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Let's Rate The Parent FINALE: Olivia and Cherche


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Panne and Cordelia are next.


Has ridiculous mods to make up for terrible class set. Berserker and Assassin are good classes for Yarne to be support units in, but Taguel is a pretty wretchedly designed class. No chance to get Galeforce means Yarne has no potential.



She had what was once considered to be the best class set. Nowadays its an okay set with no synergy other than Armsthrift Aversa. Severa still has plenty of options thanks this all around decent class set and good mods. Innate Galeforce is always convenient.

8/10 - Very versatile.

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Panne - 1.5/10

Poor yarne, worst class set in the game. The great mods don't make up for that

Cordelia- 7.5/10

Good classes that have no synergy. Severa ends up needing either vantage or luna to be top tier, which isn't that hard to get, so Cordelia still deserves a high score.

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Panne - If only Yarne could get Galeforce... 1/10

Cordelia - Severa's base set is still probably one of the better ones, but what really makes it shine is that it (like Inigo's) has strong reciprocal synergy. Severa, since she starts out with innate Vengeance and Galeforce, can take any parent that passes either Vantage or Luna and shine. Severa's super-customizable as a result, and I think it's fun to have a lot of viable variety. Also pigtails. 8/10, because Severa does need a bit of a push.

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Worst of the 3 non-galeforce boys

Fully disagreed. Yarne can easily take a mods father like Frederick, and that option may as well not exist for Laurent. And Gerome is just Yarne without Assassin/Berserker. That said, thank you for not giving an instant 10/10 favoritism rating to Cordelia.

Panne - After removing the possibility of Galeforce, Thief/Barbarian/(Wyvern) isn't all that bad, especially since she passes nice mods. However that only puts her at the top of the lowest tier. 3/10

Cordelia's class set is pretty awesome to begin with, but becomes brilliant when paired with Stahl, surpassing Brady and Cynthia's final results. Vaike, Lon'qu, and Ricken also make pretty great fathers for Severa, so it's not like she's forced to take one of the best husbands.

7/10, potential to rival Morgan, but lacking Luna and a son.

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Oh, boy. It reeks of bias in here.

Panne is nothing special. Yarne ends up...er...decent (I suppose) with Kellam or Frederick as a father. Because, honestly, you aren't giving Yarne a top-tier father just to make him "good" at best.

Panne is 2/10 if only because her theoretically amazing stat modifiers.

Cordelia, on the complete other hand, is pretty damn great. She is kind of like a jig-saw puzzle. If you find the right "piece" to fit, you get a completed Severa. Decent stat modifiers help, too.

Cordelia will get a 6/10, though, to compensate for this fucking waifu bias. Haters gonna hate~

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Panne-2/10, only because of her nice stat modifiers (I hate Yarne too, even less points)

Cordelia-waifu/10, redhead Morgan OP

9.5/10, class set is great but lacks synergy, decent modifiers, and <3 Severa

(Morgan with red hair is still best Morgan)

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Panne 2/10 for reason already stated

Cordelia gets 9/10 because she is basically a customizable character, so she can do so much stuff that the otherwise superior Sumia and Maribelle can't.

Which ironically make Cordelia FITS PERFECTLY into a Self Insert Mary Sue as sad as that sounds

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Panne. Why the FUCK didn't you give Yarne the Wyvern Rider class set and instead had to give him the Barbarian one. Like. Why. Why why why. She'd easily be an 8/10 parent if she gave Yarne Wyvern Rider and Barbarian (he don't need no thieves) because he'd kick ass with Axefaire from the get-go, but IS is full of morons. So in that case, Panne gets a 2/10. Great mods, and fathers like Lon'qu, Stahl, Virion, and Frederick help out Yarne a lot. But Panne...yeah, she gives Yarne a shitty class set.

Fuck Severa and fuck Cordelia, but hey, Cordelia has a pretty rad class set she passes down to her daughter. 8/10 for Cordy because it's pretty self-explanatory. Like Cynthia, it's pretty much impossible to screw up Severa.

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I haven't really tested out many fathers for Severa, so I don't really know how good one could be.

But does that mean, that no matter who you give Severa, she's still amazing?

There are some wasteful fathers for her like Donnel, Libra, Gaius, and Henry but no she can't really be ruined.

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Busy times these days, so I haven't been posting much. Gonna have to write these up real quick so sorry if it's lacking.


Fantastic modifiers... iiiitty-bitty class options. Yes, Yarne can take a mods father, but the thing is, those fathers give Yarne a lot more room to work with. Taguel is basically a waste, and he already has Assassin/Barbarian so he doesn't really need the other. Yarne would be a hell of a lot more viable if he got Wyvern over Barbarian/Thief though, let me tell you.



Really good initially at the start of the metagame, mostly because Merc + Sorcerer with Galeforce as gravy is a pretty good haul. Kind of fell off a bit again with the rise of Great Knight and Myrmidon, but she still holds up nicely. Hero is a solid class to use, and Galeforce is always good, in spite of what people say. An extra movement is so powerful in so many different ways. But really, the big thing that Severa wants is Myrmidon. Vengeance is already a decent offensive proc, it's just that it's rarely practical to use it without some form of insurance. Everything else she already has, it's just a matter of getting Myrm on her.

Mod-wise, Cordelia's actually really, really good. 1 strength and 2 skill/speed obsoletes almost any Kjelle for one because while they share the same skill/speed, Sully's other mods are worse. Severa will almost always end up fast and strong enough to take care of most things. Also, I'll defend Virion!Severa as viable. It's not the best, but it's certainly miles better than Donnel!Severa, that's for sure.


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It's not the best, but it's certainly miles better than Donnel!Severa, that's for sure.

A drunk toad is at least a good centimeter better than Donnel!Severa but w/e.

The two greatest waifus are next.


With Virion's class set and repugnant speed, Nowi demonstrates how filthy lizards can't match the cold steel and superior intellect of mankind. Manakete is the premier tanking class, but without any access to braves, the class falls flat. Nah can find salvation in being a girl, but she's worse at galeforcing than some first gens.

3.5/10 - Can withstand some waves in Apotheosis, but can't do much else.


Tharja has the benefits of coming with both Luna and Bowfaire allowing her to sync up with Gaius perfectly for a sweet Bow Assassin or VV magic user. Not much else to talk about. Gaius is to Tharja as Stahl is to Severa. She's also pretty useful with Donnel, allowing her to Double Bow stuff better.

Vantage also allows her to Sorc, but we already have Laurent and Severa for that.

6/10 - Needs Galeforce to function. Thankfully she's not as picky as Sully or meh like Nowi.

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Nowi - 3.5/10

At least she had the decency to have a girl, unlike Panne. Her class set, however is even worse. At least manakete is usable, unlike taguel.

Tharja - 5.5/10

Also had the decency to have a girl. Noire can work well with some fathers. Gregor and Lon'qu make her their Laurent with Luna instead of Aggresor. Gaius makes her pretty great and she's still good with Donnel. With those two latter parents, she can be Cynthia without tomefaire, but also has other options.

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Nowi has one of the worst class sets in the cast, and a -2 spd mod on top of it. Without Avatar's help, Nah is pretty terrible compared to the rest of the children. Gaius, Vaike, and Gregor turn her into a serviceable unit but she's essentially forced to tank or support.


Tharja - Noire is basically Kjelle with Sorcerer instead of Myrmidon.


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We're finally done.


The third MaleForce mother. Almost the same class setup as Owain, but with Mercenary. She probably went back in time to give birth to Gregor, who has the same exact class set as Inigo.

Anything that applies to Owain applies to Inigo, although Inigo's mods are a bit more versatile.



What the hell is going on with Rosanne's gene pool? Wyvern Rider, Fighter and Priest is pretty shitty as far a classes go considering there's no physical faires or good procs. At leas Gerome doesn't get stuck with two staff using classes. The negative speed modifier doesn't help.

1.5/10 - IS hates French people.

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Myrmidon + Mercenary + Galeforce is pretty solid. Inigo only needs GK or sorcerer to be great. Also good for Lucina, giving her DF (galeforce) and myrmidon, although I prefer Maribellere and Sumia. Still, Chrom giving inigo Luna maakes this pairing one of the most viable in optimization.


Cherche: Bad mods, bad classes (well, Wyvern Lord and Hero are decent, but he basically has no good skills) and eternal lack of galeforce. Gerome fights with yarne for the title of worst child.

1/10 with -0,5 bias because I hate gerome.

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-Myrm/Merc. All I really have to say.

-Galeforce inheritance.


-Mediocre modifiers. 1 Skill/Speed isn't really enough to make much difference compared to other kids, making Inigo rather father-dependent mod-wise.

Inigo's really kind of simple when it comes down to it. He's just Gregor with Galeforce, and Gregor already has a really good class set. Easily one of the best uses of Chrom, and he can make great use out of a lot of odd dads just because his starting haul is so great.




-Solid physical modifiers

-Acceptable support skill pool


-Low speed/skill

-No offensive proc, somewhat father-dependent for extra support and offensive skills.

The class set looks terrible, but there's actually a few gems in there. Flight, Dual Support+, and unrestricted access to some of Wyvern's goodies automatically puts him a bit above Yarne in my mind. He gets a faire in Tomefaire, (and Cherche doesn't hurt his magic either) and a few acceptable support classes right off the bat. (Warrior, Wyvern Lord, Hero, could argue for Sage) Sol is okay considering his bulk, as Pavise/Aegis/Sol was rather popular on him for a while.

OK, so he's not that good compared to all the kids, but I still think Yarne has it worse.


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Myrmidon Tree + Galeforce


Crap bases to start out with for Azure/Inigo, but that doesn't really matter on optimization context, does it?

Lunatic No grind context: 2/10

Min-max pair for Chrom. lol Lucina's bases in Chapter 13.

Azure/Inigo, is like other people have stated, very father-dependent for his good mods.

Honestly his own class sets seem pretty legit. His father inherited class sets are just pretty much a bonus. He *DOES* prefer one with Luna though.

Again, crap paralogue for Lunatic No-grind context through... especially if you went for Chrom x Olivia.


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