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Pokemon X/Y General Thread


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Well I was actually taking a look at the anime.

I thought it sucked, because, let's say, it never has been that good in years. . .

However! The japanese X/Y anime is quite good!


This is the second episode. I've watched only this and ep.3, but it's quite cool I should say. Especially from minute 8.

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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I actually quite liked the anime since I'm not on the "Ash's pikachu loses to "Random Weak Pokemon X"!" whiners group, but I have not watched animes lately including pokemon

Either way I kinda want to start watching, what make this one better anyway?

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I actually quite liked the anime since I'm not on the "Ash's pikachu loses to "Random Weak Pokemon X"!" whiners group, but I have not watched animes lately including pokemon

Either way I kinda want to start watching, what make this one better anyway?

I havent' followed the anime since I was a kid with the exception of few random episodes which I really did NOT like.

However I can tell what I liked of this season:

- Orchestrated OST from the games (in the jap version; the USA version has some horrible sound compared to it)

- Satoshi/Ash isn't a dick like I thought. Instead, he's a person who cares for his pokémon and he's not half bad at battling

- The guys following Satoshi (Serena and the two Gym Leaders from Lumiose) don't bother me.

- Animations have been bettered

So yeah, I think I'll watch some random episodes when they come out instead of totally ignoring it like I used to.

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Wasn't he always like that? except, maybe, the part about battling

Like I said, I haven't watched the show in years. I stopped watching it at the end of gen 2 and I heard he became a douche after gen 3.

If he's always been like this, I can't see why most people complain about him. It's not an unpleasant character or something like that, after all...

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Like I said, I haven't watched the show in years. I stopped watching it at the end of gen 2 and I heard he became a douche after gen 3.

If he's always been like this, I can't see why most people complain about him. It's not an unpleasant character or something like that, after all...

I never watched regularly, but Gen 3 was probably the one I watched the most, and he never seemed like a douche to me, in fact, I've never seen anyone call him that. I've seen people refer to him as stupid and other similar things, but never that. And the caring about pokémon part was always present, he usually uses pokémon that he befriended with and there are pokémon like his Buterfree and Pidgeot that he released because he cared about them. Edited by Tonton
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He actually somewhat become a douche in Gen 5

The big "but" is the fact that one of his teammates is Iris. Not to mention Ash got hit by a temporary brain fart in Gen 5 anime in general

Gen 3 and 4 Ash is actually pretty cool because he got super broken team(Swellow. Nuff Said) and his characterization is set up as the mentor for the new guys instead of the begginer like in Gen 5

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Alright. . .why does Mienfoo have Reckless, and how is it even useful?

Pretty sure it boosts Hi Jump Kick... which is kinda ridiculous with such a boost, but I would say Regenerator is probably a better ability approximately all the time.

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Well it buffs the staple move found in almost all Mienshao movesets so its pretty amazing like that.

I actually prefer it over Regenerator since Mienshao is most likely always either at full health or dead.

This is all theorymon though since I've never actually used the thing competitively.

Edited by Spaceman Craig
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U-turn or not, Mienshao makes a poor user of Regenerator due to pretty awful defenses. He's not someone who can take more than a couple hits. I'd honestly go with Reckless.

Edited by Chiki
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I take the ability to lol at spikes over boost in power which might be not notable or overkill any day, because I hate spikes >_>


HJK Vs Max Vaporeon:

58.5% - 69.3%

Reckless HJK

76.5% - 90.1%

Okay this is pretty notable

Edited by Eradicator Boner
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Reckless adds on 50 power to HJK after LO and STAB (250 to 300 power).

I think Regenerator would only be worth it if you had a slow U-turn or Volt Absorb user, to safely get Mienshao in. That would be pretty cool.

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Rotom-W and Mega Scizor are both capable of causing lots of switches, giving Mienshao ample opportunity to come in unscathed. If we're talking Life Orb sets, Regenerator seems like the clear choice when considering the presence of Iron Barbs, Rocky Helmet, Sandstorm, and Toxic in addition to the sources of passive damage others have mentioned. Because Aegislash and Mega Gengar are pretty much all over the place right now, you're likely only using HJK late in any given match anyway.

Edited by Miikaya
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I'd rather use CB Scizor over Mega Scizor if I wanted to have a good U-turn user for synergy with Regenerator. CB Scizor has 195 base attack while Mega Scizor has 150. Mega Scizor seems to be a better SD sweeper than normal Scizor, so I'd rather use Mega Scizor for that instead. And U-turn generally isn't a good idea for a sweeper.

Edited by Chiki
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