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And if i make Morgan a Hero instead, what should she have? Galeforce, AT, Hit+20, LB, Ignis, Luna, Axefaire. Out of those 7, which ones should she need? I was thinking AT would be good for Helswath.

LB/GF/Ignis/AT/SF. Swords are just like axes except they trade 1mt for tons of extra Hit and aren't vulnerable to WTD misses, so you don't need Hit+20.

So, I'm trying to have only one of each of class in my army, and I can't decide what Severa's class should be. Her father is Gregor.

With Gregor already being a Hero, I have no idea what to make Severa. What would be the next best class to make her?

If this is ingame, Bow Knight.

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You can't get more Helswath without IR though. Tomahawks are fine, but are pretty weak.

Hmm, what about i forge my Axes with 4mt/20 hit, and use Galeforce, AT, Axefaire, Luna, LB? I wanted her as an Axe version of Severa.

And what should Inigo be? Hero, Sniper, or Assassin? Sniper seemed like the best choice when i tested it out because of AT Double Bow, but Sniper doesnt give any speed bonuses to Morgan, even though Morgan already reaches 75 speed, that extra dodge seems cool. Assassin is like the second best choice because it gives insane pair up bonuses, but loses access to Double Bow. Hero is ehh.

Edited by Waifu Severa
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4/20 Axes are directly inferior to Swords because they have the same mt and less Hit. If you're going to use them on a Hero, go 5/15.

Stick with Sniper if it doesn't break any Spd thresholds. +6 Spd = 9 extra Avo (Assassin), +5 Spd = 7 extra Avo (Hero). If you need it badly enough to sacrifice the +Str, Double Bow access and a bit of DS damage (in Assassin's case), swap Axefaire for Avo+10 instead.

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How are 4mt/20 hit forged axes the same as 5mt/15hit swords? Brave axe has 16 mt while swords have 14 mt?

Also Morgan will be using Helswath which is why i wanted Axefaire. Also, i dont really need the speed/Avo. Sure it will make some enemies have very very very low hit, but id rather use Axefaire and ORKO them instead. So Sniper inigo it is.

Edited by Waifu Severa
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How are 4mt/20 hit forged axes the same as 5mt/15hit swords? Brave axe has 16 mt while swords have 14 mt?

Also Morgan will be using Helswath which is why i wanted Axefaire. Also, i dont really need the speed/Avo. Sure it will make some enemies have very very very low hit, but id rather use Axefaire and ORKO them instead. So Sniper inigo it is.

Weapon rank bonus. Axes only get 1 atk, swords get 3 atk.

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WRB- Swords get +3 mt, Axes get +1 mt and +10 Hit. Since Axes are 20 Hit behind Swords at base, they're still 10 behind after WRB (and 1 mt above), so forging a 4/20 Axe gives the same mt as a Sword by has 5 less Hit.

That's for Braves, by the way. Other types have slightly different stats.

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+4/20/0 Brave Axe winds up at same MT but -5 Hit, basically the same as a Lance +5/15/0.

If you do -that- Swords are actually the best weapon type within the triangle: They get the same MT and 5 more Hit than everything else.

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Yeah but Axefaire Helswath :(

Thats the only reason i wanted Axefaire instead of Swordfaire on Morgan, because Severa already has the Ragnell with Swordfaire, so i wanted Morgan to use Axefaire with Helswath. Anyway, Morgan has really high skill as a Hero paired with Sniper inigo, so she will naturally have high hit. I guess i can go with +5/15 forged axes instead. Would this be good, or should i just use something like Hit+20, or even swordfaire over Axefaire?

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When in doubt, check your hitrates and see if it'll help. Anything above 220 is sufficient for most of Apo, and needing over 250 is pretty rare. Apo also mostly uses Axes and Lances, so WTD for Axes is fairly rare. Hit formula is (3Skl +Lck)/2 +Weapon Hit +WRB +Support bonus +Skill bonuses.

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Holy I haven't posted here in some time now ;o

I finally got around to getting all the children on my Lunatic file and now I was wondering how I should go about pairing them and perhaps what final class to have them. I did a galeforce optimized party, the children are as follows:

Nah!Morgan + mMU!Nah
Olivia!Lucina + Chrom!Inigo
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OK... Have Avatar fight with Lucina at A. After that, pair physical units with physical and magical with magical, and pretty much any combination will work.

Morgan/Nah: either

Lucina/Inigo: physical

Owain: magical

Laurent: magical

Cynthia: magical

Severa: physical

Gerome: physical

Noire: either, leaning physical

Kjelle: either, leaning physical

Yarne: physical

Brady: magical

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When in doubt, check your hitrates and see if it'll help. Anything above 220 is sufficient for most of Apo, and needing over 250 is pretty rare. Apo also mostly uses Axes and Lances, so WTD for Axes is fairly rare. Hit formula is (3Skl +Lck)/2 +Weapon Hit +WRB +Support bonus +Skill bonuses.

Holy crap, Morgan gets 244 hit with Helswath and 259 hit with 5/15 brave axe! Wow, i guess i dont even need hit rate +20. Dat natural huge skill makes up for it.

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Do you have any suggestions for whom Nahs father should be? Typically it's Avatar or Vaike right? Does Vaike!Nah usually get benched?

Nah's usual fathers are Virion/Stahl/Vaike/Gregor/Henry. She usually gets benched if you aren't playing with all the children, and paired with a Galeboy if you are. Avatar!Nah works, but the Asset/Flaw options are a little tricky and it requires some maneuvering to keep Avatar from being benched.

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Thanks, do you think my male MU should marry Nowi or a 2nd gen?


You get higher output with Morgan if you're not using all the kids, and a 7:2 is 1 APT up on a 6:3 if you're looking for APT anyway.

While going with MU/Nowi is of the highest value with a 1st, 2nds have more going for them than 1sts.

(As a note, "#Wannoob Punches Dinosaurs" begins Monday or Tuesday.

...At least the run is. [i get my 3DS back then] The clear... won't happen until set up is done. However long that takes.

Video? Will I have one? Probably will take me a week. I'm probably going to do two clears. [1 to get the clear. 2 to film it.]

...Of course, that bears the question: What difficulty do I perform this act of BS on? [Casual is to be expected, because Battle Saves. I mean I could get tedious with Bookmarks, but... no.]

Normal is ...Normal. It'd probably be the best suited. [very easy main game, better for getting set up]

Hard is... Not Hard. It's what I did last time I had a big file for Apothing....

Lunatic: Nope. Just nope. I don't like vanilla looney.

Lunatic+: I would, but... geez. Prep time. And... +Speed/-Defense. Ummm.. about that. Been there, did that... wiped on C3 for over 12 hours of attempts. And 6 hours of C2 beforehand.)

Edited by Airship Canon
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You get higher output with Morgan if you're not using all the kids, and a 7:2 is 1 APT up on a 6:3 if you're looking for APT anyway.

While going with MU/Nowi is of the highest value with a 1st, 2nds have more going for them than 1sts.

Thanks, im not familiar with all the FE acronyms, is APT action per turn or something else? and ive seen 'EP' mentioned few times in the thread what does that mean?

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Lunatic+: I would, but... geez. Prep time. And... +Speed/-Defense. Ummm.. about that. Been there, did that... wiped on C3 for over 12 hours of attempts. And 6 hours of C2 beforehand.)


It happened while you were gone. If you aren't aware of it, you should be. It could help with this.

Thanks, im not familiar with all the FE acronyms, is APT action per turn or something else? and ive seen 'EP' mentioned few times in the thread what does that mean?

EP = Enemy Phase.

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It happened while you were gone. If you aren't aware of it, you should be. It could help with this.

Whoa. Consistent L+ C2.

Something I didn't see coming.

Only downside:

...Only covers C2.

...While it could help open doors to potentially shifting it ALL to L+ because why not? [L+ has a better postgame anyway]

...it doesn't help with C3 at all, and C3 was the real problem child of that, surprisingly, as luck based as C2 is/was.

(Of course, cutting it down, if I can get to C4, I've got it made.)

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Hi there,

So i'm 6 chapters into my insanity run, it's my first attempt, second play through, first Fire emblem game. Needless to say, i created an account because i wanted to get some advice on some marriage pairings, and skills which should come along with those because the first four chapters felt like absolute hell and i'd like to have a team that could complete Apo. Anyways, these are my considered pairings thus far, i'm new to the series so basically im looking for (a) will this pairing be useful, (b) what skills should i provide to the kids and © what should their final class be.

Sumia!Lucina ( Great Lord: Aether, Luna, DS, Galeforce, LB)

Chrom!Cynthia (Dark Flier: Aether, Luna, Tomefaire, Galeforce, LB)

Lon'Qu!Severa (Hero: ?)

Donnel!Kjelle (Paladin/General:?)

Gaius!Noire (Sorcerer:?)

Vaike!Nah (Manakete:?)

Ricken!Owain (Dreadfighter: Galeforce, Luna, Astra/Tomefaire, Aggressor, LB)* I know sage is considered best, but dat sword hand

Stahl!Inigo (Hero:?)




Lucina! F-Morgan (Sorcerer/Grandmaster: Aether, Galeforce, no other idea's)

As you can see, my understanding is quite limited, and i'd like to at least have a decent attempt at this Apo and lunatic run by knowing what my team might look like so i can grind towards it. Any help, suggestions would be very valued by myself.

Also, first post, glad to be here :) if this is an inappropriate post or too much work, my apologies ill remove it.

Edited by Time did reverse
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