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So, I was thinking this moveset for Mega Charizard X:

Dragon Claw

Dragon Dance

Flare Blitz

Metal Claw

Taking into account its Tough Claws ability. Yes, I'm aware that both Dragon Dance and Metal Claw are egg moves (the latter used to be a level-up move, damn it...). But is there a breeding partner that can learn both of those?

EDIT: Wait, nevermind, Shadow Claw is stronger and is a base move.

Metal Claw


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So, I was thinking this moveset for Mega Charizard X:

Dragon Claw

Dragon Dance

Flare Blitz

Metal Claw

Taking into account its Tough Claws ability. Yes, I'm aware that both Dragon Dance and Metal Claw are egg moves (the latter used to be a level-up move, damn it...). But is there a breeding partner that can learn both of those?

EDIT: Wait, nevermind, Shadow Claw is stronger and is a base move.

I'd say give it Roost over Metal Claw. You want to be spamming Flare Blitz most of the time and Roost helps you stay healthy. It'll also give you a fighting chance if you get Stealth Rock'd.

If you're worried about Diancie, you can run Earthquake, which also hits Heatran and potentially Volcanion if that becomes popular. Other than those Pokemon, Flare Blitz + Dragon Claw will wreck souls.

Edited by Spaceman Craig
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You must not have noticed my post edit. :P

I'm going with Shadow Claw instead.

EDIT: I never saw Roost on its move list...

Edited by Anacybele
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See, I toldja. I even double-checked. lol

So Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Flare Blitz, and Shadow Claw it is. Shadow Claw is a TM move though, as well as a base move. But to save on Heart Scales, I'll use the reusable TM. lol

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Yeah Charizard can be taught roost. Just got the TM and a random Charizard I had and checked. It's what I plan on having on my actual Mega Zard X.

Edited by Konnor97
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Oh, wait, I see it now. I don't know how I missed it when scanning the stinking list two times over. xP

Roost instead of Shadow Claw then.

Now for Gale Wings Talonflame, I'm thinking this:

Flare Blitz

Brave Bird


Steel Wing

Flare Blitz and Brave Bird are both recoil damage moves, so Roost can compensate for that, methinks.

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Yeah Charizard can be taught roost. Just got the TM and a random Charizard I had and checked. It's what I plan on having on my actual Mega Zard X.

Oh wow lol

Oh, wait, I see it now. I don't know how I missed it when scanning the stinking list two times over. xP

Roost instead of Shadow Claw then.

Now for Gale Wings Talonflame, I'm thinking this:

Flare Blitz

Brave Bird


Steel Wing

Flare Blitz and Brave Bird are both recoil damage moves, so Roost can compensate for that, methinks.


Gale Wings will allow it priority on Roost and Brave Bird.

But Steel Wing?

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But Steel Wing?

Potential defense increase and super effective damage on Rock types. It's a physical move too.

Now I said I wanted Rapidash on my Fire team too, but is it possible to get one with its hidden ability, Flame Body? I'd love to have my fire unicorn inflicting burns on stuff. :D

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Oh, wait, I see it now. I don't know how I missed it when scanning the stinking list two times over. xP

Roost instead of Shadow Claw then.

Now for Gale Wings Talonflame, I'm thinking this:

Flare Blitz

Brave Bird


Steel Wing

Flare Blitz and Brave Bird are both recoil damage moves, so Roost can compensate for that, methinks.

That doesn't look that bad. Although, judging on a couple of Fletchling rejects I have received, Tailwind and Quick Guard are potential options over Steel Wing. I can see Tailwind because it gets the Gale Wings boost and it can be used to make Flare Blitz/other teammates faster, and I guess Quick Guard can be used for things like other priority users and things like Fake Out.

And yeah, you can get Flame Body Ponyta, though it has to come from a Friend Safari.

Edited by Konnor97
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Potential defense increase and super effective damage on Rock types. It's a physical move too.

Now I said I wanted Rapidash on my Fire team too, but is it possible to get one with its hidden ability, Flame Body? I'd love to have my fire unicorn inflicting burns on stuff. :D

Flame Body on Rapidash you have to get via Friend Safari

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Tailwind sounds good. I do recall that it increases speed for all party members.

Now for my Rapidash, regardless of its ability, I think this moveset: Megahorn, Poison Jab, Flare Blitz, Morning Sun. Poison Jab is now a base move, Morning Sun is an egg move that Espeon can pass and would be for healing.

EDIT: Okay, I have to find someone that has a Friend Safari for Rapidash/Ponyta/whichever.

Edited by Anacybele
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Tailwind sounds good. I do recall that it increases speed for all party members.

Now for my Rapidash, regardless of its ability, I think this moveset: Megahorn, Poison Jab, Flare Blitz, Morning Sun. Poison Jab is now a base move, Morning Sun is an egg move that Espeon can pass and would be for healing.

Megahorn is good. I always carry it.

Poison Jab is good for status.

Two pokemon with Flare Blitz sound risky in all honesty.

Morning Sun combined with Flare Blitz might make it better though...But if it Rains/Hails or Sandstorms, it might become useless.

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Actually, all of my Fire Pokemon have Flare Blitz so far. lol I was planning on giving it to Flareon too, maybe Infernape. But Pyroar, no, since it's a special attacker.

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I'm giving Pyroar the moveset that my current one has except for Overheat. Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Dark Pulse, and Hyper Voice. So no hidden ability this time (Moxie, as awesome as it is, raises attack, and Pyroar has higher sp. attack). :P

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm giving Pyroar the moveset that my current one has except for Overheat. Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Dark Pulse, and Hyper Voice. So no hidden ability this time (Moxie, as awesome as it is, raises attack, and Pyroar has higher sp. attack). :P

OK that sounds good.

So its your Sunny Day set up for your other Fire Types?

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Honestly, I'd run Wild Charge on Rapidash instead of Poison Jab. Since Wild Charge can deal with Water Types. (Since I believe a super-effective Wild Charge would do more than a neutral Megahorn, as powerful as Megahorn is.) If you're open to other set ideas in general for Rapidash.. I have one that runs Hypnosis, Morning Sun, Wild Charge and Flare Blitz. Hypnosis can be a bit unreliable, but I gave said Rapidash a Wide Lens, which helped with his accuracy. It's not the greatest set in the world, but I'm personally rather fond of it. (And for such a moveset, Flash Fire is MUCH better. In general, I think Flash Fire is a better ability for Rapidash. Even if it already resists Fire, having an immunity is probably better. Especially since Flare Blitz can already burn, and honestly.. Rapidash just isn't going to be taking hits very well regardless. Flash Fire is definitely better if you run Hypnosis as well.)

As for Talonflame, I tend to run Natural Gift+Salac Berry, I believe? (Along with Roost, Brave Bird and Flare Blitz.) Or whatever the berry is that grants a powerful Fighting type Natural Gift. It's one-use only, but.. It's nice for dealing with things like Tyranitar in the Battle Maison.

And while I think you're planning on using a Mega Charizard X, if you really want decent synergy with what looks like a Fire-only team (Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding, but it looks like you're making a mono Fire team?), Charizard Y is a better option, due to Drought. It frees up a moveslot for Pyroar as well, since it could then run SolarBeam instead of Sunny Day. And really, Pyroar is just not tanky enough to really be able to run Sunny Day AND still try to attack things. It just won't live long enough. (I know this, due to running my own Pyroar in a pseudo-Sun team. Even though I have a Dual Screens user with said team, he just doesn't live that long. somehow that's fitting, given that I named him Skrimir pfft)

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Presumably she owns Pokemon X and is therefore unable to use Mega Charizard Y.

I definitely second Wild Charge on Rapidash. Blaine really screwed me over with that in the PWT in White 2.

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for flareon i use this

Life Orb

Flash Fire

Adamant 4 HP (or defense if this makes it even, i forget) 252 Atk 252 Spe

Flame Charge

Flare Blitz


Quick Attack

Flame Charge isn't very good, but this is one of flareon's only options. SUPERPOWER is in caps because if you can get it tutored on in 5th gen, it's GREAT, it OHKOs heatran after rocks (still has a small chance to OHKO without it). Quick Attack is just for last ditch damage but I guess you could replace it with Iron Tail. I also found a toxic & guts set on smogon which hits a bit harder and uses Facade instead of Quick Attack.

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I have copies of both games too, but I don't want a Mega Charizard Y. I don't like it nearly as much as Zard X. And I'm not a Charizard fan in general. Its X Mega form is the only reason I'll ever use one.

Infernape will get Solarbeam since it has good attack AND sp. attack stats. It's basically a glass cannon.

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