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••!•• Would you prefer: Day 13+14


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"2. Mercenary

They are effectively the same as the Myrmidones. Just +1-2 in an attribute here and there. I don't think they are worth keeping."

The Irony is strong in this one

You mean because the class was original Mercenary? The old Mercenary class had extremely low strength and high speed. The Myrmdione has more in common with them then their modern bulkier incarnation.

So that's why I treated the modern Mymidone as the true successor to the old Mercenary class.

Stuff like that is why I said classes can't really be compared throughout the series and specified I would specifically address the Awakening version.

Edited by BrightBow
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If nothing else, it's probably the Archers who need to get the boot. I mean, unlike Archers, Hunters are very frail but have stronger offense.

But durability is for the most part wasted on a class that exclusively uses indirect attacks. Modern LV.1 Archers would probably be more useful had they be modeled after Castor instead of Gordon.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'd probably add more classes instead of removing them. Hunter has some potential that never really got exploited, while Pirates (which I'd rather see as a power sword user) and Bandits could promote to different classes and have different roles.

The Priest class could use something to make it less obsolete compared to Troubadours I guess, but I wouldn't remove it.

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1. Hunter. Either make them start mounted, or don't bother and make the Archer good.

2. Pirates or Brigands/Barbarians. Unless we get something cool like sword/axe pirates we don't need more than one bandit class.

3. ...Mercenary, I guess? If character-specific promotions return then we only need one sword-fighter class. That or merge them with Pirates so we can have a sword/axe T1 Merc!

(tbh the only serious entries are hunter barbarian, I don't have many problems with flavor classes provided one isn't strictly better)

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And Castor is... usable? Unlike Gordin.

I can't think of a class that should be removed but Barbarians/Bandits, Fighters and Pirates are redundant. These 3(4?) should just be merged.

At the very least Pirates/Barbarians should stay merged. I'm not sure about removing removing the Barbarian classes because it might mean removing Berserkers....though I do agree that Berserkers usually turn out to be just better than Warriors.

Also, not sure if this counts as "removing", but I'd like to see Cavaliers replace by the one-weapon knights of the Tellius/Jugdral games.

Edited by shinpichu
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Removing Soldiers, Knights, and Cavaliers wouldn't make any sense. :/ It wouldn't be a real medieval themed game without them.

Anyway, I wouldn't remove any of them even though I'm not that big on mages, Myrmidons, or Knights.

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I'm late, sorry guys.

Day 9:

Would you prefer to see a fully customizable FE13-style Avatar in future FE games (be they remakes or otherwise)?

Day 10:

Would you rather see a game with incredibly nerfed Mounts, or incredibly nerfed Magic users?

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9: Yeah, I think I would, cause having your own customizable character is fun and adds to the replay value if you want to make a different Avatar every playthrough. ^^

10: Magic users getting nerfed. Cause I hardly use them anyway. I love my mounted units, especially cavalier knights and Peg knights!

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9. Only if handled better writing-wise and makes sense for the plot to have one. I don't want an Avatar where it's kinda just shoehorned in for the sake of one, but if it makes sense and doesn't detriment the plot, I'm okay with one and I'd like as much customisation as possible for the budget if we do get one.

10. Magic because axes domination yeaaaaaaaaaah //biased

Hitting things is just more my style and there's like 5 magic users in total in the series that I'm actually a fan of in terms of characterisation and one of them also uses swords anyway so I dunno I tend to not like mages as characters

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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For Day 9: Yes, actually, I would. I'd adore more customization options though.

For Day 10: Nerf mounts, please, magic's fine the way it is. If it has to be checked a bit, bringing back the magic triangle would do it wonder.

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Day 9: Yep. Facial hair would be a lovely feature in better customization...
Day 10: Mounted users. They've been having it good for way too long...

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Day 9: Yes I do, although I'd want to see even more customisability than Awakening had.


Day 10: None normally but if I have to choose one, probably mounted units

I love the magicians

Edited by Troykv
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