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let's see what dreams i had last thursday 2.30 am

Dream 1.I don't remember anything, but when i woke up, i was standing on the entrance of my own house at 3am strike, meaning i had to sneak my own house to sleep without parents noticing me.. (in short, it's like i had to go into some kind of haunted house or something) then suddenly i was on my bed, meaning it was a dream..

i sleep again

Dream 2.When i wake up, i saw my dad and sis in my room with lights on at night, my sis Strangled me (and i did feel like STRANGLED in real life...) with her hands and since it doesn't made sense, i throw them out since this got to be a dream, true,after that, i realized i was laying on my own bed and it was dark (awoke)

i don't remember the rest, but i swear i dreamed and awoke 4 times that day...

and oh i forgot to tell but sometimes when i lay sleeping, my body can suddenly paralyzed (i can't move my body), either out of unknown fear or shock

then something's wrong with my mind, my emotion suddenly getting unstable out of unknown fear/despair/stress and it's like someone is invading my mind, and once, i heard a laughter.... >.<

am i...possesed? or this is common phenomena regarding half-conciouss state? 0_o

Edited by Pukuriripo
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It's not abnormal.

I've had dreams where I had my limbs ripped off, and I woke up to feel that part of my body seemed kind of sore/awkward.

I also had a friend who had a dream that her leg was being pulled my an octopus and she woke up with that leg in the air a bit (in a position like it was being pulled).

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The boss on the Bomb Train is the best for the first boss because you can get the Falcon by timing your jump >_>

crescent grizzly? no, he's a bad first boss. it's better to fight tidal whale first because you have to backtrack to his own level get his piece of the falcon armor. but if you beat grizzly slash when there's less than 10 hours left on the counter, you get a piece of equipment called the hyper dash that makes your dashes faster and longer.

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It's not abnormal.

I've had dreams where I had my limbs ripped off, and I woke up to feel that part of my body seemed kind of sore/awkward.

I also had a friend who had a dream that her leg was being pulled my an octopus and she woke up with that leg in the air a bit (in a position like it was being pulled).

Strange... i never even got a dream where i lost a limb or something..

i did once had a dream being head shotted and murdered in spo,

and no, i didn't wake up, i died and unable to move my body, eyes still open.. so i can still see..

but my body definetly *dead* and unable to be moved from hands to eyes/mouths... then i woke up..

most of my dreams are about either bad/sad news regarding someone's death, or facing moments between life and death, yet i already used to/know well every facts that happened in that dream before i even realized what's goin on with the dream..


in my dream, i heard that my father already died, and it felt like i already knew that fact years ago in said dream

another dream: i saw a very poor house and saw my family there, i'm not shocked to find out we're living there, rather, it's just that i already knew my family was poor and we have lived on that house since the day i born on that dream

then whanever i woke up, i was like "wait,, that was a dream? but i'm sure that dad already died ages ago!!" and no, i saw my dad on breakfast >.<

and thus, to me, dreams are me having/watching the memories of "myself in another world of different story"

it's better to fight tidal whale first

that is... if you had the nerve of not getting frustated of killed many times by duff's "I'MA PUSH YOU TO THE SPIKES" desperation attack near his dying.. and his weakness is grizzly's weapom >_>

Edited by Pukuriripo
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whenever i wake up from a bad dream i think "ahh, thank goodness that's not reality"...but then it stinks when i wake up from good dreams :<

Too me that says that overall your life is pretty bad, because if your life was good then at least some good dreams would probably be relatively acceptable to "lose out" on compared to a good life that you lead in the present.

And man Puku and Sumia had some messed up dreams, I'm so lucky (IMO).

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Too me that says that overall your life is pretty bad, because if your life was good then at least some good dreams would probably be relatively acceptable to "lose out" on compared to a good life that you lead in the present.

Debbie Downer pls

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that is... if you had the nerve of not getting frustated of killed many times by duff's "I'MA PUSH YOU TO THE SPIKES" desperation attack near his dying.. and his weakness is grizzly's weapom >_>

there's a rhythm to it. you gotta jump as he shoots the ice blocks. just jumping around will get you nowhere. and...trust me. using weaknesses in this game makes the battles so much slower, even though it makes them safer.

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Is anyone else bothered by the fact that they've made her too sexy for her characteristics and wearing that skimpy clothing?

Because her personality has to be somewhat this...


Somewhat vain

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Regarding the actual topic

I've seen perfecter asses.

That is a nice combinaton of legs/ass/stomach all in a row though.

All of the facial features are spot on too, and I'm a sucker for long hair.

The figurine isn't too far off from being as idealized as possible but I figure if you're gonna go that direction you might as well go all the way, so I give it 2 stars out of 5

But Fire Emblem is trying harder and harder to be straight fanservice, which I find hilarious, so I give IS 4 stars. They lose a star because they're just ripping off of sankaku complex at this point

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Trolls are hideously disfigured creatures that hide in darkness and devour human souls unwary enough to draw too near their maleficent lairs.


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Well you have work to do then

Also I want to say that being the hottest girl from a shitty genre is not a big deal, but...maybe the fact that it's a shitty genre means they put more effort into making the girls hot as compensation.

You know, the whole waifu thing.

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