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[FE7] Best FE Ever


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why would you pick canas over pent anyway




Chapter 17x- 3 (52)

Guy wasn't ready to promote, so I put Raven underneath Canas's village so that Canas would appear to the left of him and could reach the middle forest tile turn 1 to dodge-tank a little. Everybody helps clear the way, and Hector kills Damian. Canas was the only hope at 3 turning this chapter with my team.

...that's one reason.

Edited by King Marth
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Chapter 18- 3 (55)

I kinda wanted Raven to get this Hero Crest, but 3 levels in 3 turns was not happening. Instead Guy promotes and kills the boss.

Chapter 19- 5 (60)

Dart and Hotness get. Dart ferries Guy over the river, then drops him and they rush to Uhai. Guy doubles and 3HKO's Uhai with the KE and 1 crit. Got the Torch Staff.

Chapter 19x- 4 (64)

Pure water Hector is unstoppable! Fiora drops Hector across the mountains turn 2 and Javelins some mages. Hector ORKO's Aion with the Silver Axe.

Chapter 20- 4 (68)

A lot of rescuing and clearing the way for Guy and Hector in this chapter. Hector passes the armorslayer to Guy and opens the door turn 3. Guy ORKO's Darin with a 22% crit.

Chapter 21- 3 (71)

Fiora saving none of the turns! But she did get some nice EXP! Got the whip, the crest from Oleg, and the Restore staff. Canas promoted, and healed a whopping one time.

Edited by King Marth
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I 6 turned Jerme's map with Florina, Eliwood, Hawkeye, and Pent wrecking everyone's shit and careful maneuvering with Ninian.

But seriously, I don't want this team. Too painful to look at.

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