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FE8 Females Only in 93 turns (COMPLETE)

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Yeah, but second time around you ignore him entirely in your warpskip. I've been thinking that in C19, which is the FoW defend map you can end earlier by bosskilling, you could wait for his EP counter while somebody counterkills a General for his Brave Lance. Then again, the Brave Lance is not necessarily helpful.

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The Brave Axe is fairly easy to obtain, but Amelia is neither a General nor a Great Knight so I don't see the point of caring. The biggest problem with the Brave weapons is that most of the fighting in the game is over by the time they appear - FE7 did this much better.

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iirc Formortis has 2 weapons. One targets DEF one targets RES. And he starts with the DEF targeting weapon equipped. I very well could be wrong though.

I always use Myrrh to kill Morva (rig a ~17% Crit) and Lyon in Final (needs 1 of 4 hits to Crit).

edit: Myrrh has 6 movement and flys. Sage!Lute doesnt have better movement.

Edited by Hawk King
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Whoops, mixed her up with Fa (is Fa any good in FE6 drafts?). Myrrh is really hard to get kills for due to how late she joins and how quickly we start clearing chapters. I think WK Vanessa is the way to go, with her Pierce chances being close to Myrrh's crit chances (and with a Killer Lance, you could land one hell of a pierced hit if lucky).

Lute still beats Myrrh in reach by attacking at range but she should be busy warping anyway.

Just checked a video from Horace and Seth takes 27 damage from Fomortiis, having 23 def/20 res, so in spite of adding 10 to Magic, Demon Light seems to target phys defence. My Vanessa currently has 30 HP/13 def, so I think she should take one of the two robes in order to take a hit, because she's not particularly likely to proc so much HP/defence during her remaining levels (though I could make said stats my priority considering I'm 3 points away from capping strength and 1 point away from ramming speed).

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I never thought it was that hard to level up Myrrh.

I was surprised when I first got her, I'd no idea what a Manakete was.

Then, I'd soon figure out, a dragon person..

Doesn't she get like 80 EXP from killing an enemy?

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What makes Myrrh better than Fae is Myrrh can actually FLY and isn't a loser and has 6 move.

But Fae is cuter.

Edited by Refa
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Myrrh can gain exp just fine. On Chapter 18 I warp her to the right to clear that area out by herself, which gets her about ~500 exp. Add that to the kill or two you can feed her on Chp 16 and 17 and shes LV 7 going into Chp 20. If you crit-kill Morva and spend 2 turns on Chapter 20 she can be like LV 15 going in to Final. If you do a 1 turn thats fine too. I've had a LV 7-8 Myrrh kill Lyon before.

She is the only character who can survive an enemy phase on Final part 1 and she only needs like 10 AS to double Lyon.

Although I do play on a cartridge. If I played on an emulator, I might go for a pierce too.

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So it looks like I need the following to 1-turn chapter 16:

1) 24+ magic on Lute

2) A staves on Lute

3) A staves on Natasha/L'Arachel (only former possible I imagine)

4) 12+ magic on Natasha/L'Arachel (easier to achieve with L'Arachel who starts with 6 magic)

5) Boots on Eirika (not needed if Natasha/L'Arachel has 14+ magic)

I will only have two Energy Rings to give to anyone and I assume Lute can get 3 extra points of magic by fighting and staffspamming in maps 13-15, so that's +4 magic to Natasha who will need to get 3 more points of it (not too tough if staffspamming the C14 secret shop Barrier in the desert but the estimated desert turn count is something I don't have an exact understanding of yet - my units ARE pretty fragile).

The requirement is certainly tough to meet without somebody like Artur or Moulder and I can totally see myself failing even if I do try (and you know that when I try, I really do try).

There's also the other side effects of 1-turning chapter 16 - namely, Boots on Eirika is not the brightest idea longterm (though you might as well), missing the Purge tome sounds kinda bad for the C18 rout where I expect Lute to use it whenever she's not using Warp, and Lute losing 2 squares of staff range by giving up the Energy Rings in favour of another girl staffer could come back to haunt me (though using Warp between C16-C19 gives a ton of exp).

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The Maximum warp range Lute will ever need is 13 (26 MAG) so if she can reach 24 MAG without rings for Chp 16, then getting 2 more MAG by Chp 20 should be no problem.

As far as the boots go, they are practically useless in this game. You won't regret giving them to Eirika because no one else will need them.

Purge helps on Chp 18 but it's not a must.

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Lute takes the Speedwings and the Goddess Icon.

Chapter 13 cleared in 2 turns with staffspamming, Neimi reaches promotion range.

Chapter 14 just might be the most crucial point of this run - which units to promote, how many turns to settle for, how to execute everything? Beamcrash 6-turned the map while going to the secret shop with two 8 move units, but he also played the game on NM and killed the boss with a Bolting crit (Bolting doesn't even exist at this point in the English version), and while we cannot match that by any means, I think 7-turning with the secret shop and proper staff spamming (this should be the decisive map for this, and I guess the desert too to a lesser extent) is a good expectation.

I'm almost certainly promoting Neimi (to Ranger, though Sniper's proximity to A bows and extra strength is tempting) and I'm still thinking if promoting Amelia is a good idea (she didn't even level up in chapter 13 but her stats don't matter a whole lot at this point) - I think two 8 move units is exactly as many as I will need but I could be wrong and only require one in Vanessa - gotta study the chapter again; the infrastructure is pretty complex.

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I don't think Eph & Co will be forced to enter any combat - they come kinda late and the enemies down south can be engaged as early as turn 1 (with Tethys's help but she should probably be dancing Lute and Natasha instead).

Here's what my staffers look like as of chapter 14 (before the map):




To restate what I previously said, I need A staves on Lute and Natasha by the end of chapter 15 and B staves on everyone by chapter 20 (this one is much easier to achieve). Lute appears to be 46 staff wexp away from the goal, and if you look at the images Natasha is about equally close. Let's say it's 92 staff wexp for both of the two, which is equal to 23 Barrier uses. The C12 Barrier staff has 4 uses so I can use it thrice more before it breaks (it shouldn't), but there's also repairing it with Hammerne (which gives 8 wexp as well as an unusually large amount of experience, so Natasha should probably be the one to use it considering we still want to somehow level magic up three times in the next two maps alone).

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If I haven't already said this, I commend you greatly for doing a female only run on Sacred Stones. Because I sure couldn't, and you've done a great job! Additionally, I used Hammerne on Eirika's Rapier, probably because I overused it but....ehehe.

Purge helps on Chp 18 but it's not a must.

Agreed. I've actually haven't found that long range attacks are really a must throughout the game, if I recall properly...except when recruiting Cormag. Those ballistae are sure handy to pick off the other wyvern riders around him. Again, not a must...but convenient.

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If I'm not obtaining Purge, that means I wasted my time working on Lute's light rank (luckily not at anima's expense considering she has S rank already anyway), since a 1-turn of map 16 cannot get Hammerne. I'd rather not fail the 1-turn though.

Hammerne has 3 uses, right?

Yeah. One will repair Barrier, the other two - Warp.

edit: Also, managing C14's infrastructure is a huge pain in the arse.

Edited by Espinosa
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Think I'll regret it later (i.e. the desert right next) if I kill Rennac so that he doesn't block the way? I probably can 7 turn with the shopping regardless - I'm not exactly sure tbqh.

Colm has the same move stat and the same guarantee of digging out items. Only advantage I can see is Rennac's higher durability making it less likely that enemies pick to attack him, so he can progress without being engaged in combat (a rule I continuously uphold in this challenge). Or am I missing something else? If so, give me a wake-up call before I fag up the whole run.

Anyway, the map's not looking that bad as the opposition is pretty toothless - just need to carry Tethys and Eirika in the right ways.

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I can't remember whether or not you're allowing thieves to lockpick doors and chests. Free lockpicking and stats is all Rennac has over base Colm. If you're not using thieves for chests and you don't need two thieves on C15, I don't think you need Rennac.

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Phew, that was quite the effort. Turned out to be quite a bit harder than it seemed initially. Rennac was kept alive but who cares about that.

Currently I'm trying to find if I can get Marisa to L10 before seizing by sending her in a different direction - an Assassin for the desert sounds nice considering it's the last real battle chapter (C18 is basically staves vs. eggs). Lute is really close to A staves right now, and Natasha's a little further behind but should get there next map (let's see if I can 3-turn it with A staves on both the girls!). Main worry is L'Arachel who only got to heal, like, twice during C14 and is still at D staves so she can't even spam Physic yet.

I'm actually glad that I've been hoarding all the resources because without an Angelic Robe on Tethys the whole strategy (it's precise to the square from start to finish) gets wallopped. Not because I'm trying to tank the entire enemy army with her face or anything - it just affects the AI in a specific way. It's easier to see when I put up the video of it.

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After playing New Mystery of the Emblem & Awakening.. I kinda got used to having dancers with swords.

It it nice though, to have someone to refresh you. In Awakening/New Mystery of the Emblem, it feels like Olivia/Feena was just giving you her turn.

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I don't know what use the swords could have on a unit who's bad at fighting but has such a useful unique function in dancing - unless you can redirect some enemy attacks away from the dancer to bulkier units with bows standing nearby or something.

I remember in the Touhou Chemblem fangame, Reimu, your dancer, can wield Chen's (Lord character) Rapiers - and due to the fact that Satori, the Chameleon, can actually morph into the dancer and level to L30 within one turn that way (they mimick one another over and over), they form an irresistible duo that way. Nevertheless, I found more efficient ways to kill bosses in that little game lol.

So yeah, I recorded chapter 14 successfully and am moving on to one of the two remaining non-warpskip chapters of this short but challenging game. All my team sand the healers is now fully promoted, Tana and Marisa completing the line-up.

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