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Which unit is worse? Gilliam or Neimi?


60 members have voted

  1. 1. Which unit is worse?

    • Gilliam.
    • Neimi.
    • Both are awful/don't care.

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it's an opinion based upon my personal experience in drafting and in efficient runs.

Neimi is a detriment because she doesn't get exp fast enough and has no 1 range for 10 lvls.

Gilliam can take the crest and function while building axe rank.

I mean shit, you only need 14 spd to double 85% of fe8, and 10-12 spd doubles like 50-60% anyways.

I don't want to put up with Neimi who has the issue of being locked to range, shitty bases, and having an "average" growth spread. The cost of training her over Gilliam isn't worth it.

Hell, training her over Ross/Garcia isn't even worth thinking about considering Ross has trainee exp gain and solid combat; while Garcia is one of the most solid units in-game.

That's pretty interresting than a character can be more usefull in efficient gameplay than in a more casual approach.

Neimi isn't that good anyway.

Not when Lute completely surpass her at base, and is constently better.

And, how the hell is even Garcia good. He's almost as slow as Gilliam, with passable defence. Only his HP (Not that usefull), and Strength (Mitigated by his awfull speed) are good.

He's one of the most useless character of the game hand down (At least Dozla is already promoted. )

Only Amelia could be considered worse, and it's only because of her awfull join time. Gilliam surpass Garcia completely.

Edited by TendaSlimeKnight Ikkar
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And, how the hell is even Garcia good. He's almost as slow as Gilliam, with passable defence. Only his HP (Not that usefull), and Strength (Mitigated by his awfull speed) are good.

He's one of the most useless character of the game hand down (At least Dozla is already promoted. )

Only Amelia could be considered worse, and it's only because of her awfull join time. Gilliam surpass Garcia completely.

Garcia has good enough bases and just enough of a speed growth to handle himself. Give him Garm when you get it and/or promote him to Hero, and Garcia is capable enough to carry himself throughout the entire game. He's not stellar, but he isn't awful in any way.

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Garcia has good enough bases and just enough of a speed growth to handle himself. Give him Garm when you get it and/or promote him to Hero, and Garcia is capable enough to carry himself throughout the entire game. He's not stellar, but he isn't awful in any way.

Yeah, Garcia is one of the few units that can actually make meaningful contributions when Seth is killing bosses in 5 turns and ending chapters, so...

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A lot of units can do the same though (Franz and Nessie have better combat potential when trained and Artur/Lute want all the experience they can get to turn into high mag warpers in a timely manner, Gilliam gets Canto and Ross can peakwalk in chapter 12 to speed up its completion) and Garcia's not offering much that's unique outside of that glorious HP. Drafters overhype him because he's available earlygame.

By the time you do get Garm, the game's almost over too.

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A lot of units can do the same though (Franz and Nessie have better combat potential when trained and Artur/Lute want all the experience they can get to turn into high mag warpers in a timely manner, Gilliam gets Canto and Ross can peakwalk in chapter 12 to speed up its completion) and Garcia's not offering much that's unique outside of that glorious HP. Drafters overhype him because he's available earlygame.

By the time you do get Garm, the game's almost over too.

I'm not surprised at Franz and Vanessa, and if you are going crazy warping I can see Artur (How does Lute ever get to A staves?) but how does Gilliam ever promote and how does Ross ever get useful stats?

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Lute gets to A staves more easily than Saleh considering earlygame availability, the existence of the CH4 Guiding Ring and the excellent opportunity to spam Torch in chapter 11 (I got to C staves in 5 turns, if you take longer you can go even further). Artur gets there more quickly as a Bishop + due to getting occasional extra kills through crits and slight availability advantage over Lute, but doesn't grow magic as reliably as Lute and, while Bishop grants him C staves which alleviates any and all problems with getting staff rank on time, lower mag cap makes his warping less effective (okay, this one point you don't really have to care about).

Gilliam and Ross are getting exp/promotions only in draft context, which can be said about Garcia too by the way (absolutely no need to invest in a foot unit with unreliable speed growths). If no Cavs are drafted, Gilliam might as well take the early Knight Crest (and he makes great use of it if promoting for chapter 8's seize objective). And even IF a non-Franz Cav is drafted, Gilliam can take the first Crest anyway because the second Cav isn't promoting for a while and might as well wait for Aias's Crest (or an even earlier one if going with Ephraim) and even in the scenario where you get to choose between having a 8 move Paladin and a 4 move Knight and having a 7 move Cav and a 6 move GK, the latter is preferred (since you picked Gilliam you're obviously using him).

Ross's bases are really bad, but he's present forever and actually has an enemy phase which Neimi cannot claim. His rout contributions in C4 are big assuming he's proc'd speed once (or twice? I forget what his base AS is), get him a huge amount of experience and he promotes into a tier 1 unit in no time.

Who am I kidding though, Garcia is far better than Ross in spite of Ross's eventual peakwalk contributions in an over the top ragingly gay LTC run (where I believe Ross is unique before Dozla just because of lower Con but I need to check that, not so sure). BUT! He's nothing special, and he's a foot unit with middling speed.

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Drafters overhype him because he's available earlygame.

units that are amazing picks in drafts aren't necessarily the units who are best for standard ltc so this is to be expected

note veryone can have vanessa, obviously

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I was just talking about that at length. What I mean is, drafters basically see Garcia as the 3rd best drafted unit after Franzessa (could be wrong) even though Garcia isn't warping anyone anywhere anytime soon... any. But obviously in draft "sufficient combat" is of big importance because there's only so much Eirika can do on her own, decent combat units are a must in routs and when getting stragglers out of the way, but when "sufficient combat" is something Garcia shares with quite a lot of units, he's not really special in any way, is he? Add to that the high chance of getting below average AS.

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Garcia being 3rd pick is so 2011.

3rd pick should be Artur and 4th pick Tana Garcia/Saleh. Then the Artur guy can get Gilliam to have an eventual mount. Sadly, FE8 is not good for drafting at all because Franz Nessie are so OP and whoever doesnt get them just has to like, deal with it. Just lose, you got screwed by the RNG order.

Edited by PKL
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