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Let's Rate The Parent FINALE: Olivia and Cherche


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Created Sol+Galeforce Nah/Kjelle/Noire, which is pretty much necessary. Sucks as a mods dad but probably the better parent for non-Streetpass team Daughters.

8.5/10 would Git 'er Dun.

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Donnell... hm... not very good mods (though minimal negatives is nice, I guess), nor class selection save for helping three characters get gale force... which I find useful, but not really all THAT OP or whatever the term. Don't need an entire team of them. Just most, which the game itself provides.


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Ridiculous growths mean he gets ridiculous stats without having to reclass back to Level 20 unpromoted, and passes down Mercenary & high Luck to exploit the hell out of Armsthrift.

Meh modifiers, though, and a lot of his supports are kinda underwhelming. But I have yet to have a bad kid fathered by Donnel, though I'm not much for trying to trivialize everything by the end of the Valm arc so I could be on my own in that belief.

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While you might think, oh he have Galeforce(and 2 particular skills that is really not that good, if at all) so he is awesome, he really is not that good in practice because the only child who lost absolutely nothing with him as a father is Kjelle(who, BTW lacks Tomefaire and is a female) and Noire(Read Kjelle and faces SPD problem)

Also he have not 1, not 2, but 3(4 if you count Yarne) pairing that is a complete joke

Like, Seriously?


Galeforce is Galeforce, but I'm going to say that he is the best example of an impractical father that seems awesome

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Oh, Donnel. I didn't think we'd get to him quite so quickly. Well now;



-Acceptable physical mods

-Pegasus Knight and Valkyrie! ...


-... For girls only. Even then, the demand for his classes is surprisingly small.

-No offensive proc.

-Awful class overlap for sons.


-Remaining mods aren't great, but for the most part there are ways around them. Some kids are hurt more by them than others, though.

-Aptitude and Underdog are alright inheritances. Not really good for the long haul, though.

The Kids:

Kjelle: Arguably Kjelle's best Galeforce option from a team-based perspective, because you're not going to squander Gaius's Myrmidon if you're smart. It's probably the only Donnel pairing I find unequivocally good, to be honest.

Noire: Galeforce/Luna is always good, but to me it's literally just a worse Henry!Cynthia with Armsthrift. 1 speed mod kind of hurts her ability as a Sorcerer, but I've relaxed on it since speed doesn't really matter in the long run.

Nah: Used to be great, fell down hard but I think it's still alright. It's basically Gaius!Nah minus Vantage and with bulkier mods. That and she can run as a Valkyrie since she gets Tomefaire by default. 4 breakers never hurt anybody, either.

Brady: Yeah, now we get to the mediocre. Again, Brady can't be hurt too much, but the lower speed hurts a bit.

Laurent: Well, if you really want Armsthrift on a Sorcerer and Gregor's elsewhere go for it I guess.

Owain: Alright as like a gimmick set with unbreakable Missiletainn and near 0s across the board mod-wise.

Yarne: Underdog is okay I guess, but if you want to do a crap pairing just so Yarne can get Sol why not just give him Vaike?

Gerome: Armsthrift alone is pretty laughable without any of the staples that make most Geromes good. That, and he doesn't really need it.

Inigo/Severa: lol

Heh, looks like we were just discussing the good old days of the Sol Thrift era. I remember when Donnel was considered one of the best parents in the game because Mercenary was seen as the king of classes.

Then it was eventually shown how broken Great Knight was and everything came tumbling down like a game of jenga.

Basically, think Vaike except generally worse. In theory he seems great because everyone loves Galeforce and Mercenary. In practice, it's mostly Galeforce that props him up since AT is mostly for Sorcerers/Regalia and Sol is largely obsoleted by stuff like Luna. That and one or both of his special inheritances are squandered by most of the kids. The increased importance of Great Knight was really the worst thing to happen to Donnel because suddenly he's a lot less viable than he was before. The diminishment of Mercenary is really just rubbing salt in the wound.


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Is this an "ignore everything except Apotheosis" ranking thread, when it comes to gameplay?

Is it supposed to be a "Rate the parent for Apotheosis" thread?

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Donnel's probably the only parent I'm willing to use arguments such as modifiers for. Usually now I wait until after Valm when I've excessively grinded everyone's stats to make the kids broken anyways, so I just look at class/skill options in terms of gameplay.

Otherwise, I just go off how I like the supports.

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Im not going to be that guy, but there is really no substance in optimization beside Apo and even then Apo is super easy that an optimal pairing is not even needed(for fuck sake, even Chrom can cripple the toughest enemy in the game in 2 Shot of Brave).

Maybe add streetpass to this if you want to but eh

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Depends on whom you ask. My own answers are based on a grinding run.

I am just trying to make some sense of these rankings, because the priorities seem to be all over the place, i.e. the parameters are poorly defined. Donnel seems like he'd especially suffer from this, because whether you care about his unique skills depends entirely upon how you are weighing various parts of the game.

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Donnel had the potential to be an amazing father but basically because I don't fell like typing a paragraph of things already said, he falls incredibly short.


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Alright, well...

Donnel!Owain: Remember how I said Vaike!Owain was base!Inigo but worse? Well this is even worse than that.

Donnel!Inigo: LEGENDARY

Donnel!Brady: You cannot fuck Brady up. But still.

Donnel!Kjelle: A knockout. The mods fight (but are ultimately not that bad) but the skill inheritance is that good. By which I mean mostly Galeforce/Armsthrift, but getting to fling spells from a pony's also a pretty nice gig. I just really wish that Donnel didn't have that negative SPD (if you're going to do that, at least give the kid Knight or something).

Donnel!Severa: See Donnel!Inigo.

Donnel!Gerome: Only gets Armsthrift and Bowbreaker. Pretty awful.

Donnel!Yarne: Well, if you really have a thing for Armsthrift... eh.

Donnel!Laurent: Prefers Vantage.

Donnel!Noire: Armsthrift Sniper, I guess. It's a heck of a lot better than Donnel's other options, and it's definitely one of the better Noires, but I do feel that Donnel!Kjelle capitalizes better on Donnel's class-set, simply because she has Vantage to use with Valkyrie. Also the mods fight and there is a speed issue.

Donnel!Nah: Well, she gets Sol and Galeforce, at least.

Overall, Donnel has one really good kid, one pretty good kid, a Brady, and a lot of shitty kids. Because of the nature of the postgame, you're going to use him as a father, but he's always used in an extremely niche way. Compare this to the other father who can pass Galeforce to daughters: Gaius. Not only can he pretty reasonably father other kids beyond just the Galeforce-less daughters (not that he should, but still), he also has great mods. Donnel looks like shit in comparison. By which I mean I really wish he didn't pass negative speed, and I wish that he either got a 4th class (because Villager sucks) or Fighter were switched to Barbarian (so he could at least pass Axefaire). Still, he's pretty much going to have to be used. 5/10.

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He's generally a bellow average father, but being kjelle best father's and noire's (arguably) second best push his rank up IMO. 7/10, just because donnel!kjelle is so good (HUGE class set, galeforce, not bad mods, since sully's mods are some of the few that fit well with donnel's)

Basically, i'm giving him a 7 because i think being the best father of a certain child is great, even if all his other pairings sucked. Actually being a terrible father for every kid but one and the best father for that other kid might even be considered an advantage, since that kid will Always have her best father, unlike say, severa who might not get her best father (Stahl) just because his demand is so high.

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Actually, Severa have Lon'qu, a father who is slapped on Brady for no reason other than "Oh he sucks, but Brady is unfuckable and he happen to have solid mods"

On an unrelated note(which will come.... rather soon btw) I have said this for a while, but I really wondered why Lon'qu!Brady never lose popularity in spite of the fact that Lon'qu does not suck. Yes, he is not the best father like many used to think, but eh

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Actually, Severa have Lon'qu, a father who is slapped on Brady for no reason other than "Oh he sucks, but Brady is unfuckable and he happen to have solid mods"

On an unrelated note(which will come.... rather soon btw) I have said this for a while, but I really wondered why Lon'qu!Brady never lose popularity in spite of the fact that Lon'qu does not suck. Yes, he is not the best father like many used to think, but eh

I never understood that mini-fad where people thought Lon'qu was a sucky father.

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Actually, Severa have Lon'qu, a father who is slapped on Brady for no reason other than "Oh he sucks, but Brady is unfuckable and he happen to have solid mods"

On an unrelated note(which will come.... rather soon btw) I have said this for a while, but I really wondered why Lon'qu!Brady never lose popularity in spite of the fact that Lon'qu does not suck. Yes, he is not the best father like many used to think, but eh

I put lon'qu on brady not because he sucks (he doesn't), but because he gives brady EVERYTHING he wants (vantage and speed), while his other best choices, Miriel and Cordelia, already have gregor and stahl, who are arguably better.

You might be a bit biased against lon'qu!Brady because of the reason it first become popular, but IMO it's actually the best use of lon'qu AND the best brady.


Lon'qu!Brady didn't lose popularity in spite of lon'qu not sucking because it's a great pairing, and the best brady.

BTW, do you really think lon'qu > stahl for severa? He's also great, but I think Luna and STR+DEF mods > speed mods and wyvern, when she already has a lot of speed.

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"You might be a bit biased against lon'qu!Brady because of the reason it first become popular, but IMO it's actually the best use of lon'qu AND the best brady."

I beg to differ. Vaike!Brady offers interesting options, and Libra!Brady have double bra and give Mag Mods for High Impact build(which is cool because Libra is an often unused father!). Gaius is a strictly better Brady IMO, but you can argue his alvailability so easilly that its not even funny to discuss

In the normal cookie cutter build, I kinda prefer Libra over Lon'qu because of the high damage prospect alone

"because he gives brady EVERYTHING he wants (vantage and speed), while his other best choices, Miriel and Cordelia, already have gregor and stahl, who are arguably better."

The first problem with this argument is the sad fact that Brady does not want anything. He is fucking Brady

Aside from that, Brady does not really want Vantage. His staple set up of LunaForce Gressor Faire LB is usually set up to be supporting someone who have Vantage or simply go Double Luna Galeforce. Vantage actually become a waste of skillslot in this case

....I don't want to be that guy but this is also why Olivia!Lucina is not optimal in most set up(read: Apotheosis) in comparison to Maribelle and Sumia. Reason why: No Magic for Inigo beside DF and Lucina stay behind Morgan anyway

"do you really think lon'qu > stahl for severa? He's also great, but I think Luna and STR+DEF mods > speed mods and wyvern, when she already has a lot of speed."

Stahl is the best in a strict sense because of Assassin + Bowfaire, but it is still depending on the set up

Stahl's class set is convenient for Inigo, and Severa can simply go Vantage Vengeance with Lon'qu

Kellam(quite underrated) give Tomefaire and Luna and did not use up Ricken*.

Ricken give Tomefaire, Mag Mods, and lack of -SPD mods*

Vaike is a fine choice for Severa if only to get High STR mods and.... Vaike is usually unused unless you go with Gerome fathered Vaike, or Nah(and **** Nah) or Kjelle(lol)

Also +3 Speed is not "a lot of speed"

*The sad thing about this write up is the fact that Sumia manage to outclass most variants of Severa and we are trying to imitate Sumia with a gen 2

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I really hate "I can't remember/find Kellam" jokes, but I was just about to go to Lon'qu's day before I realized that I forgot Kellam. *massive facepalm*


The poor man's substitute for Stahl, Ricken and even Vaike for some children. This is by no means bad, since you can never have too many Great Knights in your gene pool. I like him a bit better than Frederick since he has Assassin to patch up any speed issues and is more offensively neutral in terms of mods.

He's pretty much just as compatible with most children as Stahl is but without Vantage or a physical faire.

7.5/10 Easy to find a place in your pairing system.

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Also +3 Speed is not "a lot of speed"

Lon'qu Brady has +4 speed, which allows him to double everything as a sage with a dark flier support

Btw: I agree that Maribelle!Lucina is the best Lucina. The second time I beat Apotheosis she was my MVP, and thanks to her it was incredibly easy.


Kellam: Luna, bad speed. I generally end up using him as the leftover father for yarne, but he works quite well with severa, inigo and gerome. To.mefair is also good.


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