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Wii U still being sold at a loss


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....yikes that's bad

what was the point of the gamepad again

Yikes. I think they'll bounce back eventually though, Nintendo usually manages it even with slow starts. Though I mean there are some who have the Wii U for the likes of Monster Hunter and some of the other games on it as of now. I think it'll drastically increase with the advent of all the new stuff coming out for it soonish.

I know I'll be picking one up when I can, Sonic Lost World, X and Smash 4 convinced me. Mario 3D World, SMT x FE and Wind Waker HD as well to an extent.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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I figure sales will increase around the end of September. I'm hoping to get one in time for smash, pikmin, crossover, Mario 3d world. And then a couple more.

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I remember dying for GC/Wii when they came out, but I don't even care about a Wii U because there just isn't anything on it I want. They really need to step up their titles and get some Zelda and Metroid (series needs to redeem itself after Other M anyway) going. I know Pikmin 3 just came out and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is on the way, so hopefully those help it out.

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I figure sales will increase around the end of September. I'm hoping to get one in time for smash, pikmin, crossover, Mario 3d world. And then a couple more.

it's not about getting temporary bumps when games come out, it's about moving up the weekly baseline for sales because quite frankly, it's awful right now

also hey Tangerine and Fox already posted here

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After Uprising's massive success, maybe they should try another Kid Icarus game for the Wii U, or maybe let's get a new Star Fox or F-Zero. 2 fanbases have been waiting for a new game for eons now and all nintendo has given Star Fox was a remake of a remake. [And for the record I loved the GC starfox games, Adventures was ok and Assault was pretty grand] F-Zero meanwhile gets ignored when GX was considered to be one of the best racing games of all time. I mean Sega and Nintendo both worked on GX together [it was on the Super Monkey Ball Engine and all] and they are buddy buddy more then ever now. It doesn't make sense to me, but what do I know.

Personally I feel Mario and Zelda need a break. Too much of both in such a short period of time that I can't even adjust to it. What happened to them being spaced out every couple years and such?

Edited by Folgore Red II
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it's not about getting temporary bumps when games come out, it's about moving up the weekly baseline for sales because quite frankly, it's awful right now

also hey Tangerine and Fox already posted here

To put in perspective how scarce the library is, the wii u has 126 games, the 3ds 473 games. Not only is the amount games tiny, about half of them are e shop, which does not sell systems. The reason why I haven't bought one and why most people haven't is the astonishing lack of games. Link for data:http://www.nintendo.com/games/gameGuide?system=wii+u
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WiiU has nothing really attractive to offer right now. At best, they're attracting relatively small groups of people to buy the console. I'm not in the mood of getting a Wii U until better titles come out.

X is what I need!

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WiiU has nothing really attractive to offer right now. At best, they're attracting relatively small groups of people to buy the console. I'm not in the mood of getting a Wii U until better titles come out.

X is what I need!

how much of a ripoff is it in Colombia

what's the PS4 price by comparison

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how much of a ripoff is it in Colombia

what's the PS4 price by comparison

El Wii U vale $1.099.900 pesos colombianos (deluxe). Basic is a joke, I won't get it even if its price is at $949.900, and there was this lolZombie U thingy at $1.199.900.

If PS4's price is 400 dollars, then I'd assume it'll be here at $1.600.000~$2.000.000.

Ninty lost popularity here, people talk about PS generally.

edit: also, I had to get fe13 via my aunt in Puerto Rico, she sent it via usps by July 12th and I received it yesterday August 06th, lol

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El Wii U vale $1.099.900 pesos colombianos (deluxe). Basic is a joke, I won't get it even if its price is at $949.900, and there was this lolZombie U thingy at $1.199.900.

If PS4's price is 400 dollars, then I'd assume it'll be here at $1.600.000~$2.000.000.

Ninty lost popularity here, people talk about PS generally.

edit: also, I had to get fe13 via my aunt in Puerto Rico, she sent it via usps by July 12th and I received it yesterday August 06th, lol

google exchange rates give me $585 USD for the deluxe


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Yea, Europe gets screwed pretty bad by console- and gamesellers assume $=€, while the euro has been worth more than the dollar for pretty much its entire existence. (and by large margins, too)

Anyway, to keep this post on topic, I think its fairly fitting that a console that is essentially previous gen is getting sold with previous gen tactics; sell console with loss, make up for it by overcharging on games.

The Wii U seriously needs some titles, though. And the feeling I've always had about it is that Nintendo games alone won't save a console that was advertised as having other games, too.

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It's not that bad. No one is buying the wii u anyway...

But seriosly, I don`t understand how nintendo thought the wii u was a good idea. I saw it bombing since it was first revealed.

If I were them I'd make the gamepad optional, since no one cares about it and would make the classic controller the main controller . Then I`d drop the Wii price to $150, since without the controller the wii u would be WAY cheaper. That way I think it could have a shot at outselling the GC, because right now that doesn't seems likely...

The gamepad would still be able to stream every game, but the touch controls would be almost entirely lost, except for some optional menus, just like some games that were ported from the ps3/360.

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This is saddening, of course, but I agree that the Wii U will bounce up eventually. We've got some big titles on the way for it, after all. SMTxFE, Super Mario 3D World, Smash Bros., Zelda Wii U, Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, etc.

To put in perspective how scarce the library is, the wii u has 126 games, the 3ds 473 games. Not only is the amount games tiny, about half of them are e shop, which does not sell systems. The reason why I haven't bought one and why most people haven't is the astonishing lack of games. Link for data:http://www.nintendo.com/games/gameGuide?system=wii+u

You forget, though, that the Wii U came out long after the 3DS did, so the 3DS had more time to get more titles. The Wii U will eventually be the same.

Edited by Anacybele
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It's not that bad. No one is buying the wii u anyway...

that was the joke for the article about the Wii U factory closing, you're late ;):

This is saddening, of course, but I agree that the Wii U will bounce up eventually. We've got some big titles on the way for it, after all. SMTxFE, Super Mario 3D World, Smash Bros., Zelda Wii U, Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, etc.

the bolded titles will have questionable impact (ok, SMTxFE is guaranteed to do nothing), particularly with another Mario game with an earlier 3DS version (like NSMBU) and a full-priced HD remake of a game (now I liked Wind Waker, but yeah....)

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They want 60 bucks for Wind Waker HD, which is more then what they wanted the original for.

My response:


3D World could do something to help to save the console, since Mario 3D Land was so popular (best selling 3DS game iirc), and Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros and Zelda U certainly will collectively.

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Nintendo should have gone with something innovative for the next 3ds mario, rather than a bigger version of a previous game. I bet 3d world will be a great game, but being a bigger 3dland won't push anyone to buy an wii u. There's also retro working on donkey kong rather than some impressive new IP, which is really dumb (even though I really like DKCR). And I doubt anyone will buy a wii u for a expensive remake/enhanced port of a crappy game that is a shame for it series (WWHD)

It's like nintendo wants the wii u to fail lol

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I'd buy Mario Galaxy 3, but I think that's because the first two games were so good.

I honestly think they're too afraid to take risks to get the system selling. That's why I hope Wonderful 101 is a huge success, because it's something new.

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Nintendo should have gone with something innovative for the next 3ds mario, rather than a bigger version of a previous game. I bet 3d world will be a great game, but being a bigger 3dland won't push anyone to buy an wii u. There's also retro working on donkey kong rather than some impressive new IP, which is really dumb. And I doubt anyone will buy a wii u for a expensive remake/enhanced port of a crappy game that is a shame for it series (WWHD)

Yet another Wind Waker hater I see, probably hate it because ITZ TOO KIDDY DA GRAPHIX SUX. That's usually the worthless argument I hear from people.

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And I doubt anyone will buy a wii u for a expensive remake/enhanced port of a crappy game that is a shame for it series (WWHD)

Yo, WWHD is one of the (very few) reasons I actually do want a Wii U despite its failings. People didn't like the art style going in but it's nowhere near a crappy game and was still received plenty well. Of course I'd prefer to have a brand new Zelda, but this is plenty good either way.
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I'd buy Mario Galaxy 3, but I think that's because the first two games were so good.

I honestly think they're too afraid to take risks to get the system selling. That's why I hope Wonderful 101 is a huge success, because it's something new.

prepare to be disappointed then

and Wind Waker was good, but it's definitely NOT what the Wii U needs

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