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An old man gives you a super power!



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  1. 1. Which power would you pick?

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On a fine mid-autumn afternoon, you're walking down a path on your way home from the market when you spot an old man on the side of the road. You can tell that the old man is homeless by his raggy torn clothes and dirt covered body. It's safe to assume he hasn't had anything to eat in a while judging by how thin he is, so in a moment of kindness you give the old man three red apples and a loaf of bread from your shopping bag. It turns old that the old man is a wizard and he wants to pay you back for your kindness. He offers to give you one of the following powers:

1.Immortality - You're now alive forever! NOTHING can kill you and you will not age. The con is if you ever get bored of living you can't die.

2.Telekinesis - You can now lift things with your mind! The con is you can't lift anything that weighs more than double your weight.

3.Flying- You can now fly through the skies! You can fly up to 65 miles per hour and you don't have wings. The con is you can't fly higher than the tallest skyscraper.

4.Reading Minds- You can now invade everyone's privacy! The cons are you can only read one mind at a time and the person must be within three yards of you.

5.Super Strength - You can now lift elephants! The con is you can't lift things for more than 30 seconds.

6.Time Travel - You can now travel through time! The con is that you can't travel more than 5 years into the past and/or future.

Which power do you pick?

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I'd say immortality, only because I'm certain I'd have things enough to occupy me till the heat death of the universe, but the odds of just being pinned down, powerless to move, for a long long time (like caught in a shipwreck or something, having a heavy weight on me for centuries, thats unappealing)

So I'll take time travel. I can do a lot with just a day or two of going back, but up to five years? It's fucking oooooooooon

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Heehee, the con of reading minds is reading minds x3 That's how I see it, anyway~

Also how tall is the skyscraper TheEnd that old man refers to?

I guess for me, it would be flying... how do I fly though? Just lift myself up? Grow wings? If I grew wings then I would change my mind because I don't think human bodies were made for flying~ If I could just lift myself up and move through the air then maybe that would be more manageable =o (If I can't do that then perhaps I would choose telekenesis instead and carry myself around in the skyyyyyy) I hope flying won't feel too weird or tough on my body ;~; I think it would be convenient to be able to fly where I want to~

Like to Ohio~~~~~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Heehee, the con of reading minds is reading minds x3 That's how I see it, anyway~

Also how tall is the skyscraper TheEnd that old man refers to?

I guess for me, it would be flying... how do I fly though? Just lift myself up? Grow wings? If I grew wings then I would change my mind because I don't think human bodies were made for flying~ If I could just lift myself up and move through the air then maybe that would be more manageable =o (If I can't do that then perhaps I would choose telekenesis instead and carry myself around in the skyyyyyy) I hope flying won't feel too weird or tough on my body ;~; I think it would be convenient to be able to fly where I want to~

Like to Ohio~~~~~

The question is how fast you can fly...or a question, anyway.

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I'd say immortality, only because I'm certain I'd have things enough to occupy me till the heat death of the universe, but the odds of just being pinned down, powerless to move, for a long long time (like caught in a shipwreck or something, having a heavy weight on me for centuries, thats unappealing)

So I'll take time travel. I can do a lot with just a day or two of going back, but up to five years? It's fucking oooooooooon

Even when the universe ends you can't die. You'd just float forever through nothingness.

Heehee, the con of reading minds is reading minds x3 That's how I see it, anyway~

Also how tall is the skyscraper TheEnd that old man refers to?

I guess for me, it would be flying... how do I fly though? Just lift myself up? Grow wings? If I grew wings then I would change my mind because I don't think human bodies were made for flying~ If I could just lift myself up and move through the air then maybe that would be more manageable =o (If I can't do that then perhaps I would choose telekenesis instead and carry myself around in the skyyyyyy) I hope flying won't feel too weird or tough on my body ;~; I think it would be convenient to be able to fly where I want to~

Like to Ohio~~~~~

Let's assume the tallest skyscraper in the world. As for speed, you can fly up to 65 mile per hour.

As for wings, no wings. You just lift yourself up and that's that.

Now to answer my own question..

I'd personally pick mind reading. I could really put that ability to use.

I'd enter poker and chess games with cash prizes and put my ability to use to accumulate a lot of money.

I could also use it to read my peer's minds to help me get ahead. I could blackmail the competition with their weakness, or perhaps just simply outdo what they have planned to do as a less ugly method. Being able to read my partner's mind would also be very useful.

I could probably make a grocery list of things to do with it, really.

So mind reading it is!

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Even when the universe ends you can't die. You'd just float forever through nothingness.

I could probably make a grocery list of things to do with it, really.

So mind reading it is!

But I will die

even if my body is the only thing left in the whole universe, existing in a void of nothing

I'll just eventually



that's death if I ever heard it, no?

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The flying con is too vague. Are we talking just the height of a skyscraper, or that + the altitude of the ground it's built on? Like, if we take a skyscraper in México City then we'd have an 8000~ ft limit, but if it's a skycraper in NYC, then it's just barely a thousand and a half or so of ft. Unless it's just the skyscraper, in which case I guess the highest one in the world then?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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But I will die

even if my body is the only thing left in the whole universe, existing in a void of nothing

I'll just eventually



that's death if I ever heard it, no?

I've heard people say they would stop thinking, but is that actually based on anything? As I've cautioned before, I'm merely curious.

Let's assume the tallest skyscraper in the world. As for speed, you can fly up to 65 mile per hour.

As for wings, no wings. You just lift yourself up and that's that.

Man, at 65 mph I bet I could hit someone really hard :D

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I've heard people say they would stop thinking, but is that actually based on anything? As I've cautioned before, I'm merely curious.

I've heard about this. I've read that the human mind can only hold so much information, that if it were to fill up, it'll push out old stuff for the new. So I guess that after some centuries, you may start to forget things, perhaps even your own childhood, or family, or even identity.

Well, it's pure conjecture on my part at this point.

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I've heard about this. I've read that the human mind can only hold so much information, that if it were to fill up, it'll push out old stuff for the new. So I guess that after some centuries, you may start to forget things, perhaps even your own childhood, or family, or even identity.

Well, it's pure conjecture on my part at this point.

Well, I figure that the brain might have a way of "emphasizing" certain parts of one's memories and the like, so even if you lost some focus on initial memories, they wouldn't go away entirely either. But the thing about conjecture goes for me too.

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I'm really afraid of death right now, but living forever actually looks quite bad. I'd hate to be able to read other people minds. Flying is OK, I guess, and so is telekinesis. Super strength is bad because it means I can't work out anymore, since the weight on the gym will be too light, so I won't gain muscles. Time travel is terrible because you don't ever know what's going to happen. I guess I would take telekinesis, since I'm so lazy and it would be useful to get things like a glass of water or food without having to move.

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TE gives away powers?

omg TE gimme

I'll pick flying just because it'll probably be the one with the least con. I wouldn't want mind reading because ... well, it was never specified if you could control when to read someone's minds or if you can just read people's minds. Because I sure as hell don't really want to know what the fuck is going on in most people's heads.

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Telekinesis. The definition of telekinesis given doesn't prevent you from lifting yourself to fly. So you can get flight without the con of not being able to fly higher than the tallest skyscraper. Two powers for the price and con of one.

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