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But by throwing her a Berserker, she has a high enough Spd to double non-boss enemies without either rally or Limit Breaker.

Speed+2, Tonic, +Zerker Pair Hero Lon'qu!Severa hits 60 Speed, which is essential for Rally and LB lacking attempts at Apoth. [Allows her to tank Thronie/Double 'zerker- and can through Vengeance and getting Dual Strikes, chop off half their HP while using Ragnell.]

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The best class for Stahl!Severa is either Assassin or Sniper.

Throw a Berserker and a Spd+2/All+2/Tonic to Sniper!Stahl!Severa, rally the pair, she'll have 75 Spd to double attack and ORKO Anna with Longbow.

Not to mention Pass + Galeforce makes any sniper great, regardless. Although the slightly higher STR from Stahl does put her a bit over Virion, regardless of how much Skill he gives her. Not to mention Lon'qu still passes down better bases.

Azura: Priam makes a great father, and Morgan showed huge stats when I paired him with my STR +/RES - f! MU. You shouldn't have a problem.

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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I've never used Pass on Apo with regular buildings.

What we need Sniper for Apo is that (1) using bows to avoid melee attacking on enemy counter (2) range 3.

Stats are not such important since the main output comes from Berserker and Luna/Vengeance.

BTW, both Sniper and Assassin's output suck, even equipping a Bowfaire.

But there are no female forward physical classes can be better than these two.

Hero is limited for melee combat. Bride has worse Spd and non-physical bonus when switched to backward.

Edited by MelonGx
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What we need Sniper for Apo is that (1) using bows to avoid melee attacking on enemy counter (2) range 3.

Stats are not such important since the main output comes from Berserker and Luna/Vengeance.

No, you're thinking of Lunatic+. Counter rarely matters in Apo because you don't get EP rushed.

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If I have a +Mag -Luck FeMU who should she marry? I'm planning on these marriages. ChromxOlivia, LissaxRicken, FrederickxCherche, MaribellexLonqu, SullyxDonnel, KellamxPanne, MirielxGregor, HenryxSumia, GaiusxTharja, VaikexNowi, and StahlxCordelia. I'm thinking to marry either Lonqu!Brady or a Ricken!Owain, Morgan will marry Henry!Cynthia. So who should FeMU marry Owain or Brady?

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There are no big difference between marrying this Owain and this Brady.

So flip a coin to choose one of both.

You can try another alternative choice: FeMU x Laurent and Lucina x Morgan.

But there are two problems that (1) VV!Laurent cannot have 100% DS (2) if you treat Morgan as a VVer his Galeforce may be wasted.

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So hey. I've got a really bad idea (and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the first to try it). I want to use the worst pairings possible, gameplay-wise.

For example, I know that Frederick gives absolutely no new skills to Kjelle, and her only decent modifier would be +5 Skill. For another, Chrom x Maiden = weakest Lucina.

So far, here's what I've got:

Chrom x Maiden

Sully x Frederick

Lissa x Gregor

Cordelia x Donnel

Nowi x Virion

Any tips?

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Olivia x Gregor would be worse, I thought.

Also Stahl x Miriel

Ricken x Maribelle

Also there is no such thing as a worst pairing for Nah. Manakates are gods that will make do with anything. Nowi's usually my throw away mother if I'm giving out skills to other kids.

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Forget Nowi x Virion, that's actually a good pairing. You have to keep in mind that mods are more important than classes- Nah may get only Archer, but as a support Sage for Owain/Brady the only things she wants are mods. Virion gives +2 Skl and Archer for Skl+2, which is more than anyone else (and at less cost to the gene pool at large). Nah can then use LB, TF, Mag+2, Skl+2, and All+2 and work out just fine.

Olivia x Gregor would be worse, I thought.

Also Stahl x Miriel

Ricken x Maribelle

Also there is no such thing as a worst pairing for Nah. Manakates are gods that will make do with anything. Nowi's usually my throw away mother if I'm giving out skills to other kids.

Stahl gives Laurent VV. That's very very good. Brady needs nothing but mods (and an optional Vengeance) so Ricken is good for him as well if he isn't needed elsewhere. And there's something important Manaketes can't do: use Braves.

Vaike x Lissa/Brady will ruin mods and pass out no useful classes. Frederick x Sumia will make Cynthia slow and give her redundant Luna, and Avatar x Tiki will give you a weakness and negative Mag, along with a wife with practically no skills that takes ages to recruit.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Nah and Yarne for the role of Hard Support are unscrewable. You can't really mess them up.

+LCK/-SPD Tiki!Morgan is, hands down, the worst Female Morgan.

Dragon Weak;

Awful Mods.

MU's S-rank is wasted.

Second Gen is unbalanced.

Second kid is non-existent.

Availability is low.

There is literally nothing good about it.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Stahl gives Laurent VV. That's very very good. Brady needs nothing but mods (and an optional Vengeance) so Ricken is good for him as well if he isn't needed elsewhere. And there's something important Manaketes can't do: use Braves.

Thinking about class pools, though. Ricken doesn't add to Brady. I'm just all about adding more to a character, I guess. As for the last point, true. But Manakates have crazy stats, so I try to focus on the other children. Nah can be an greatly above average, to just great unit no matter how you make her, in my case usually. Lunatic + might change my outlook though.

Edited by TheFreshestSlice
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How about Vaike x Maribelle? Vaike and Maribelle's mods almost cancel each other out, although Vaike does give Brady Axefaire.

(It's actually a pairing I'm using in Lunatic+ but I like their supports so I don't care lol).

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Thinking about class pools, though. Ricken doesn't add to Brady. I'm just all about adding more to a character, I guess. As for the last point, true. But Manakates have crazy stats, so I try to focus on the other children. Nah can be an greatly above average, to just great unit no matter how you make her, in my case usually. Lunatic + might change my outlook though.

Brady doesn't use ANYTHING outside of his natural kit though.

He does exceptionally well with any set of classes, because he naturally has a full kit:

Limit [DLC], Agg[DLC], Luna [Natural Cav access], Tomefaire [Natural Sage access], Galeforce [Natural Inheritance from Mother]

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Thinking about class pools, though. Ricken doesn't add to Brady. I'm just all about adding more to a character, I guess. As for the last point, true. But Manakates have crazy stats, so I try to focus on the other children. Nah can be an greatly above average, to just great unit no matter how you make her, in my case usually. Lunatic + might change my outlook though.

Don't think about class pools, think about potential postgame builds, and if it's not possible to completely wreck those then do everything possible to trash mods instead, starting with Spd and then the preferred out of Str/Mag. You can pass out Thief for example to a whole lot of characters and they'll be just as good as without it (in almost all cases) because it doesn't give anything that a non-utility/Streetpass unit would want. Because Brady already has all his skills and you can't deprive him of anything he wants, go after his mods instead.

Manaketes don't have crazy Spd, and their Str isn't good enough to make up for the lack of Faires, Braves, Forges, and sometimes double attacking.

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How about Vaike x Maribelle? Vaike and Maribelle's mods almost cancel each other out, although Vaike does give Brady Axefaire.

(It's actually a pairing I'm using in Lunatic+ but I like their supports so I don't care lol).

The last Vaike!Brady I did worked out fine as a War Monk and then Dread Fighter, so it won't ruin the the unit or anything. You could do much worse.

Don't think about class pools, think about potential postgame builds, and if it's not possible to completely wreck those then do everything possible to trash mods instead, starting with Spd and then the preferred out of Str/Mag. You can pass out Thief for example to a whole lot of characters and they'll be just as good as without it (in almost all cases) because it doesn't give anything that a non-utility/Streetpass unit would want. Because Brady already has all his skills and you can't deprive him of anything he wants, go after his mods instead.

Manaketes don't have crazy Spd, and their Str isn't good enough to make up for the lack of Faires, Braves, Forges, and sometimes double attacking.

I get that I do, but I'm weird. I've accepted that. I've learned a bit about optimizing stat growths and such, but MOAR, is a flaw I can't shake.

As for Nah, I've gotten here to work with Stahl and Dragonstone +, but I'll certainly take what you are saying into concderation. I've just never had a problem with any of the Manakates maxing any of there stats pretty high. Still, I know I'll have to take such things much more seriously in Luna+.

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Well, most of what I'm saying pertains to Postgame, which is very different from ingame Lunatic+. Ingame, availability trumps all, so you usually go for pairings that come early and in Morgan's case give good starting classes. Postgame, you can assume that all of your stats are maxed and you have all your skills and infinite cash, so you'd always make the best out of what you have, but ingame you have to build everything as you go (moreso for Lunatic/Lunatic+ when you start out underleveled compared to the enemies) and things like Growths and gold matter. Ingame it's also very rare to use all the pairings.

Manaketes certainly are good ingame outside of Lunatic+, but another difference for ingame/postgame is that Defense is king ingame and Offense wins out postgame. Manaketes are extremely defensive and laugh at normal enemies, but can't take the pressure of repeated 90+ mt Luna+ hits in Apo.

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This is my first time playing Awakening, so I put my pairings together based on personal preferences instead of striving for perfect stats and skills. But I wanted to ask, are these any good gameplay-wise, or just downright terrible?
I guess Maribelle-Gaius might be pretty shitty, or Ricken-Miriel because of the class overlap, what about the others?
Which skills should I pass down?

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You don't have to worry about Chrom. He passes down Aether to all of his daughters. As for Sumia, pass down Galeforce for Lucina and for Cynthia, try to nab her Renewal.

Don't worry about Morgan. As long as your avatars' a strengths and weaknesses aren't terrible, Morgan has nothing to worry about. I recommend a male only skill, like counter.

Lissa should pass down Galeforce or Renewal. Stahl should pass Aegis, since Owain starts out as a Myrmidon, and Stahl shouldn't pass skills that would otherwise be easy for Owain to get himself.

Severa should get Galeforce. Gregor has tons of combat skills, but I recommend a male exclusive skill.

Ricken can pass Aegis and Luna, but Luna isn't as good for magic users as it is physical fighters. Miriel should pass Renewal.

It really doesn't matter what Cherche passes down, but Renewal is always nice. Frederick should pass down Luna.

I haven't done Maribelle with Gaius yet, but I'm not sure how good it is. Galeforce for Maribelle and Astra for Gaius.

If Yarne is to stay as a Taguel, pass down Astra, Pass, or lance breaker. Panne doesn't have much to pass to Yarne, but give him something that isn't a Taguel skill.

Astra for Sully, Movement +1, Renewal, or Acrobat from Kellam.

Any male exclusive skill from Henry, Luna from Tharja.

Libra should pass Renewal, Olivia should pass Galeforce

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For the nearest problem, such as facing up strong enemies with poor level and stats, then passing defensive skills like Renewal is OK.

But to be noticed that all non-exclusive skill passing would limit the child's final usage.

Here is a list of exclusive skill passers:

(Mother to son)








(Father to daughter)







(Mother to daughter)

Olivia (LCK+4)

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Adding to that, Panne's skills are only exclusive if she doesn't marry someone with Wyvern, and all of Chrom's children have skills that can't be obtained if you don't pass them (though Lucina's Aether is a forced pass).

However, first playthroughs are first playthroughs, you only get one, and I would heavily advise against doing anything with them except playing the game the way you want to and ignoring what other people tell you to do.

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Try to think of building a non-Galeforce team as possible. I wonder if the following is enough to be the worst optimization for this purpose:

Chrom x Sully

Lissa x Gaius

Olivia x Gregor

Maribelle x Stahl

Sumia can't get married

Cordelia x Henry

Cherche x Lon'qu

Panne x Donnel

Miriel x Vaike

Tharja x Frederick

Nowi x ?

MU x anyone who has an opposite mod of MU's asset

Pass down Demoiselle or Lck+4 instead of Galeforce.

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Okay need some pairing help. Im not fully optimizing pairings but i dont want them to suck complete ass.

The ones I will almost most defintely not change are:

Chrom x FeMu

Cordelia x Lonqu

Cherche x Gregor

Panne x Stahl

then are the ones that im not sure about/can change/got no idea about:

Olivia x Fred

Lissa x Ricken???

Maribelle x ??????


Miriel x uhh Ricken marries too people (?)

Tharja x Gaius?

Nowi x Donny?

These last ones i got about no idea. Id like them not to be absolutely garbage without fucking up my main pairings.

the single men that are looking to mingle are:

fred(if not paired with olivia)








1 of them will stay single and not ready to mingle(id pref the free one to be vaike but his passings are so amazing it prolly wont happen)

so yeah opinions please

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