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What are you afraid of?


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What kinds of things frighten you?

Here's my personal fear list:

Worst Fears:

- Bugs. I HATE bugs, especially spiders and bees. If I see any kind of bug I freak out. I start screaming and try to fling my body away from it so I can run away, even if there is a person or something I could break in my path. I cry sometimes as well.

- The dark. I have always been terrified of the dark and have never managed to get over that fear. I don't mind a little darkness, but if it's complete darkness I become really paranoid and uneasy.

- Crowds. Not only do crowds overwhelm me and give me anxiety, but they also scare me a lot. I'm terrified to go into crowded places without my partner by my side.

Other Fears:

- Clowns

- Most dogs

- Mean/violent looking people

- Being alone at night

- Mice/rats

- Heights (mainly when near ledges)

- Needles

- Pain

- Zombies

- Werewolves

- Reptiles and amphibians

- Pineapple (allergic)

- Weapons

- People thinking bad things about me

- Bad people (murderers, burglars, etc)

- Horror movies (usually)

I could be forgetting some things, but I think that mostly covers it.

My ultimate biggest fear is too personal to mention, so I'll keep that one a secret.

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Heights(unless its obviously safe) closed in spaces, the dark and bugs to a degree. Not too much other then that, although like you I get anxious in crowds and I do get a bit nervous being the center of attention for any reason but thats just because i'm shy.

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Heights(unless its obviously safe) closed in spaces, the dark and bugs to a degree. Not too much other then that, although like you I get anxious in crowds and I do get a bit nervous being the center of attention for any reason but thats just because i'm shy.

Is it odd that your fears are almost exactly like mine?

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Spiders are my #1 fear, I once took a two hour bus ride to the university and read for six hours because there was a spider in the house, and no one was home to kill it. My second fear would be making phone calls. While I'm not scared of talking to random people face to face any more, for some reason, that dialing tone still gets me all anxious, sad and regretful that I even bothered phoning.

I'm not sure where these fears come from, maybe something happened to me as a kid that traumatized me so much so that I don't want to remember it?

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Lets see..

- Bugs

- Heights

- The Dark

- Death

Normally, I'd be afraid of horror movies, but whenever I start watching one, I start to like it.. so I guess I actually like Horror movies.

And that does not seem like myself AT ALL.

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Illness and storms.

Storms used to scare me too, but my mother had these tapes that played sounds of thunderstorms while I slept for awhile and now storms relax me unless the storm is super huge ^^;
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Fire and heat is my biggest one. Like, sure, it's a useful tool, but I'm playing with stuff that can instantly cause pain and damage for extended periods, not cool. It's terrifying stuff. I'm always super careful when putting things into and taking them out of the oven/other heat sources as a result.

Another one is ladders, especially fixed ones that are (close to) vertical. I've mostly gotten over this one recently, due to using the ladder in my house more, and thanks to it's awkward positioning, it's always wobbly, which meant I needed to get over the fear quickly, so I did.

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I fear a bunch of things already listed (death, bugs, dark, heights, never finding my soulmate), but I fear time the most. The thought of time passing endlessly without me, not letting me do the things I want to do in life at my own pace terrifies me beyond belief.

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the dark




jump scares

being truly alone


power tools


talking to new people

dangerous people



things with stingers



being upside down



being useless

any form of rejection

loud noises


horror movies





big cats (like tigers, not fat cats)

being vulnerable

something thrown towards me

football (participate)

hockey (participate)

basketball (participate)

*this doesn't exactly scare me, but it makes me nervous* people looking at me

bicycling (even though I can't, it still scares me enough where I won't ever try)


wild animals

insane people


farm equipment

freaky imagery

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's at least quite a bit more.

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Quite a few, but the ones that come most often

The dark (i can walk in it fine, but i'd be lying if i told you i sometimes feel like (sometime i do it) running to the lightswitch.

Also, any type of weird big looking bug. And also spiders, big or small.

Horror movies are here too. I watch a few now and then, but i have trouble coming to terms with the dark even more. Damn it brain stop imagining things.

Interacting with strangers and doing new things entirely by myself without any sort of guidance.

Also dogs that try to get close to me, when i'm not used to them. I'm not sure if you will bite or not, so give me a few hours with you then i'll pet you (maybe).

Edited by SlayerX
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I'm afraid of heights. I used to not mind planes, but recently I've been a little nervous on them too (kind of have to get adjusted).

Other Fears:

- Clowns

- Most dogs


- Werewolves

- Reptiles and amphibians

- Pineapple (allergic)


I could be forgetting some things, but I think that mostly covers it.

WOW that's the best fear I've ever heard of! Carry yourself with pride! I will make sure to stop lobbing pineapples at people in case others have this fear (who cares about the allergy).

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