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LM 75> turns


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1. Renown allowed up to and including Celica's Gale.
2. No Spotpass or Bonus Box.
3. No DLC chapters.
4. Grinding is allowed, but I probably won't grind.
5. Paralogues are allowed, but I probably won't visit them.

This mode is going to be a lot worse than my previous LTC playthrough, because the Avatar is a million times harder to train. In hard mode, I could just put my Avatar in the middle of a bunch of enemies and clear chapters that way, but it's not so simple now. I'm trying out Prologue and it requires way more RNG abuse than hard mode, because I'm trying to let the Avatar get the boss kill for some exp.

Things I'm not sure about yet:

1. +Mag or +Spd for the Avatar?

2. Is the Hammer in Chapter 3 possible to get on turn 2 enemy phase with Frederick so that I can get a 3 turn?

3. Should I train Wyvern Rider Panne instead of Cordelia, or try to train both? I only need one Second Seal for the Avatar, if I recall correctly, and I have no need for the other one.

The strategy overall will be the same as hard mode. I'm going to need to rely on Sumia instead of Sully because of her invaluable flight in Chapters 8 and 9. I might even get Tharja this time because Chapter 9 will likely take an extra turn.

Killing Grima in 1 turn will probably be even easier than in hard mode, because I'm going to take slightly more time and because I'll be serious about training Lucina this time around. Last time I forgot to give her Veteran so it wasn't feasible. Lucina can get around 4 hits on Grima with Brave Axe Morgan's help and with some rigging, so I doubt that will be too much trouble. That isn't even including the player phase and Olivia.

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1. I say +Mag since you will be using Celica's Gale anyway, but I have never tried +Mag on Lunatic so take this with a grain of salt.

2. No, I don't think it's possible without someone dying, because you need someone to open the door that isn't Fred, then have Fred get through, and the person is most likely to die because the right side has 5 enemies instead of 4.

3.Wyvern Panne, with Morgan and avatar (maybe Lucina) you will get enough GALEFORZ, and you need more EP powerhouses.

This is all my opinion, I have yet to LTC in this game.

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1. +Speed. It just works better.

2. On casual mode. I don't think it is without losing someone on classic.

3. I think both. Panne can be very helpful on the route maps. And you can always use another Galeforcer.

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I don't see +Spd being useful outside of Ch. 5; post-C5, the enemies will be doubled pretty easily even without +Spd. Morgan and Lucina should inherit a lot of Spd from the Avatar in all cases since the Pegasus tree has such high Spd growth. The best assets are +Mag and +Def, imo.

Panne probably won't be useful after Ch. 15 since the enemies just grow too much. I suspect you can train both her and Cordelia prior to C15 without having them cut into each others' EXP gain, but after that, Cordelia should be more useful due to Rescue and Rally Speed.

Edited by Redwall
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Pro: 4

C1: 4

C2: 6

C3: 4

C4: 3

C5: 5

You should be able to get these turncounts without +Spd. I don't see +Spd helping in any of these stages except for maybe C5.

I really doubt Chapter 2 is gonna take 4 more turns!

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Experimenting with +Spd for now. I think Dual Attacks can make up for the lack of magic.

Prologue: 4 turns

Celes pairs up with Chrom while Frederick kills the center mercenary. Chrom moves to the south of the barbarian on the left and switches to Celes so she can attack him with Thunder. It doesn't really matter if Chrom gets a dual attack or not, because Lissa is going to heal Celes while she takes on that barbarian. Without any dual attacks it can take up to 3 turns to kill him. Lissa moves two right. Anyway, on the second turn, Frederick kills a mage while Celes kills the barbarian weakened by Frederick. On this turn, Celes may or may not kill the first barbarian she attacked. It doesn't matter. Lissa heals Celes. On turn 3, Frederick kills a mage again while Celes retreats so she doesn't get attacked by one, or she kills the first barbarian while retreating if he's still alive. Lissa pairs up with Frederick so that Celes can maintain the Veteran bonus on turn 4. On turn 4, Celes kills one barbarian while handing Chrom to Frederick, and Frederick moves up to the boss so Chrom can kill him. The lone barbarian suicides on turn 4 enemy phase.

Celestia, level 3:
HP: 21
Str: 8
Mag: 7
Skl: 6
Spd: 10
Luk: 3
Def: 7
Res: 4
Edited by Chiki
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Popping in here b/c I'm vaguely curious the ultimate limit of your patience how low is possible with rigging.

1. I still think +Spd b/c doubling can happen that much earlier. There's also possibility of doubling easier w/o +Spd pair ups, which is more +Atk and such anyways. +Mag or +Def feel (much) more reliable overall but w/e. Basically if something could potentially shave turns, it's +Spd, but if it's not faster, then the others are more reliable.

2. Doubt it, but admittedly I didn't try at all to go up the right side. So...maybe (with sacrifices)? The boss should be killable with the Silver Lance regardless (beware running out of uses though). That Hammer was also needed for a theorectical 2 turn of C12 (Libra and Cherche both need one), but there might be another way. Rig moar dual strikez.

3. I wouldn't bother with Panne honestly (her stats are too low until promotion which takes quite a while, her weapon rank sucks, and the C8 Second Seal costs a turn too I think). I'd feed those kills to Chrom (off the top of my head: could maybe help children bases, help Grima kill slightly, makes C12 2 turn much more reliable /w stronger S Rank Rapier Dual Strikes, etc) or Avatar (Galeforce sooner) or Cordelia (another Rescue, Rally Speed). It's possible with exceptional exp optimization that she'll provide useful contributions in the routs (or rout, as she'll probably only matter in C15), but atm I think it's unlikely.

misc. C9 can probably be 3 turned, but probably killing Tharja. I doubt Sumia will be anything but a ferry for Frederick. Grimakill is indeed much easier if rigging Aether/noPavise/etc. lolC2havefun. >_>

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This game isn't fair. T_T

Have you tried throwing your avatar into the middle of the enemy force and praying? :trollface:

Edit: Trollface needs to be a emoticon on this site.

Edited by Lonely Wallcrab
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Are you sure you want to rely on sheer luck to achieve this?

That reminds me to expand on what I mean:

Is LTC to achieve the lowest turncount possible, or the lowest one while going with the most reliable setup?

Edited by bearclaw95
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