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Is Lugh or Lilina a better unit?

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As the title says, who do you prefer for your runs, and why?

I prefer Lilina. Best magic growth in the game, and becomes invincible when paired with Roy.

Lugh may have 5 1/2 more chapters, but he's kind of a bland character, rounded stats instead of high, and Ray can still be recruited by Chad.

Edited by Greener223224
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Lugh actually has a pretty significant speed lead over Lilina, which is good because speed tends to be more useful than magic for mages, due to low enemy RES. And yeah, the 5 and 1/2 chapters are a pretty big difference, considering they're some of the hardest in the game. Plus his chip is actually pretty helpful in HM early on. So yeah, him.

I don't really like to use either though...something about FE6 mages just makes them all so unappealing.

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Lilina easily for me. She has the highest Magic growth, and Anima magic ain't too strong in the first place. Female, thus much better stat caps as well, at least for Magic. Lugh has more Speed perhaps, but I never had too many problems with Lilina's Speed myself. Yes, she joins at a low level. But she can easily manage herself. She levels up real quickly, and can double Knights and Fighters soon enough. Support with Roy builds insanely fast to.

Lugh has terrible magic usually for me. Doesn't matter if you can double attack earlier if Lilina's doing more damage with one hit anyway lol

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Lugh is better in efficiency because of the early chapters where his chip is way better than Wolt's but is best dumped when the maps become long because you don't want to carry such a scrub around.

In manipulation-heavy LTC (like, rigged to the max), Lilina's support with Roy apparently makes her an appealing choice for sieging and that kind of stuff, so she becomes essential for such a run (that only one person has ever bothered playing anyway).

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Nah, she's by FAR not useless. Sure, with low Speed, you don't put her on the frontlines. However, with decent Speed, she's got nothing to fear. Anima Magic is really light anyway, so she suffers no Speed losses from it. Besides that, Anima Magic is quite weak, so in that regard I feel high Magic > high Speed.

Same reason why I'd take a Mymirdon with 15 Strenght and 15 Speed over a Mymirdon with 10 Strenght and 20 Speed if you need something to compare. A weaker weapon type needs the extra offense. Also, Lilina serves as a MUCH BETTER healer as well. And her Aircalibur will kill any Wyvern Knight / Lord unlucky enough to be in her way, and likely with one hit.

I'll try and use Lugh next playthrough, but he'll never take Lilina's place as the first, most important Sage.

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The big difference is that a Myrmidon with 10 strength will struggle to deal much damage even doubling, while Lugh targeting the weakest defensive stat in most enemies will be big trouble to foes. Sure, he's not OHKOing with Aircalibur but you get enough uses not worry about it. Sages' default E staves also means they're not using anything better than Heal/Tiena's staff until they've healed a whopping 50 times, but yeah, Lilina's Heal will be as good as any other guy's Mend if trained.

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Her Heal will definitely be on par to Clarine's Mend. And yes, Aircalibur has enough uses, but with a Mage / Sage's low defences I'd still rather one-shot Wyverns myself.

Any way, I'm guessing it's all about preferences.

But I, myself strongly prefer Lilina.

Edited by Diddy Kong
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I've never had much luck with either of them. On hard mode, both are pretty bad, Lugh dealing peanuts and Lilina getting doubled and ORKO'd. I'd lean towards Lugh, mostly because he has some extra chapters to buff himself up.

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Her Heal will definitely be on par to Clarine's Mend. And yes, Aircalibur has enough uses, but with a Mage / Sage's low defences I'd still rather one-shot Wyverns myself.

Any way, I'm guessing it's all about preferences.

But I, myself strongly prefer Lilina.

Clarine may have the best support triangle in the game, but she still suffers from outrunning her crutches and her low magic growth.

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On Hard, yeah... They're both much worse. Still, Lilina could still be useful as a healer at least. And occasionally kill a Wyvern or something otherwise slow, as a General or Knight.

On Hard, she is still required to recruit GODzales though, so that alone still gives me reason to train her up. Her joining time is bad still, as the first Gaiden chapter doesn't really have many units she can efficiently kill. A bit of babying is certainly needed with Lilina, but I think she's worth it in the end.

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On Hard, yeah... They're both much worse. Still, Lilina could still be useful as a healer at least. And occasionally kill a Wyvern or something otherwise slow, as a General or Knight.

On Hard, she is still required to recruit GODzales though, so that alone still gives me reason to train her up. Her joining time is bad still, as the first Gaiden chapter doesn't really have many units she can efficiently kill. A bit of babying is certainly needed with Lilina, but I think she's worth it in the end.

Gonzales sucks even on hard mode, but that's neither here nor there.

I prefer Lilina, but I'll admit Lugh's better.

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At base stats + promo gains, he has like

47HP 18Str 12Skl 13Spd 6Lck 10Def 1Res

I'm not sure by what standards that's bad,pretty sure he'll have better hit than base Zealot w/axes.

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Gonzales sucks even on hard mode, but that's neither here nor there.

I prefer Lilina, but I'll admit Lugh's better.

If I can train Geese easily on HM, then Gonzales is by no means bad

At base stats + promo gains, he has like

47HP 18Str 12Skl 13Spd 6Lck 10Def 1Res

I'm not sure by what standards that's bad,pretty sure he'll have better hit than base Zealot w/axes.

As refa indicates here and plus they both get crazy crit on promotion leaving their lesser hit due to axes pretty much a moot point.

Now Lilina and Lugh are interesting, one gains crazy magic the other crazy speed so I think its more on preference really when it comes to deciding between the two.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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If I can train Geese easily on HM, then Gonzales is by no means bad

As refa indicates here and plus they both get crazy crit on promotion leaving their lesser hit due to axes pretty much a moot point.

I consider it more a case of being locked to axes in one of, if not the absolute worst game to be axelocked in.

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I consider it more a case of being locked to axes in one of, if not the absolute worst game to be axelocked in.

As I said their crit they gain on promotion makes the lock pretty much moot. It's not like axes were anything special in FE4 either. Plus Bern you know has those Wyvern's that use Lances

Axes generally weren't very "good" baring hand axes [even that is hit and miss] until FE9 [although FE5 did them pretty well] I don't see why FE6 takes all the fire for it.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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As I said their crit they gain on promotion makes the lock pretty much moot. It's not like axes were anything special in FE4 either. Plus Bern you know has those Wyvern's that use Lances

Axes generally weren't very "good" baring hand axes [even that is hit and miss] until FE9 [although FE5 did them pretty well] I don't see why FE6 takes all the fire for it.

FE6's lower hit rates on weapons affects axes more than other weapons because of how the 2 RNG system works. Enemies in FE6 also generally have more avo than those in FE7 and FE8.

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As I said their crit they gain on promotion makes the lock pretty much moot. It's not like axes were anything special in FE4 either. Plus Bern you know has those Wyvern's that use Lances

Axes generally weren't very "good" baring hand axes [even that is hit and miss] until FE9 [although FE5 did them pretty well] I don't see why FE6 takes all the fire for it.

I agree that axes sucked before FE9, but in the case of Geese and Gonzales, needing a heavily contested promotion item does their already awful case no favors.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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