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Teach Me To Be More Tolerant of Stubbornness


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Just don't take whatever it is that bothers you too much to heart. There have been plenty of stubborn opinions that I won't agree with, but the important thing is to meet halfway and agree to disagree. Of course, that also requires cooperation from the other party, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt in at least trying to get along. If they don't, then they're probably trolls, and you shouldn't be trying to argue with them in the first place.

Usually, even if you can't agree on one thing, you should more than likely still be able to agree and talk about other things. That's how I usually do things, anyways. Hope that helps! :)

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Just answer "OK" to what the stubborn is saying. They will get upset because they will think you're mocking him. When they bring that up, just say: "Okay, but I'm not mocking you, hahaha, you can have your opinion, there's nothing wrong with that" in a slight ironic way. They'll get even more mad, and everytime they try to argue that you're mocking them, repeat that phrase or just say "okay". They'll either get tired of arguing or have a heart attack after some time.

works really well with my sister haha

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Just answer "OK" to what the stubborn is saying. They will get upset because they will think you're mocking him. When they bring that up, just say: "Okay, but I'm not mocking you, hahaha, you can have your opinion, there's nothing wrong with that" in a slight ironic way. They'll get even more mad, and everytime they try to argue that you're mocking them, repeat that phrase or just say "okay". They'll either get tired of arguing or have a heart attack after some time.

works really well with my sister haha

sounds like a dick move. just explain why they're being stubborn and move on with your life.

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Do what I do. Just make note of the fact that the people you want to tear into are acting like retards and ignore them. Life's a LOT easier that way.

QFT, and just assume something happened in their life that they feel so bad about living that they have an urge to one up everyone, and waste their lives doing so in the process. The best revenge is living well, because they're going to spend their sad life trying to maintain their 'perfect' person, while I am going to do the opposite and learn from my mistakes I make in public and go to bed without a care!

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