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Cait/Nami vs. Vayne/Sona (whose ping was bad and worse, respectively) = a miracle that I got two big items before the game was over

(I fail at killing stuff, though)

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well as much as i claim that i main taric i can't actually play him well anymore (somehow i always end up forgetting to ward or warding poorly in a way that never happens when i play sona) and i can't land stuns as well as i could before

every champion i really like always eventually becomes a chore to play (and then i stop playing them and start sucking at them- garen, taric, udyr are the ones i can think of offhand)

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well as much as i claim that i main taric i can't actually play him well anymore (somehow i always end up forgetting to ward or warding poorly in a way that never happens when i play sona) and i can't land stuns as well as i could before

every champion i really like always eventually becomes a chore to play (and then i stop playing them and start sucking at them- garen, taric, udyr are the ones i can think of offhand)

When in doubt, play someone you like in a different fashion. . .or someone you have no idea what to do with in an equally weird fashion (I swear I'll figure out jungle Teemo. . .just not now).

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I have come to the conclusion that jungle Teemo is an awful idea, on the basis that he's stupidly squishy and has very little gank potential. Now, if it's a game that magically doesn't need a ganking jungler. . .

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Teemo in general requires specific teemo team comps to work with. If you send him top, he has to build more tanky and then you get weaker shrooms. Mid makes him a one trick pony and you lose large AP burst potential. Bot and you kind of gimp yourself compared to the enemy adc. I've never tried him support but I feel like him and Cait making the place trap city might work against someone like Sona or Nami with the poison to counter the sustaiin might be nice. I mean, he has a support tag and I don't believe I've ever seen him played as one.

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yeah but then you'd want your jungle to build full tank or maybe a bruiser like jayce mid or something

I'd imagine something like Cassiopeia/Caitlyn/Teemo Support would be good but then I can't think of top/jungle that would work well with him support. His rations aren't too bad so Morello's or anything from Kage's isn't bad on him.

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I found this discussion funny enough to bring up with my plat 1 friend.

Kirielis (12:46): Okay. There's this bunch of LoLers I hang out with sometimes.
They're currently in a forum discussion about support Teemo.
X (12:46): Your friends suck
Kirielis (12:46): hahahahahaha
I'm just trying to think of how that could even work
X (12:47): It doesn't
The only things Teemo has going for him
Are blind utility
Kirielis (12:47): and shrooms
X (12:47): And map control with shrooms
It's really dumb
People get away with it by surprising people with Teemo passive/damage
I mention that because people start to theory craft things after playing them to some positive result
Kirielis (12:49): Yeah...
X (12:49): So why do you hang out with them?
Kirielis (12:49): Uh. Because they're nice people.
Seriously though, try it sometime, nice people who happen to be bad at LoL are still nice people.
X (12:50): I'm aware
I was asking what redeeming qualities they have, since LoL doesn't seem to be one of them

Bolded part is the important one.

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I want the Arcade Sona skin while it's on sale but I'm not going to get 2000 more IP in time to buy her... Or is it possible to buy the skin before owning the champion?

Edited by Raven
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Bought it and the pool party ziggs. ziggs skin was not worth it.

Also, support Teemo is shit. He scales with items, and that's the only time he's useful. Not a support champion. Pure AP top works, but against certain bursty champs, you're going to need Liandry's or just sit on a Haunting Guise so you don't die in one combo.

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I think MakNoon already proved that jungle Teemo is a relatively bad idea.

yeah but then you'd want your jungle to build full tank or maybe a bruiser like jayce mid or something

I'd imagine something like Cassiopeia/Caitlyn/Teemo Support would be good but then I can't think of top/jungle that would work well with him support. His rations aren't too bad so Morello's or anything from Kage's isn't bad on him.

You don't need a pure tank, Teemo can function as a split pusher or whatever, the game isn't locked into a state where teamfighting potential defines a champion.

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I think MakNoon already proved that jungle Teemo is a relatively bad idea.

You don't need a pure tank, Teemo can function as a split pusher or whatever, the game isn't locked into a state where teamfighting potential defines a champion.

First, uh, who?

Second, I hope it stays that way. I like split-pushing, and Teemo's absolutely awesome at this (well, he's not Shen, but Shen's voice isn't irritating, and Shen doesn't randomly KS things with poison). Also, mushroom map awareness. :P:

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Maknoon is an all-star Korean top laner playing for Najin Sword, who is pretty much the centerpoint of the team(considering they made top 8 in worlds Season 2, this is no small feat)

My rationale says stop playing Teemo because it is an irritating little badger that needs to be constantly maimed and killed.

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