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Anyone marry off characters based on if they fit together...


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...rather than if they are the ideal pairings for the kids?

I have, and even tried to figure out what the parents pass on. Plus, I get to see some of the more heartwarming supports some may miss (Libra/Nowi especially)

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I try to do both. I've run into a lot of subpar supports so far that have resulted in great kids which I actually end up benching because I prefer using their parents more. It's nice to have a balance of excellent support/pairing options and a few kids with superior skillsets. Crizix is right that you can have it both ways if you want.

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Look at my sig. Why not both? Why not just get to A supports between everyone, and only S two for powerful children. That way you pretty much get all the supports, the only ones you miss are the S, and they usually suck. No regrets. Actually, I just have a favoritism file where I do all the pairings based on my personal bias. My other lunatic and lunatic+ files have optimized pairings.

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I don't optimize at all, I never could do it in the other FE games (hell, my favorite pairing of all times is Isadora X Legault) and this one is no different. I know that I'm going to cry when / if I try a Lunatic run but I'm not cold-hearted enough to separate those couples.

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I did on my first file. This was my first FE so I didn't know that optimizing for kids was a thing. Luckily, all of the children turned out decent to great anyway.

On my seconds file I did a combination of support quality and kid quality (except for the Avatar, since Morgan will turn out great anyway I just married who I liked). I plan to do the same for my third file.

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I tend to do that with certain characters. I always pair up Vaike and Cordelia nowadays, and I really enjoy the Cherche and Virion dynamic. When I pair up Sumia and Chrom, it's purely based on how they fit together. I love the idea of the red and green knight falling in love, so I usually marry Stahl and Sully.

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I purposefully avoided convos, pictures of the second generation and the less major characters for this reason. As I invested more in the characters (save for Stahl and Sully - they were pretty much set for me) I decided from there who to marry off or by chance when they fight beside each other (I can't decide if Lon'qu and Nowi is fluffy or creepy...)

I must openly admit that MUxLucina/any child is REALLY disturbing. To produce Morgan, did the parent stay in the right timeline? Since in Lucina's case that is beyond confusing for Chrom...But this is coming from someone who still hasn't completed the game so sorry if this is a silly question.

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I pair who the fuck I want for whatever reason I want. Sometimes it's because they seem to fit together and I like their supports together. Sometimes it's because I have specific characters I want to use and would just rather marry them off so I don't have to deal with a spouse of a character I'm using that I don't want to use. Sometimes a Laurent with +8 magic is awesome. And sometimes it's a combination of these factors.

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I did my pairings based on what I think it fits better for them, I really don't care about stats and skills, I don't need a super army for streetpass, is hard to streetpass someone where I live after all... But yeah, I saw the personalities of the characters and thought if it will be good for them, that was without read the supports (but now I readed all the supports thanks to the support log...)

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I'd say I'm a "it makes sense" pairings...

But let's face it, I honestly don't care. I gave up on FE13 pairing up everything.

Currently, I have the "I don't give a crap mode" due to a bad day, so forgive the possibly offensive tone.

I'm a "canon whore" when it comes to other games.

While there is that "Chrom x Sumia" hint via opening movie and such... etcetera etcetera... There is absolutely NOTHING solid for other pairings. You could argue things like "Oh hey, Miriel and Vaike because she threatened to attach his axe to his hand permanently and it shows she cares..."

But that's nothing but headcanon. There is absolutely NO hints from the word of god... and just like other FE games, there will be none unless you look for it in other media. And even then fans are just gonna say "that's just *this* and *that*".

So I gave up with the "canon" and just had my own set of "this makes sense, but I don't give a crap about telling you unless you ask me".

MU is totally celibate or it's MaMU/FeMU. Screw everything.

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The only possible canon is Sumia x Chrom cos of opening video but this about it.

I only found galeforce for male kids important, everything else can pretty much put together.

Really optimal pairings is only to make apothesis a bit easier but any suitable 2-3 S paired team with rally bots and limit breaker seems to make it easiest to complete. Also Awakening has reclassing which maxes stat caps not so much an issue.

Of course have crazy stats is fun to look at but its not like omg game over if x character is paired "wrongly" its also up to your gameplay style.

I generally think the only way you can properly miss up is with recruiting characters.

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In my first playthrough I paired whoever looked like a good pair. On my second I paired for kids' skills and hair.

This is the best reason right here. I am sad that Anna's, Cherche's, Olivia's, and Cordelia's hair are Morgan-only.


I just did whatever I felt like (which pairs had cute supports, and some impulse pairings as well) for my first file, and then afterwards have paired people for whatever skills/classes I want for the kids.

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I pair who the fuck I want for whatever reason I want. Sometimes it's because they seem to fit together and I like their supports together. Sometimes it's because I have specific characters I want to use and would just rather marry them off so I don't have to deal with a spouse of a character I'm using that I don't want to use. Sometimes a Laurent with +8 magic is awesome. And sometimes it's a combination of these factors.

Basically this.

Hai Boron.

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I tried to pair Ike and Elincia

But Geoffrey come and said "Elincia is mai waifu" and my plan failed



The worst part actually... is this happened in one of the DLCs.

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