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Wait, we don't have a lost-password function? I'll get webmaster on that. In the meantime, shoot me a forum-pm on SF with your choice of new password and I'll get it changed within 24 hours of your sending the PM. Barring catastrophe. Or just find me in LoL and I'll do it on the spot.



edit: we should play team Pentakill sometime! I LOVE THOSE GUYS TOO.

Also, Lissandra.

1. I remembered it randomly at work today. I have no idea why. The lost password function looks like it works off of the same e-mail function as the new user thing.

2. Is that page supposed to have nothing on it, or is Opera being weird again?

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After threatening to drop Opera, it's behaving itself. Interesting site, even if I think Rumble is a kind of stomach sound, and what is Blitzcrank doing in Piltover?

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I build Kayle as

Berserker's Greaves

Nashor's Tooth




and I can never decide on the last item

I think SotEL might work, or maybe Guinsoo's or even Phantom Dancer but I can never decide.

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Just did my first game as Karma support. She reminds me of a weird combo of Nami and Lulu. I think I can work with her.

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Just did my first game as Karma support. She reminds me of a weird combo of Nami and Lulu. I think I can work with her.


omfg no

new karma is really bad

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I build Kayle as

Berserker's Greaves

Nashor's Tooth




and I can never decide on the last item

I think SotEL might work, or maybe Guinsoo's or even Phantom Dancer but I can never decide.

My opinion if you get malady you get it early. Before Nashor's tooth. Malady's usefulness falls off as the game progresses. I actually prefer not getting malady ever. Haunting guise/liandries is better than malady. Especially with the % health damage on liandries.

Also wheres your lichbane yo?

Just did my first game as Karma support. She reminds me of a weird combo of Nami and Lulu. I think I can work with her.

New karma is awful. And frankly doesn't belong in the support meta. Can't heal anymore and her shield is decent but meh. Her snare is easily broken and her q is meh. There are a few ap builds that work with her but they are meh.

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I build Kayle as

Berserker's Greaves

Nashor's Tooth




and I can never decide on the last item

I think SotEL might work, or maybe Guinsoo's or even Phantom Dancer but I can never decide.

I rather go for an attack + attack speed build. 3 Blodthirsters plus hurricanes is :awesome:

Is the summoner spell revive ever used?

Edited by SlayerX
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If you see me playing Karthus, it's either revive tp or flash smite. I wouldn't know what to do with a traditional flash exh if you walked me through it step by step. So that makes two of us!

Karthus is just amazing. Seriously. So is the rest of Pentakill, by the way! Can we play a Team Pentakill match sometime, pretty please?

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I didn't remember full-build AD Yi being so eh. Maybe it's just because when I built like that so long ago no one else knew how to play or something.

I guess it's time to buy Fiora and faceroll my smurf until 30. V__V

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I didn't remember full-build AD Yi being so eh. Maybe it's just because when I built like that so long ago no one else knew how to play or something.

I guess it's time to buy Fiora and faceroll my smurf until 30. V__V

Hybrid Yi

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Better of just going ap then so you can burst/combo squishie to get your reset and then demolish.

Mind you I'm not saying it doesn't work. It's just not as ideal as other builds.

Edited by eclipse
Merged double post; this isn't the mafia forum!
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