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What is the best/worst game you've ever played?

Barney Calhoun

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The best is probably Super Smash Bros. Brawl or Pokemon Emerald. The worst is some shoot 'em up game I got as a gift for the wii.

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Best: Persona 3. I feel like I learned a lot through it.

Worst: I don't know. Probably Last Rebellion. I cannot go back and finish it because of the battle system.

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Just because it isn't the best game you've played, doesn't mean that isn't the best game that I've played.

I wasn't saying that

Best: Can't decide

Worst: Drill Dozer. (And it's not even that bad. I just generally play really GOOD games like fe4/ff3/sf2/ssbb/muramasa.)

That's the thing with me. I don't play bad games, I just play games that aren't as insanely amazing as the the insanely amazing games I do play.

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Best: I don't know, all my favourite games sort of sit in a pool and I can't decide a favourite, if held at gunpoint, I'd say Metroid Prime, or one of the Wii Zeldas, or perhaps MGS.

Worst: I want to say Assassin's Creed III, but I'd be lying, and at least I like a couple other Assassin's Creed games. I have to go with either Fantastic 4 (movie tie in) or this incredibly buggy Star Wars game on the GBA I played.

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Hmm I can`t really say I have so many best games I`ve played I`m really not sure wish I could list them all but for now

Best:Final Fantasy 5

Worst:Sailor Moon Another Story

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I played plenty of bad games in the NES days.

Best: Diablo II LOD

Worst: Action 52 - Out of 52 games you would think 1 of them should be decent.

Runner up: Back to the Future - Ironic I borrowed this game from a kid named Marty. I joked to him about taking the DeLorean back in time and stop whoever made this horrible game. He was too young to understand the joke.

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Best: Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. What I always wanted out of a 3D Mario games. A linear 3D platforming experience with loads of variety and beautiful music to boot.

Worst: Simpsons Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror for the Gameboy Color. Shivers.

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Best: Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

Worst: Donkey Kong 64

See, now this surprises me. DK64 as the worst game you've ever played? Really? The game was a 3D platforming masterpiece for it's time, and still holds up today. Strange.

Best: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars / Chrono Trigger / Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Worst:Command and Conquer, on the N64. Whoever thought that an RTS like C&C belonged on the N64 needs a serious brain exam. Mario is Missing is up there too.

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Some of you people must've avoided a lot of games if that's your worst game

Worst: DBZ Legacy of Goku 1 was pretty awful

Best: Well there's a lot of games that could fit under here

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See, now this surprises me. DK64 as the worst game you've ever played? Really? The game was a 3D platforming masterpiece for it's time, and still holds up today. Strange.

I didn't buy an N64 until long after the game was out, making it look primitive (no pun intended) compared to what I was used to. Not to mention I'm not generally a fan of that type of game to begin with.

But yeah, I'll admit, I don't generally play bad games.

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Best: Maybe Shadow of the Colossus. I'm not sure though.

Worst: Some Sesame Street game my parents got me for the GameBoy/GBA. I was only 3-4 so they wanted to get me a kid friendly game, and I could never even figure out what to do.

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