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Awakening WTF Moments


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Look, I am sorry for bringing up Flames on the Blue.

The morality of the act isn't really related to how shocking it is for a viewer. So it makes no sense discussing it here.

If i could bring up a different WTF moment: When Frederick saved some poor low Def schmuck (probably Sumia) from Astra through a lucky Dual Guard activation.

That would have been shocking enough on it's own. But I didn't even know if Dual Guard would protect from more then one slash. Thankfully It did, but then things got really weird.

The camera went kinda messy during the act and the mounts were clipping into each other so I am not sure what exactly happened. But it came down to Frederick going through his intercepting animation and voice tracks before ...every... single... slash of the foe.

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Dear gods, how did it get to this? lol

I dont even freaking know. All i know is one guy totally spazzed out so bad i think a vein in his head burst. Wow...

Anyway, any time this happens.

Can using the image tags on this forum BE any worse? Holy crap. Apparently jpgs are not allowed.

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JUST got another one. Lunatic Chapter 1. Freddy is on the base with Chrom. Hammer with 14% hit for 26 out of 29. One Mercenary misses with an 80% and Chrom dual-guards another. A plain axe user hits with a 27% for EXACTLY 3 HP...

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Nooooo! Freddy! DX ;_;

I hate that guy for what he did to him in your file. I'm sorry, Shadowofchaos, that sucks. D:

don't blame him, blame the lunatic+ cause from what I have seen, it is hard to beat... Something to look forward to in my later playthough... *shudders

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this was the basis for my joke. it seems i wasn't very good at showing my sarcasm there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ah, my apologies. Sarcasm is difficult to detect without voices.

To the topic, however, and this had slipped my mind till now.

The Prelude. Just...all of it.

We meet Chrom, yeah? Blue hair, spitting image of Ephraim. Blue hair pretty much always means main character, likely Lord. His being the Lord class in the battle stage confirms suspicions; we're looking at the man at the top.

So we beat the snot out of Darth Fauder easy-peasy, as expected from the first map. Those are generally nigh unloseable without heft doses of stupidity involved.

Cue cutscene, Chrom and Avatar we made for ourselves, thereby marking him/her as Other Main Character, are patting eachother on the back and being all "yay we win, like there was ever a doubt"



Needless to say when i first played the demo i was like "wait, what?"

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don't blame him, blame the lunatic+ cause from what I have seen, it is hard to beat... Something to look forward to in my later playthough... *shudders

Yeah, but it was still that boss that so brutally killed poor Frederick. That was one hell of a blow in the earlygame. D:

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I was in Lost Bloodlines 3.

And an enemy activated 'Astra' against Inigo. He was paired up with Severa, and then she started to block all 5 hits.

All I heard was:

"Are you blind?!"

"Wipe that smile off!"

"Are you blind?!"

"Wipe that smile off!"

"Are you blind?!"


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I was in Lost Bloodlines 3.

And an enemy activated 'Astra' against Inigo. He was paired up with Severa, and then she started to block all 5 hits.

All I heard was:

"Are you blind?!"

"Wipe that smile off!"

"Are you blind?!"

"Wipe that smile off!"

"Are you blind?!"


If I remember correctly, I think that always happens as long as the first hit is blocked...

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In the future past DLC Inigo says Brady is unarmed, Brady has an e in axes and Inigo has a bronze axe in his inventory.

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I brought out Cords (I gave her a nickname, because I'm too lazy bother calling her Cordelia all the time) and Severa for some support training. Cords and Severa go to attack an enemy, and Cords misses her attack, and gets criticaled, leaving her with 5 HP. I had been planning on a quick, get in, kill, get out (Yay Galeforce!). There's no units nearby to attack and get rid of the enemies (5 of them). My turn ends.

The enemies attack, and I'm resigned to Cords shuffling off the mortal coil. Suddenly, Severa intercepts and defends her mother. Thanks, Severa, but your mother's still kind of screwed. Cords is attack again, and again, Severa protects her. All of the nearby enemies attack, and Severa takes all of the hits.

This actually also happened before with Cynthia, just with fewer enemies (and also no chance of death, but it's the thought that counts). Severa redeemed herself, and I've lost all disdain for her. I never thought a character would rescue themselves from my Scrappy heap like that. Damn Severa.

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