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For my FeMorgan should I pair my Speed/Luck Avatar with Kellam!Nah, Tiki, or Lon'qu!Severa?
These are their respective stat modifiers

Nah 2 1 3 1 -1 7 3
Tiki 0 -1 3 6 2 2 3

Severa 1 -1 8 10 -1 -1 -2

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(+SPD/-LCK)Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan has almost certainly unnecessarily overkill speed, but out of the three I think LQ!S!M's +8 SKL is the best attribute out of your three options. K!N!M doesn't seem particularly appealing since the speed is abysmal and, well, Tiki's Gen 1.

Edited by Canto
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What do you think of the followings pairs? It will be for doing Lunatic, and planned to be my endgame file. Only restriction is male Avatar/Mu (+Mag/-Luck):

Chrom - Sumia
Ricken - Lissa
Libra - Olivia
Gregor - Maribelle
Donnel - Sully
Stahl - Cordelia
Vaike - Cherche
Frederick - Panne
Lonque - Miriel
Gaius - Tharja
Kellam - Nah
Male Avatar - 3rd gen kid
Not too sure about where to place Avatar. Favoring 3rd gen kid for a strong Morgan, but thinking too about MaMu/Nowi for GF Nah.,, Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!
Edited by Alxion
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Time for some educative lesson!

The mistake that many players make when making a set up is to make every child good instead of aiming for the best result possible, the best example being using MU x Nah instead of Gen 3. Now, min maxing is not actually important, but when giving advice, its better to give the best result possible!

Therefore, I suggest you run gen 3 Morgan

And why? simple with MU x Nah you get

Male MU - no GF

2 Morgan - GF

Sounds good, but this also come with being unable to round up marriage

With FE MU you get

2 GF Male, one being female and Male

Male is superior to female for Agressor, hence the second set up is better

An argument can be made that Male MU can VV, but frankly, with 3 Mag and lack of Galeforce, Male MU is rather unreliable for the job, especially factoring non 100% Dual Strike since... his wife is Nowi of all people

As for your pairing, theres no problem with it. One change that I can suggest is using Henry for Maribelle. Henry lacked Armthrift(which is a deal breaker for some), however this allows Brady to retain + 4 Mag mods, and give him enough physical class to function well in a versatile manner.

One change that is not that good, but can be considered is by shuffling. Ricken!Severa over Stahl!Severa gives Luna and Tomefaire. Libra can then be moved on Owain for Vantage Vengeance, and finally Stahl on Olivia for Luna Inigo

MU marriage choice depends highly on which child you decided to make

On your default setting, Owain is the best IMO because Owain have Galeforce allowing for an overall better performance, while Laurent have better mods for Morgan and VV.

Edited by JSND
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I have half of my pairings figured out for my next playthrough (hard/classic since I did normal/classic on my first), but I'm unsure about the others (bold) so any advice would be neato:

Lissa - Libra

Sumia - Henry

Maribelle - Ricken

Sully - Virion

Olivia - Chrom

Cordelia - Stahl (I married Cordelia to Lon'qu before and Severa was OP as hell, but I read somewhere that Stahl makes an even better Severa??)

Cherche - Vaike

F!MU - Chrom!Inigo (Any advice for F!MU that isn't Chrom would be cool because I got hitched to him last time)

Panne - Frederick

Miriel - Lon'qu

Tharja - Gregor (I don't plan on using her and I probably won't use Noire either)

Nowi - Donnel

Gaius - ??? He's a good husband so I want to use him but I dunno exactly where to put him (I don't want to marry him to Tharja, before anyone says it). I'd marry him to MU but I'm not sure he'd do much in the way of optimising Morgan.

Kellam - ???

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I want to see what the story's like when MU and Chrom aren't together

It's *EXACTLY* the same with the exception of lines in Chapter 13/21 scenes with Lucina and the ending.

It's completely subjective when you take their "closeness" in any other chapter simply because FeMU marries him.

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It's *EXACTLY* the same

I figured, but I was thinking more along the lines of how the game feels than how the story actually progresses, I guess? Marrying Chrom to MU felt like the driving force of the plot on my first file, so I just wanted to do it differently this time.

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I have half of my pairings figured out for my next playthrough (hard/classic since I did normal/classic on my first), but I'm unsure about the others (bold) so any advice would be neato:

Lissa - Libra

Sumia - Henry

Maribelle - Ricken

Sully - Virion

Olivia - Chrom

Cordelia - Stahl (I married Cordelia to Lon'qu before and Severa was OP as hell, but I read somewhere that Stahl makes an even better Severa??)

Cherche - Vaike

F!MU - Chrom!Inigo (Any advice for F!MU that isn't Chrom would be cool because I got hitched to him last time)

Panne - Frederick

Miriel - Lon'qu

Tharja - Gregor (I don't plan on using her and I probably won't use Noire either)

Nowi - Donnel

Gaius - ??? He's a good husband so I want to use him but I dunno exactly where to put him (I don't want to marry him to Tharja, before anyone says it). I'd marry him to MU but I'm not sure he'd do much in the way of optimising Morgan.

Kellam - ???

Gaius x Nowi is the best non avatar for Nah, I'd say. Then Donny x Sully because Virion x Sully is pretty much BS. Virion x Maribelle because lolBrady. That would leave Grgor for Noire, and you should use her, because you get a sorc with AT, Sol, VV, and high magic.

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Gaius x Nowi is the best non avatar for Nah, I'd say. Then Donny x Sully because Virion x Sully is pretty much BS. Virion x Maribelle because lolBrady. That would leave Grgor for Noire, and you should use her, because you get a sorc with AT, Sol, VV, and high magic.

Alrightie, I'll try to work those into my plan, thanks for the advice

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Why is Brady always described as lolBrady?

Because Brady gains the Cavalier line from his mother, meaning he has access to Luna, Dual Guard and Aegis, along with Galeforce access/Sage/War Cleric/Dark Knight. He's a bit like Cynthia, really: just needs a father to exist.

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I've become a fan of third gen Morgan. Those are my current pairings:

Maribelle x Chrom

Sumia x Henry

Cordelia x Stahl

Sully x Donnel

Tharja x Gaius

Panne x Kellam

Olivia x Libra

Lissa x Ricken

Miriel x Lon'qu

Cherche x Frederick

Nowi x Vaike (eh... leftovers)

Laurent x Avatar

Basically, Avatar, Lucina, Cynthia, Severa and Noire are dark fliers and are paired with Laurent, Morgan, Owain, Inigo and Brady who are sages.

Lucina x Morgan simply destroy apotheosis. 100% duals strike + vantage + vengeance + forged celica's gate is just too broken

Edited by Nobody
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I've become a fan of third gen Morgan. Those are my current pairings:

Maribelle x Chrom

Sumia x Henry

Cordelia x Stahl

Sully x Donnel

Tharja x Gaius

Panne x Kellam

Olivia x Libra

Lissa x Ricken

Miriel x Lon'qu

Cherche x Frederick

Nowi x Vaike (eh... leftovers)

Laurent x Avatar

Basically, Avatar, Lucina, Cynthia, Severa and Noire are dark fliers and are paired with Laurent, Morgan, Owain, Inigo and Brady who are sages.

Lucina x Morgan simply destroy apotheosis. 100% duals strike + vantage + vengeance + forged celica's gate is just too broken

So you're basically going to curbstomp Apo?

I would like to try out some new/not what I have in my sig pairings for a new run. Here's what I'm thinking:

Chrom x Olivia

Virion x Panne

Gregor x Maribelle

Henry x Sumia

Ricken x Cordelia

Stahl x Cherche

Donnel x Tharja

Libra x Sully

Frederick x Lissa

Gaius x Nowi

Lon'qu x Miriel (For a different reason)

Avatar x Laurent

Thoughts on what I should do with this?

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I wish I had Adobe Fireworks to do that Pairing Grid thing.. is there an alternative to use it?

Could someone tell me if my headcanon pairings suck? And be BRUTALLY honest.

[spoiler=My Headcanon Pairings]Chrom x Carter - Great Lord Lucina / Dread Fighter Morgan

Vaike x Lissa - Swordmaster Owain

Virion x Olivia - Hero Inigo

Libra x Maribelle - Sage Brady

Donnel x Sully - General Kjelle

Frederick x Sumia - Dark Flier Cynthia

Gregor x Cordelia - Falcoknight Serena

Lon'qu x Cherche - Wyvern Lord Gerome

Stahl x Panne - Taguel Yarne

Ricken x Miriel - Sage Laurent

Gaius x Tharja - Sniper Noire

Kellam x Nowi - Nah Manakete

Edited by Carter
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I wish I had Adobe Fireworks to do that Pairing Grid thing.. is there an alternative to use it?

Could someone tell me if my headcanon pairings suck? And be BRUTALLY honest.

[spoiler=My Headcanon Pairings]Chrom x Carter - Great Lord Lucina / Dread Fighter Morgan

Vaike x Lissa - Swordmaster Owain

Virion x Olivia - Hero Inigo SO MUCH HAPPINESS

Libra x Maribelle - Sage Brady

Donnel x Sully - General Kjelle

Frederick x Sumia - Dark Flier Cynthia

Gregor x Cordelia - Falcoknight Serena

Lon'qu x Cherche - Wyvern Lord Gerome

Stahl x Panne - Taguel Yarne

Ricken x Miriel - Sage Laurent

Gaius x Tharja - Sniper Noire

Kellam x Nowi - Nah Manakete

Gregor x Cordelia sucks.

Kellam x Nowi sucks unless third gen Morgan.

Vaike x Lissa could be better.

And don't make Donnel!Kjelle a general. They suck. Paladin, dark flier, bow knight, assassin, falcoknight are all good choices.

And yeah, I'm not sure where to download it from, but there are plenty of online photo editors that can do it. That's how I did mine.

Edited by Duck
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I wish I had Adobe Fireworks to do that Pairing Grid thing.. is there an alternative to use it?

Could someone tell me if my headcanon pairings suck? And be BRUTALLY honest.

[spoiler=My Headcanon Pairings]Chrom x Carter - Great Lord Lucina / Dread Fighter Morgan

Vaike x Lissa - Swordmaster Owain

Virion x Olivia - Hero Inigo

Libra x Maribelle - Sage Brady

Donnel x Sully - General Kjelle

Frederick x Sumia - Dark Flier Cynthia

Gregor x Cordelia - Falcoknight Serena

Lon'qu x Cherche - Wyvern Lord Gerome

Stahl x Panne - Taguel Yarne

Ricken x Miriel - Sage Laurent

Gaius x Tharja - Sniper Noire

Kellam x Nowi - Nah Manakete

DUDE. Your set is so much like mine I don't EVEN.

Similarities are bolded.

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Gregor x Cordelia sucks.

Kellam x Nowi sucks unless third gen Morgan.

Vaike x Lissa could be better.

And don't make Donnel!Kjelle a general. They suck. Paladin, dark flier, bow knight, assassin, falcoknight are all good choices.

And yeah, I'm not sure where to download it from, but there are plenty of online photo editors that can do it. That's how I did mine.

Umm.. I know I said "brutally honest".. but "sucks" is the ONLY word that breaks me down.. :cry:

So.. should I switch Gregor & Stahl? Because I've heard Gregor x Panne is amazing.. and so is Stahl x Cordelia.

EDIT: And should I add.. this was ALL for HAIR COLOR.

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So you're basically going to curbstomp Apo?

I've already done that :p

Morgan and Lucina soloed it, with a little help from some avatars from the logbook as falcon knights using rescue staves and rallies. For beating Anna with 100% reliability, I put one of my avatars in her range, so Anna would attack her with the brave lance (she always start the attacks with the brave lance). Then on my turn, I used Morgan/Lucina to kill her from 2 range, and she couldn't counter.

Vantage + veangence + celica's gates everywhere + dual strike+ makes it impossible for Morgan/Lucina to lose to anyone.

Btw, your pairings are fine, but I find Libra x Sully a bit strange. Have you considered Vaike instead, since you're not using him?

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I wish I had Adobe Fireworks to do that Pairing Grid thing.. is there an alternative to use it?

Could someone tell me if my headcanon pairings suck? And be BRUTALLY honest.

[spoiler=My Headcanon Pairings]Chrom x Carter - Great Lord Lucina / Dread Fighter Morgan

Vaike x Lissa - Swordmaster Owain

Virion x Olivia - Hero Inigo

Libra x Maribelle - Sage Brady

Donnel x Sully - General Kjelle

Frederick x Sumia - Dark Flier Cynthia

Gregor x Cordelia - Falcoknight Serena

Lon'qu x Cherche - Wyvern Lord Gerome

Stahl x Panne - Taguel Yarne

Ricken x Miriel - Sage Laurent

Gaius x Tharja - Sniper Noire

Kellam x Nowi - Nah Manakete

Gregor x Cordelia sucks.

Kellam x Nowi sucks unless third gen Morgan.

Vaike x Lissa could be better.

And don't make Donnel!Kjelle a general. They suck. Paladin, dark flier, bow knight, assassin, falcoknight are all good choices.

And yeah, I'm not sure where to download it from, but there are plenty of online photo editors that can do it. That's how I did mine.

You could switch Lon'qu and Gregor. Kellam and Vaike also ( I believe somebody recommended Kellam!Owain to me before) Or run a Henry!Owain(Highly recommended)

Oh Duck... When people say brutally honest they almost never mean the brutally part. Otherwise I essentially elaborated on what he said .

Edited by Sorin
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I wish I had Adobe Fireworks to do that Pairing Grid thing.. is there an alternative to use it?

I know this isn't exactly what you asked, but I intend to develop a webapp in the near future that will provide similar functionality. But I am working on a different project at the moment (which I will be releasing very soon).

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Could someone tell me if my headcanon pairings suck? And be BRUTALLY honest.

Umm.. I know I said "brutally honest".. but "sucks" is the ONLY word that breaks me down.. :cry:

Anyways, to answer your other question...

I wish I had Adobe Fireworks to do that Pairing Grid thing.. is there an alternative to use it?

One of my friends did it using pixlr, and she said it's easy enough.

I made mine with GIMP, but I was screwing around and making fake stuff.

[spoiler=no seriously, screwing around with REALLY fake stuff - not for the faint of heart]NOBhfJDl.jpg

I paired people I thought would go well together.

And now for your other-other question, regarding your headcanon parings...

[spoiler=Your pairings]

Chrom x Carter - Great Lord Lucina / Dread Fighter Morgan Pretty good, this works fine. Also it's Avatar, and so will work basically no matter what.

Vaike x Lissa - Swordmaster Owain Only proc skill is Astra, which is rather unreliable, IMO. I like Libra!Owain and Ricken!Owain, or maybe Kellam/Fred!Owain. Also Swordmaster is a kinda weak class, since it's Sword-locked. Sage is better (and Owain has better Mag mods anyway).

Virion x Olivia - Hero Inigo No Luna. He'd like someone like Ricken (for Mag) or maybe Fred (physical)

Libra x Maribelle - Sage Brady Lots of class overlap. And Vengeance isn't that great without Vantage, IMO. But really, lolBrady is great anyways.

Donnel x Sully - General Kjelle Good, although General is a pretty bad class.

Frederick x Sumia - Dark Flier Cynthia Okay I guess. Cynthia will be great regardless, but Henry!Cynthia is better, especially if you're shooting for a Dark Flier, since Fred has -Mag mods.

Gregor x Cordelia - Falcoknight Serena Gregor could be better used elsewhere, and Severa "Serena" would really like Luna. As it is though, she'd make a pretty cool VV Dark Flier. I would of course suggest Stahl!Serena since that's a staple (for good reason) but Kellam!Serena is also nice (gets Luna and Assassin and Tomefaire, and I personally really like the supports). Lon'qu!Serena is also nice, but if you want a Falcoknight he's not the best, since no Luna.

Lon'qu x Cherche - Wyvern Lord Gerome Gerome would probably like Axefaire or something, and Gregor and Vaike do that well. Lon'qu gives him very little of note (basically just Vantage).

Stahl x Panne - Taguel Yarne Okay, but Stahl can be used better elsewhere I'd suggest Fred!Yarne, usually. Also Taguel is a pretty bad class; Berserker is much better.

Ricken x Miriel - Sage Laurent OP Magic and Luna and DG+, so very good, especially as a support. If you want him to be fighting, then I'd suggest Gregor!Laurent or Lon'qu!Laurent, or maybe Stahl!Laurent.

Gaius x Tharja - Sniper Noire Very good pairing, and she's an okay Sniper. Donnel!Noire might be a better one, to abuse Double Bow with Armsthrift, but whatever. Noire usually excells at magical more than physical, so Sorc or Dark Flier would be my recommendations.

Kellam x Nowi - Nah Manakete Very slow. Extremely slow. Vaike!Nah gives Sol and Luna (and AT, but she doesn't need it as a Manakete), so consider that. Also Manakete is a kinda 'meh' class.

Seriously though, if these are for your headcanon pairings, then I'm just confused as to why you want someone to critique them in a gameplay-focused thread.

I did try to be honest, although I dislike saying anything sucks.

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