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Your Dream Wedding/Honeymoon?


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So, we have a general romance thread, but what about a happier topic related to the subject? What would you like your wedding and honeymoon like to be when you get married? :3

Or, if you're already married, what were they like?

Me, I've basically got it all planned out. I just need the right husband-to-be. lol

I'd honestly want to use a lot of common wedding traditions, like using a church and wearing a beautiful white gown and such. I'd want my groom to wear a black tux with a red rose and black bow tie (not a regular tie, I like bow ties way better). My bridesmaids would wear blue gowns. Or maybe yellow. I like both of those colors a lot. xP But anyway, I'd also want a bit of a Zelda and Fire Emblem theme. My mom showed me a pair of Zelda wedding rings awhile back and I immediately thought "I MUST have those for my marriage!" They were totally awesome!

I'm not sure if I'd rather have my reception inside or outside though. I guess that'll depend on what my future husband thinks. Of course there's going to be food and dancing and music and such too. But that music volume must be kept to a certain level because of my sensitive ears (the reason I regretted going to the only school dance I ever attended).

As for the honeymoon, my dream is to hop on a plane and spend at least ten days in Disney World! I've been to the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom already, but not Epcot, Downtown Disney, or either of the water parks or anywhere else there. Plus, Splash Mountain was closed last time I was in the MK because it was January. I didn't get to see a few other things in the park either. I'd want my future hubby and I to stay in the Art of Animation resort hotel. At the Orlando Airport though, we'd rent a car and go straight over to the hotel because Disney World staff picks up your luggage for you if you're staying in one of their hotels! You don't have to go to baggage claim at all (though I wouldn't have minded. I just enjoy airports a lot for some reason lol).

Before anyone says this is childish, I don't believe you can ever be too old for Disney. I grew up with it and I'm going to keep it in my life for as long as I live! Besides, people can actually get married in Disney World! So ha. I just want my honeymoon there instead. I also knew a married couple that went there by themselves.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh oh, like. Well, I've never thought about this. But like I'd like my wedding to be not too big/small with friends and family. NO STRANGERS. The only food there would be pizza, and the wedding cake. Which will be carrot cake. But that might not happen since I doubt I'd have much of a say in the matter. Meddling everywhere.

As for the honeymoon part me and the missus would kill evil on the moon in our giant mechs. Just kidding, but like, that'd be so awesome. Actually we'd be mooning passerbys while eating honey. Luuul that won't happen either but it would be funny. Nah, we'd eat Taco Bell while going to various arcades. That won't happen either. We'd probably be in a lame, expensive hotel not doing anything fun.

SIGH. But, uh, I'm being serious.

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Heh, I guess I'm just a person that finds fun in planning events like these and going to vacation at a place like Disney World. lol

But I don't want strangers at my wedding either. But I'd be inviting family from both my mom's side and my dad's (my biological father, not my stepdad, though they'd be welcome too, I guess).

I never said I didn't care about how my married life goes. I just want a great wedding and honeymoon because it's a big step in life, really. And you don't get many opportunities for this.

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never thought about it before.

but i know what it is without thinking too hard.

wedding: on the ISS

honeymoon: mars

i mean how sweet would that be? it's a little difficult to make love in space and on another planet, but we'd be newlyweds. we'd make it work!

for reality's sake, i guess i'd be able to settle for a wedding somewhere nice and a honeymoon in western europe.

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I look up to my parents.

Their wedding consisted of the two of them and a priest in a military chapel. As far as I'm aware, their honeymoon consisted of going to work in the morning.

Maybe not that spartan, but I'd like something without too much pomp and ceremony.

in the post under this, freohrdatia tells everybody how she wants her mother's entire tribe and her husband's entire family (extended) and president barack obama to attend her dream wedding, after which she would honeymoon all over the english countryside and then go to jamaica

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sorry to be a cockblock

Dream wedding = outside in my backyard with just close friends and close family (including extended)

Dream honeymoon = hiking/doing outdoor stuff in the rockies then of course conceiving a member of the next generation in the place we are staying

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sorry to be a cockblock




I dunno~


I want my mother's entire tribe and Aiku's entire family (extended!!) and President Barack Obama to attend my dream wedding...

And then honeymoon all over the English countryside and then go to Jamaica???



BUT my mom's entire tribe consists of people who are drunk and smoke all the time, very disappointingly ;~;

So maybe just my mom, wee one person from the tribe~

Also I like New Zealand =o

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I've never really given this too much thought, but I would love to get married somewhere unique, not in a city. My dream honeymoon would be in Australia or Central Europe, I'd love to visit those places. Of course, I'd have to consider what my potential partner would want.

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I don't really have any plans, but I know when I'm old I'll yell at kids about their music and to tell them to stay off of my lawn.

Don't you already do that? 60 isn't exactly young, dad.

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i'm not sure how i'd want my wedding because i would just feel lucky being able to marry someone that i love enough to want to marry(assuming these things ever actually happen). by the way anacybele, your marriage sounds REALLY exciting!! whoever you marry is going to have the time of his life XD

I don't really have any plans, but I know when I'm old I'll yell at kids about their music and to tell them to stay off of my lawn.


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Hmm dream wedding....

well id like a quite simple ceremony that isn't very expensive for both me and my potential mates finances, [close family members and close friends only.] Actually id love to have Dan Green at the wedding for whatever reason but now I'm just being silly. Simple reception afterwards and for a honeymoon heading off to a concert of sorts and some love making if we both agree.

the whole thing would really depend on what my significant other would want out of the marriage and honeymoon. [as long as it didn't ruin us financially i guess is my biggest concern.]

then again the wedding doesn't really matter in my opinion its how the bride and groom interact that's important and whether or not there committed to the relationship.

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I don't really have any plans, but I know when I'm old I'll yell at kids about their music and to tell them to stay off of my lawn.

What about your YARANAIKA plans? ;)

SB, you're underestimating Shin's old

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Honestly, anything too over the top would scare me a little bit, because I've seen some HUGE weddings that must have cost a fortune to throw. They're unbelievable and amazing and as much as I would be so excited for that, I would probably run around squealing, feeling all the pretty decorations and not actually do anything important. Like get married.

I like pastel colors though, I think that'd be a color theme I want. Nothing too flashy or flamboyant. Traditional wedding, preferably! Reception...I'm thinking probably inside, because the weather can be unpredictable ;) As for honeymoon, I might let my husband decide that...again, anything too over the top would send me into squeeland. I'd love it, but I don't know how much he'd be able to stand my excessive giggling. I get excited about going out to happy happy places :D

Disneyland sounds amazing, just saying. Not childish <3

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I never thought of that. I think I'd let my wife choose everything. It would be kind of weird for me anyway, though, because I hate being the center of attention.

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I've not really given this a lot of thought, as I've practically resigned myself to the fate that I may never get married. If I DID, though, I'd have a simple wedding ceremony while making the honeymoon extravagant. For example:

The wedding: I might do what my cousin did recently and rant out the ballroom of a fancy hotel for a night. I could invite family, extended family, and friends along for the ceremony and probably throw a party for everyone there, if it falls on a specific day. My cousin got married on New Years Eve 2012, though I doubt I'd do the same thing. Haha.

The honeymoon: I'd like to go somewhere I've never been before...but nothing Disney-related. I've been to Disney World too many times in my life, so I'd probably spoil the experience for my would-be wife. I'm thinking about taking a trip overseas, to either France, England, Spain, Italy, Australia, or New Zealand. I've never been out of the states before...I'm sure it'll be nice.

Eh, maybe that'll come to pass one of these days. Hell if I know.

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Disney World and Disneyland are actually two different places, lol. Disney World is in Florida and Disneyland is in California (as well as France). Disney World is also MUCH bigger and its Magic Kingdom is a little different from Disneyland's.

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Dream marriage:

  • Twerking down the aisle
  • No fancy wear, everybody gotta dress up as city thugs
  • The reception has to be held at Taco Bell
  • The cake has to be made entirely of breakfast burritos

Honeymoon has to be in Sweden.

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