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It was my pairings on my first playthrough so I just stuck with it. Is it common? Rather than being dead set on the pairings, any pairings would do if you could provide me with skill sets for each character if that's not too much of a hassle.

Some of them are kind of "noob trap" like Cherche x Fred or Chrom x Olivia. There is a general cookie cutter list of pairings that should fill all of your needs. Skillset and such get very wordy very fast. The bolded are my preferred but others have very varying opinions because pairings are very flexible.

Cookie cutter general purpose pairings:

Chrom - Sumia, Olivia, Maribelle

Sumia - Chrom, Henry

Sully - Donnel, Gaius

Miriel - Gregor, Stahl, Lon'qu

Cordelia - Henry, Stahl, Lon'qu, Gaius, Ricken, Virion

Olivia - Ricken, Henry, Libra, Frederick, Kellam, Chrom

Tharja - Donnel, Gaius

Panne - Stahl, Henry, Libra, Virion

Cherche - Henry, Stahl, Virion, Ricken

Lissa - Ricken, Henry, Libra, Stahl

Maribelle - Virion, Henry, Lon'qu, Gaius, Ricken

Nowi - Vaike, Virion, Henry

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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It was my pairings on my first playthrough so I just stuck with it. Is it common?

A lot of those pairings used to be extremely overhyped a long time ago by people who were really bad at the game. Most of them are fine if you just care about winning but miss out on a lot of new stuff. For example, Kellam was given to Yarne because he's a really bad dad and Yarne is good enough that Kellam doesn't hurt him, but he doesn't gain anything from him either while he stands to gain a lot of things people didn't know mattered earlier from other dads, and Frederick!Gerome has good mods and a low-demand father, but was used to run skills that are rendered completely useless by newer strategies and doesn't have any good ones.

A lot of those pairings also came about due to a Chrom x Olivia and Cordelia x Stahl core, which takes two very in-demand fathers (Henry and Stahl) and gives them to children who don't need or can't properly use them, which results in the rest of one's build becoming extremely pinched.

Anyway, you can use those pairings and for the most part they'll work out fine- the only things you really need to change are Fred!Gerome to Virion!Gerome and then Kellam!Yarne to Fred!Yarne. However, since you've also done all these pairings before, I'd highly recommend using all new ones to work on your Support Log and experience a different team in general.

Okay I know it is not optimal since you don't get stuff like good procs and what not but what is a good/decent set-up for Donnel!Nah(Non-Apo)?As I said I know it is not optimal but I have seen many use it recently and really well but they never showed their skill set or class.(Actually they only used Donnel and Nowi,they did not even use Nah).Just wondering cause I want to go for an all GF on all kids(possible obviously).

Another thing,what is a good set up for a Ricken!Nah or Henry!Nah?

If you really want GF on all the kids regardless of the lack of S supports, use Avatar x Nowi. Sully, Tharja and her are all poor wives for Apo, so go with Nowi as Nah benefits the most. Nowi also has probably the best non-Apo postgame of the three thanks to both Lifetaker and Deliverer.

Ricken!Nah can go either Sage or Valkyrie, running LB/TF/All+2 and either Deliverer/Luna (Valkyrie) or Mag+2/Skl+2 (Sage). I just posted Henry!Nah strats halfway up the page.

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But Czar Chrom x Olivia gives both Inigo and Lucina assassin and Lethality RFK. The only thing Sumia!Lucina can do is PavGis RFK and Chrom is only good for a physical Cynthia who loses to Henry!Cynthia because Cynthia wants magic. LQ!Severa is overrated, Stahl!Severa is where it's at! Luna and Dual Guard+!

... :Kappa:

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It was my pairings on my first playthrough so I just stuck with it. Is it common? Rather than being dead set on the pairings, any pairings would do if you could provide me with skill sets for each character if that's not too much of a hassle.

Speaking as someone who did Fred!Rome a while ago and still has a file with him... he just really, really sucks gameplay-wise. Don't do it. His main draw back then was PavGis + Sol as a General at a time where PavGis tanking was still in vogue. Make him try to do anything else, though, you'll always find yourself wanting because he has no faires and his support class selection is fairly poor. (that and PavGis + Sol wasn't nearly as good as people said it was or that I thought - I want my time back)

Incidentally, I remember that Frederick was considered one of the best fathers at that time too, almost entirely because of PavGis, similar to Donnel because of AT, or Vaike because of AT for daughters. People were running Fred!Severa or Fred!Cynthia like it was no big deal. Nowadays I think Kellam may actually be a better dad than Fred, even if they are both kinda bad. At least Kellam doesn't hurt magic and offers Sage for some people.

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Thanks Czar.I really was not trying to go for all GF really but it is an option if I ever feel like doing a lax playthrough.Anyways these are my pairings I am planinng for a Hard run which will lead to Apo and I was wondering about set ups:

Sumia!Lucina(I was thinking a Sniper or GL set up but I still don't know)

Ricken!Lissa(The usual,possibly will go Sage or Dread Fighter)

Frederick!Inigo(I was going to use Sahl since I never used him with Olivia but then I realised Stahl is needed for Gerome so I went with this)

Virion!Brady(I like this pairing though I have not used it much to see its full potential)

Donnel!Kjelle(My usual pair but I want to try something new from my Paladin set up)

Chrom!Cynthia(The usual and I will probarbly go Falcon Knight so she can help with Rescue)

Vaike!Severa(I know it is not cookie cutter or anything but I like the pairing personality wise and Severa is not too shabby)

Stahl!Gerome(Same reason with Brady,I have not used this pair a lot and I want to)

Lucina!Morgan(At first was gonna go Olivia!Morgan cause of how much I like the pair but the I thought I am not really going with pairs I like personality wise and am going for optimal pairings for Apo.(normally I like 2nd Gen Morgan))

Lon'qu!Yarne(I know many say that this is really only fodder for M Morgan but I happen to like the pair as it has done its job for me to earn on spot on my fav pairing list)

Gregor!Laurent(I have never used it but apparently it is amazing also I like the idea of a dimwit paired with a genius)

Gaius!Noire(Same as Kjelle but not with Paladin but Sniper,I always use that set but I want to try new things)

Henry!Nah(This will be a first timer and I hope you don't mind put I will be stealing your Valkyrie set up Czar)

As for Child Pairings:

MU x Lucina

Owain x Kjelle

Brady x Nah

Gerome x Severa

Yarne x Noire

Laurent x Morgan

They are my final pairings and I will no be changing them I just need Apo set ups.

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I don't usually go for procs on my 100% DS pairs. Having randomly triggering damage boosters sort of defeats the point of 100% DS, either my KOes still won't be guaranteed or I didn't need the procs in the first place.

If you want to get that last pair, you've got some extra Skl sitting around in Ricken (Gerome has Lucina, Ricken's Sniper could be put to use elsewhere). Alternately, Morgan could shore up someone who's really bad to begin with.

Your Noire pair will be a lot stronger if you can get her Frederick- Inigo doesn't want Virion but there are plenty of children with fathers Inigo would like who are willing to give theirs up for Virion.

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Quick calcs because I'm in a hurrt. tldr: why would you even want him as a Berserker?

Gaius!Kjelle@Assassin-B@5/15 B.Swd (LB/All+2/GF/SF/Defender) x Vaike!Yarne@Hero@4/20 B.Axe (LB/Agg/All+2/Str+2/AF), Rally Spc/Hrt/Skl/Mov/Str

Kjelle's stats:

Atk: 40(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +5(SF) +3(pairup) +2(All+2) +1(Defender) +2(tonic) +17(B.Swd) =91

Spd: 46(base) +5(mods) +10(LB) +6(Rally) +8(pairup) +2(All+2) +1(Defender) +2(tonic) =80

Skl: 48(base) +5(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(pairup) +2(All+2) +1(Defender) +2(tonic) =86

Lck: 45(base) -1(mods) +10(LB) +6(Rally) +3(pairup) +2(All+2) +1(Defender) +2(tonic) =68

Hit: 163(base) +95(B.Swd) +15(S support) =273

Yarne's stats:

Atk: 42(base) +6(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +5(AF) +2(All+2) +2(Str+2) +2(tonic) +17(B.Axe) =106

Skl: 46(base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =74

Lck: 45(base) -1(mods) +10(LB) +6(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =64

Hit: 143(base) +90(B.Axe) =233

DS: 86(Kjelle) +74(Yarne) =100%

VS double Zerker (128 Avo): 14+21+21+14+21+21 =112. 100% chance of KOing before the counterattack even without Rally Str. Kjelle takes 28 damage from Counter, so she can fight both and live.

VS NS (235 Avo): 5+18+18+5+18+18 =82. KOes in 6 hits barring an 0.06% miss from Yarne.

VS Thronie (248 Avo, requires Hex support): 12+19+19+12+19+19 =100. 100% chance of ORKOing before the counterattack.

VS Anna (157 Avo, requires Hex support, Kjelle uses Brave Bow to avoid Counter damage leading to a possible KO with Aether): 14+24+24+14+24 = 100, guaranteed 5HKO.

There might be some small optimizations left by swapping around Str+2, Tantivity/Breakers and the forge, but he can seriously get rid of anything with perfect odds. Berserker is useless next to this.

Well the reason I want to have Berserker as an option is because I'd like to have the option of running the Berserker x Wyvern lord set, as it's kinda neat to me. It's not a necessity but it'd be nice.

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I came up with a new team.

Chrom!Inigo - Hero

Olivia!Lucina - Great Lord/Paladin

Vaike!Nah - Hero?

Gaius!Noire - Sniper

Sumia!Morgan - Sorceror

MU!Cynthia - Dark Flier

Lon'qu!Laurent - Sorceror

Ricken!Owain - Sage

Donnel!Kjelle - ?

Gregor!Yarne - Berserker

Henry!Brady - Sage

Stahl!Severa - Hero



Not sure if I'm missing anyone else and I'm not very fond of having such limited classes. Any feedback for class changes/marriage?

Both Nowi and Cherche are getting Vaike...?

Supposed to be Kellam x Nowi and Vaike x Cherche.

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Supposed to be Kellam x Nowi and Vaike x Cherche.

Kellam!Nah is pretty lackluster, just so you know.

What is a good set-up for Sumia!Lucina!Morgan +HP/-Luk for Apo and is my asset/flaw good for Apo?

HP is pretty useless because it doesn't give large boosts to any stat and the stats it does give moderate boosts to are completely useless. -Lck even counteracts the good stats you get- you'll wind up with 0 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd using +HP/-Lck which is just silly.

It won't change Morgan's set though, she'll still want to run LB/GF/Ignis/Aether/All+2 (if Wyvern Lord) or *Faire (if anything else).


*nudge nudge*

You have my permission to speak your mind.

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So Czar should I change to +Str or +Mag?I wll be staying -Luk cause I find Luck useless but if Sumia!Lucina is her mother which should I go?I was planning on going DF and Morgan was marrying Laurent for a Mag duo or would marrying say a more offensive partner be better and go Wyvern Lord?If I go the Mag duo what should I replace for Tomefaire?

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Hello. So I came here to ask help/advice about my pairings (are they good, if no, what should I change, etc) :

Sumia!Lucina and Chrom!Cynthia











I'll do a first test run on Normal, just to see if they work (after the comments, of course). Also, this is for postgame primarily.

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Are Virion/Stahl/Lon'qu better fathers for Severa than +Spd Avatar?

I'm finally going to restart my Lunatic+ run, and I was thinking of using these pairings if Avatar is better:

Chrom x Sumia

Avatar x Cordelia

Stahl x Cherche(?)

Or these if he isn't

Chrom x Sumia

? x Cordelia

Avatar x Anna

Avatar is a wase on Severa. Severa has a proc and Galeforce along with good classes. All she really needs is a faire or something. Virion/LQ/Stahl give her what she wants. Edit: LQ is not in demand as much as Virion or Stahl which is why LQ!Severa is the go-to.

That being said, set A beats set B.

Hello. So I came here to ask help/advice about my pairings (are they good, if no, what should I change, etc) :

Sumia!Lucina and Chrom!Cynthia











I'll do a first test run on Normal, just to see if they work (after the comments, of course). Also, this is for postgame primarily.

Switch Yarne and Inigo's parents and you're set.

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Hi there! I'm beginning to warm up to the tedious process of pairing, and have made some pretty okay ones (as far as I can guess) for my next run. Yes, I have DLC, so I will be using Limit Breaker on all of these brats. So, without further ado:

Olivia!Lucina-Offensive GL, obviously.

MaMU(+Spd -Lck)!Owain- Pure offense Dread Fighter with skills like Agressor, Ignis, and Luna.

Chrom!Inigo-Physically-oriented DF. I like making the three performers (Owain, Inigo and Brady, that is) Dread Fighters. Not optimal, I know, but fun nonetheless.

Libra!Brady- Magical DF. See above.

Fred/Stahl!Kjelle-Tanky General. Not sure if I want raw stats from Fred or more versatile Skills.

Henry!Cynthia-Great Dark Flier with good Str and great Mag.

Lon'Qu!Severa-Hero with broken skill.

Stahl/Fred!Gerome-Tanky Wyvern Lord with Iote's Shield from DLC, making him a mobile general. Facing the same problems as Kjelle, but Gerome will have priorized father, so Sully gets the leftovers.

Lissa!FEMorgan-Offensive Sage with Luna, Lifetaker, Galeforce and so on and so forth.

Teach!Yarne-I really don't like him, so I'll just use him as a super-strong Berserker as a backup if somebody dies.

Kellam!Laurent-Sorcerer to capitalize on Kellam's Def boost with some Nostankery.

Gaius!Noire-Either a Sniper since I won't be using Virion and so I can use those special Bows for more than gold, or a Bride to make use of Tharja's Mag. I'm not sure.

Donny!Nah-For lulzy midgame Manakete. I'll probably bench for someone else for the last few chapters.

I am open to suggestions! Thanks!

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Definitely go Stahl!Gerome.I recently used said pairing and he is a awesome.Pair him with Severa and you got one hell of an offensive team.

Really I think you should switch around Kjelle and Nah and Yarne.It could go something like this:

Donnel!Kjelle(Has access to GF and is a great Paladin and gets AT and can be tanky but GF goes to waste so Vaike can also be an option here too)

Freddy!Yarne(I think this pairing is good cause Yarne gets the Wyvern set and from what I have used is a great support unit)

Vaike!Nah(Amazing offense and defense.Nah does not need GF for realy anything.She also gets Luna and AT from Vaike cause of what he passes down.)

Now this is just my opinion,go with what yo want in the end.

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