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Most beautiful girl finals


Final poll.  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the most beautiful girl in Fire Emblem?

    • Jill
    • Sheeda

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Damn, Nephenees killing em. I always thought I was unique in thinking that she was hot :x

Illyana is still now and forever waifu though <3


Nephenee has always been one of the more popular characters (and deservedly so :wub: )

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Jill, Titania. And admittedly, Micaiah is also pretty nice looking.

I guess I am just a sucker for the darker red shades. Maroon, Crimson or whatever their names in English are.

Of course, Jill and Micaiah benefit from me considering them great characters. And Jill is an extremely admirable individual. So that helps too.

She also did a good job showing how side characters can have character development during the story and how you can tie support conversations into that. Also, info conversations.

This things don't really extend to Titania. But she is a cool enough lady to get my vote anyway.

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Bleh, girls I find plain or ugly are winning these polls. :/

Anyway, I voted Elincia, Jill, Sigrun, and Leanne for Tellius. Elincia is the prettiest of all to me, imo.

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Micaiah & Jill., <3

Jill I like especially because of the fact that her tier 3 armour is actually great in the fact that it covers her up alomst entirely. Which makes sense, it is a battlefield! =D stunning in general and dat hair.

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Man, this poll is moving fast.

I go with Midia then, since she is all knightly and stuff. Her mannerism and appearance are pretty cool in any incarnation.

...when she isn't stuck in cells or epically failing to ambush unarmed men. Well, cool doesn't have to mean competent.

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Although I disappointed Nephenee lost, I would say that Jill's piercing red eyes are really beautiful, along with her flowing red hair.

For the current poll, I voted for Sheeda, Est, Minerva, and Katarina. I think Minerva is going to take it. I really want her to face off against Jill.

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Btw, should Nagi even count?

Narga was always referred as the dragon king. Even by Xane. Narga just has the habit to take the form of a woman or girl.

While Shadow Dragon implies reincarnation of a sort, according to the "Recurring Themes" page on this site, the Japanese version of the game still refers to Narga as the Dragon King:


Shadow Dragon introduced a new character named Nagi--a Manakete that looks very similar to an older Tiki. She resides in a tower from another world and gives Marth a weaker version of the Falchion. Before you wonder what Nagi's relevance is, her ending title during the game's Epilogue is "Divine Dragon King's Avatar", while the event where she appears is named "Revived Divine Dragon King" (in the Japanese version). Furthermore, her internal (in-game) name is NAGA.
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Btw, should Nagi even count?

Narga was always referred as the dragon king. Even by Xane. Narga just has the habit to take the form of a woman or girl.

While Shadow Dragon implies reincarnation of a sort, according to the "Recurring Themes" page on this site, the Japanese version of the game still refers to Narga as the Dragon King:


Isn't King a gender-neutral word in japanese?

And because of that, in Japanese at least, you can assume Naga has always been a woman. The translation forced them to retcon on the FE Awakening mainsite somewhere.

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