality and late game.

Lux is quickly becoming one of my favorites, I agree that her poke and wave clearing make a huge difference, but that Laser, Seriously, 24 sec cooldown at 16 & max cdr? MWUAHAHAHAHAH *Cough* It just works out so well! Yesterday I got a few blind kills with the laser, being able to shoot so far is great.

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I hate it when people ask me to duo and don't dodge when the team trolls in champ select...I'm just gonna stop caving in and duoing in ranked.

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I hate it when people ask me to duo and don't dodge when the team trolls in champ select...I'm just gonna stop caving in and duoing in ranked.


Why are you dodging in the first place?

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so I just had a relative okay game I guess

Lulu never even connected and our Darius left before 10 minutes. It was Me, Wukong, and Kennen. Let's just say I now get why people like Mana and other items Taric.

We were doing great and other than me getting focused I ended up 15/9/15.

Merc Treads, Manamune which I bought too late cause for some reason I never thought of it, Nashor's Tooth, IB Gaunt, FH, FA

We only lost because it was 3v5 and they were able to push/kill us enough where we had to defend while they got Baron.

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Why are you dodging in the first place?

I don't want to lose elo, especially when I thought I'd have to win 6 in a row to qualify. Speaking of which, I finally qualified for a series!

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I don't want to lose elo, especially when I thought I'd have to win 6 in a row to qualify. Speaking of which, I finally qualified for a series!

Focus on your own play. If they're doing it to intentionally ruin a game, they'll self-filter themselves out of your league (whether by dropping or by getting kicked out via Tribunal).

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Focus on your own play. If they're doing it to intentionally ruin a game, they'll self-filter themselves out of your league (whether by dropping or by getting kicked out via Tribunal).

? I'm not really complaining or anything. I'm not saying I get trolls in every game, I'm just stating an instance when someone begged me to duo with them and I lost alot of elo.

Edit: Made it baby.

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Ho damn, Lux and Miss Fortune pairing up is deadly.

Our combination (where I was Lux and she was MF) managed to net 9 kills for myself and 5 for her vs easy bots.

"Fine, [i'll admit] the game's not that bad," she said. True story.

The first step to getting better at something is learning to enjoy it, after all.

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Ho damn, Lux and Miss Fortune pairing up is deadly.

Our combination (where I was Lux and she was MF) managed to net 9 kills for myself and 5 for her vs easy bots.

"Fine, [i'll admit] the game's not that bad," she said. True story.

The first step to getting better at something is learning to enjoy it, after all.

oh my god I had a game as Zyra/Ashe against a MF/Lux

it was awful

yet some miracle led me to only die once in lane and get ashe like 7 kills

but those almost deaths I swear I should have been like 2/7 since I kind of took two kills

luckily their jungle yi disconnected and fed ashe led to us winning

I was also able to push our team to take dragons which I usually have trouble doing as support anyway

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I don't know what it is about Demacian women with crossbows, but I'm having a ton of fun playing as her. She feels really bursty, and I think she can hold her own in top lane.

EDIT: And on the flip side, it's damn hard to support a carry that's hell-bent on dying.

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I'm streaming now!

If anyone want to find me, I'm on twitch as UbelEngel.

I plays League of Legends and more I guess.


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If I magically come across enough RP, I'm buying Quinn. She's absolutely hilarious when paired with Taric (Stun/Shatter into Vault/ValorCharge/Ignite kills squishies).

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