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Favorite/Ugliest/Cutest/Most Annoying Female/Male Child Awards!


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Some people have their balance skewered. Maybe she fell and damaged something in her inner ear, which would affect her balance permanently since I doubt it could be fixed, especially in that time period.

And remember this: the second generation's backstories are far, FAR more fleshed out than their first-generation counterparts. Especially in Sumia's case, who has the least amount of supports in the game save the Spotpass characters, Say'ri, Anna, and Tiki.

Maybe, but we don't know for sure. Severa, we do know. But you're right, the children characters have more backstory and such. Still, limited supports is also something I dislike about Sumia, though it's hardly the main reason.

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I'm not cutting Severa a break at all. I just said that I don't approve of her behavior at all. I said that I understand why she's that way. Sumia, I don't understand how she's THIS clumsy, idiotic, and stupid. I did laugh at that punching scene...until she revealed that she didn't know it was a punch.

And you're just coming up with excuses for Sumia. Severa actually HAS a legitimate reason for her behavior. Sumia? Nope. She just falls over nothing and shit for no apparent reason (not counting that DLC convo with Miriel, as that might've actually been a dream Miriel was having).

Well, Vashiane, I don't care for Sumia or Tharja. Simple as that.

I'm sorry but coming from an extremely clumsy person, she could have a legitamate reason to be this clumsy. I'm not going into the neuro science of how you are born clumsy and don't decide that you want to be clumsy, but there could very easily be a reason.

Also sumia for the sake of the story is the classic stereotype of the ladie. She's probably never slapped someone, never punched someone, or even thought of it, because that is not lady like in the game.

Finally you say sumia is an idiot. Aside from the whole pie thing give me three examples of her stupidity. In my opinion I don't think her personality sucks. But on the other hand Severa's is awful. She's arrogant, she's rude, and she has an unfounded inferiority complex that leads to a nasty habit of belittling other people to make herself feel better. Sumia's "issues" might not be her fault, but Severa's issues are her decision to act this way.

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Sumia got whacked with the Whomping Gimmick Willow here compared to some of the others. :\

And even then I still like her gimmick, despite it being rather weaker than others. IMO, the only characters with worse gimmicks are Kellam and Severa, but that's just personal preference.

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And even then I still like her gimmick, despite it being rather weaker than others. IMO, the only characters with worse gimmicks are Kellam and Severa, but that's just personal preference.

Oh, god, Kellam's gimmick is heartbreaking.

If it wasn't for the fact that Silvia is ensuring Henry doesn't dive off of a cliff after the game - damn you, IS - I'd marry him in a heartbeat.

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Also sumia for the sake of the story is the classic stereotype of the ladie. She's probably never slapped someone, never punched someone, or even thought of it, because that is not lady like in the game.

Refer to my post where I said I have also never slapped or punched someone in my life.

Finally you say sumia is an idiot. Aside from the whole pie thing give me three examples of her stupidity. In my opinion I don't think her personality sucks. But on the other hand Severa's is awful. She's arrogant, she's rude, and she has an unfounded inferiority complex that leads to a nasty habit of belittling other people to make herself feel better. Sumia's "issues" might not be her fault, but Severa's issues are her decision to act this way.

Severa's inferiority complex is NOT unfounded. It was caused by other people belittling her and saying she's a disgrace to her mother. Severa probably didn't know what else to do about her problem but to be a bitch to other people. It's unfortunate and I don't approve of it, but it's the truth. And this is coming from someone that went through a similar experience. Not an inferiority complex, but being bullied and belittled and then developing an attitude because of it myself. But I managed to get rid of that attitude over time, and even before then, I could warm up to people eventually.

I felt that the punch scene was stupidity on Sumia's part. I feel she's stupid because of how untalented she is (aside from with animals). Nobody can be smart but THAT untalented. It seems that no matter what Sumia tries, she fails, unless it's working with an animal.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh, god, Kellam's gimmick is heartbreaking.

If it wasn't for the fact that Silvia is ensuring Henry doesn't dive off of a cliff after the game - damn you, IS - I'd marry him in a heartbeat.

Apparently his support with Nowi sheds some light on it, and I'm rather interested to see what happens.

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Apparently his support with Nowi sheds some light on it, and I'm rather interested to see what happens.

It does. Um... let me grab the script for you...

... Of course, it's one of the ones that isn't done. And my sister has my DS. >_< If I can get it back, I'll get it for you.

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It does. Um... let me grab the script for you...

... Of course, it's one of the ones that isn't done. And my sister has my DS. >_< If I can get it back, I'll get it for you.

Haha, I can wait. Thanks Vash. :)

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Finally you say sumia is an idiot. Aside from the whole pie thing give me three examples of her stupidity.

  1. Picked flowers instead of weeds when performing chores. Also lit a tent on fire. (Frederick's support)
  2. Apparently forgot to feed her pegasus at some point, which is strange since she's supposed to be the animal girl. (Cynthia's support)
  3. Handed Gaius a friggin beehive.

Combined with the whole limited supports thing, she comes off to me as underdeveloped and excessively incompetent. Mind you, I don't hate her, but to me she's completely wasted potential, like Say'ri, considering the massive amounts of supports is really the crux of this game.

Not that I particularly like or hate Severa either. Her brattiness is completely grating. I guess the payoff's kinda nice at the end to make up for it, though? And she's at least somewhat self-aware. It still reeks of cliche, though.

Anyways, back on subject, I find Brady totally adorable and Kjelle and Gerome kinda repugnant (mainly because of his paralogue dialogue). Also don't care for Inigo.

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  1. Picked flowers instead of weeds when performing chores. Also lit a tent on fire. (Frederick's support)
  2. Apparently forgot to feed her pegasus at some point, which is strange since she's supposed to be the animal girl. (Cynthia's support)
  3. Handed Gaius a friggin beehive.

Combined with the whole limited supports thing, she comes off to me as underdeveloped and excessively incompetent. Mind you, I don't hate her, but to me she's completely wasted potential, like Say'ri, considering the massive amounts of supports is really the crux of this game.

Not that I particularly like or hate Severa either. Her brattiness is completely grating. I guess the payoff's kinda nice at the end to make up for it, though? And she's at least somewhat self-aware. It still reeks of cliche, though.

Anyways, back on subject, I find Brady totally adorable and Kjelle and Gerome kinda repugnant (mainly because of his paralogue dialogue). Also don't care for Inigo.

Well, in defense for the weed/flower thing, some weeds do have very pretty blossoms...

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I like how this topic sort of degraded into "lol Sumia's so useless", despite having been a supposed second gen thread.

Okay guys, you don't like Sumia. We get it. Let's move on with our lives now.

Welcome to Derailing Topics 101.

In an attempt to re-rail, I never formally mentioned my favorites:

Owain definitely take the number one spot for me. My favorite girl out of the cast is probably Lucina, with honorable mentions to Brady, Inigo and Cynthia.

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You may continue arguing if you want.

It's quite amusing.

Eh, to be honest it was getting kinda petty at the end. Although, I will admit that I went back and checked and it seems Sumia picked both flowers and weeds, so it's not quite the egregious idiocy that I interpreted it as before.

But if you don't mind a tangent, here's the script for Kellam/Nowi's A-support, which I think a few people requested before.

Kellam: Found you, Nowi!

Nowi: Aww! Not again! Why are you so good at this stupid game?!

Kellam: Oh, I've had a lot of practice.

Nowi: But how do you hide so well? You have to teach me! Pleeease?!

Kellam: Aw, shucks, Nowi. I can't teach you, because I don't know. It just... happens. Our family was real poor, see? So my brothers and I had to share everything. But I was a mean kid who hated sharing, so we'd always get into fights. Eventually my family got tired of my selfishness and started ignoring me. Well, I got mad and they stayed mad, and now... Well, it's like I'm just not there.

Nowi: Oh, Kellam... That's the saddest thing I've ever heard in my life!

Kellam: It is?

Nowi: You may have had a family, but really you were all alone like me!

Kellam: Well, I suppose so. In a way.

Nowi: Well, never mind all that. I'm your sister now, and I KNOW you exist! So no more hiding from me, all right? ...Unless we're playing.

Kellam: Heh heh. This sister thing ain't half bad!

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Severa will always be my least favorite FE character. If I actually knew her, I wouldn't like her either.

If you've ever dealt with one in real life, there is a GIANT gap of their behavior at you, and their behavior of towards loved one. It is NOT fun talking to them.

Especially when you're friends with the one they go gaga over and you're just like "really?" at the huge difference of what you see.

Liking Tsunderes only works in:

1. Animu/Games

2. You're the object of their love.

Otherwise, you're just deluding yourselves.

Edited by BlueFire
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Being an airehead, I can deal with. Being overly enthusiastic to the point of being annoying, I can deal with. Being an asshole, I can't deal with.

There is no excuse for being an asshole.

The other kids had crappy childhoods too. Severa has no excuse for her behaviour. Absolutely none.

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Being an airehead, I can deal with. Being overly enthusiastic to the point of being annoying, I can deal with. Being an asshole, I can't deal with.

There is no excuse for being an asshole.

The other kids had crappy childhoods too. Severa has no excuse for her behaviour. Absolutely none.

People respond to traumatic experiences in many different ways. Being an asshole is one of them.

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People respond to traumatic experiences in many different ways. Being an asshole is one of them.

This. A friend of my mother's was a victim of an actual terrorist attack (I think the Olympic bombings, but I've never figured out a polite way to ask so I'm not sure) and became incredibly abrasive as a way to try and deal with his trauma. Another friend of hers, who was a victim in the same attack, became the sweetest and most docile person EVER to try and deal with HIS trauma.

People always react differently to different things. To use a less dramatic example, look to humor. Almost every person will have a slightly different reaction to a joke and, eventually, you're going to come up with the people who don't think it's funny at all and the people who just think it's the best thing ever.

Now, looking at game, Severa's not the only jerk in the group. She's just the one most... open perhaps? Look at Kjelle, who refuses to accept anyone who's weak, and Gerome, who was going to stoically let people die because he didn't feel there was a point. Nah also has jerkish moments (primarily in her romantic supports) and Female Morgan... well, we won't go into her as she doesn't have her memories.

...I think I went a little serious. Anyway...

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I like how this topic sort of degraded into "lol Sumia's so useless", despite having been a supposed second gen thread.

Okay guys, you don't like Sumia. We get it. Let's move on with our lives now.

Because she is reverse Virion!

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