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••!•• Would you prefer: Day 13+14


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Magic in FE13 was stupidly OP.

9. No. Unless it's handled better than FE13. Another Marysue is a no. I wouldnt mind a more customizable avatar with absolutely no story interaction. If there is going to be story interaction, I want them to be a proper self insert and give me dialogue options ala Mass Effect. You can't really get into a game when a character that's supposed to be you makes something you would NEVER do. Also, for the love of god, dont make him able to solo games.

10. Mounts. Magic-using mounts in FE13 were completely :facepalm: worthy too. Dark Flier must be the most stupidly OP thing in recent FE.

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Day 9:

Would you prefer to see a fully customizable FE13-style Avatar in future FE games (be they remakes or otherwise)?


Day 10:

Would you rather see a game with incredibly nerfed Mounts, or incredibly nerfed Magic users?

Nerf cavaliers plz. Possibly I'd like to see more horseslaying weapons, or more chapters with movement penalties for mounts. At least let's have them return to the one-weapon Knights of Tellius/Jugdral. Though it's more important to buff armors.

I don't see that Magic users need to be incredibly nerfed. Well, aside from Nosfertanking I guess.

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9. No thanks. Okay, maybe if you started as the tactician a la FE7, then at a certain point got the opportunity to join as the Est unit and never went further than "just another unit" or "the guy helping make decisions".

10. Let me think, the unit who can outpace everyone else with no negative repercussions aside form the occasional effective weapon or the unit who can't frontline for shit without avoid boosting terrain? Yeah, I'll go with the former.

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9. I would love a custom character, but not when its a Mary Sue who ruins the plot, or those that get praised over and over again. Its stupid

10. Mounted. Everytime I saw a gamefaqs thread about how Mages are overpowered, I saw Miriel and Ricken and FE12 and laugh it off. Meanwhile Mounts simply dominates the game thanks to the massive amount of advantageous traits that they possessed, but none of the consequences(see: Pegs).

However, by mounted I mean Cavalier

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9. I would love a custom character, but not when its a Mary Sue who ruins the plot, or those that get praised over and over again. Its stupid

10. Mounted. Everytime I saw a gamefaqs thread about how Mages are overpowered, I saw Miriel and Ricken and FE12 and laugh it off. Meanwhile Mounts simply dominates the game thanks to the massive amount of advantageous traits that they possessed, but none of the consequences(see: Pegs).

However, by mounted I mean Cavalier

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9. I would love a custom character, but not when its a Mary Sue who ruins the plot, or those that get praised over and over again. Its stupid

10. Mounted. Everytime I saw a gamefaqs thread about how Mages are overpowered, I saw Miriel and Ricken and FE12 and laugh it off. Meanwhile Mounts simply dominates the game thanks to the massive amount of advantageous traits that they possessed, but none of the consequences(see: Pegs).

However, by mounted I mean Cavalier

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9. No.

I am really done with this guy. All the praise and attention MU got was just embarrassing.

Which was especially stupid because most of the time it's done for stuff the player didn't even do.

And she gave the impression that s/he was the central figure in everyones life for no reason.

And quite frankly: Her lack of empathy disturbs me and makes me feel insulted that the game dares to treat her as my Avatar.

I am not saying that it can't be done better but FE13 really killed my enthusiasm for those possibilities.

10. I guess mounted should be nerfed. Mages do fine as they are. It's nice that they are back to being proper glass cannons rather then just being staff users with some combat. Though, I wish the mounted classes would simply receive a general overhaul rather then a downright nerf.

For example playing Tear Ring Saga, where Re-Move is a skill not shared by any mount made me think that they should add a light cavalier class specialized in flanking the enemy and Re-Move into safety. A class that actually plays differently rather then classes having merely slightly different states.

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9. No.

I am really done with this guy. All the praise and attention MU got was just embarrassing.

Which was especially stupid because most of the time it's done for stuff the player didn't even do.

And she gave the impression that s/he was the central figure in everyones life for no reason.

And quite frankly: Her lack of empathy disturbs me and makes me feel insulted that the game dares to treat her as my Avatar.

I am not saying that it can't be done better but FE13 really killed my enthusiasm for those possibilities.

#9: No. What this person said re: being insulted that I was supposed to identify with Robin. Given FE12 and FE13 featured two different lousy ways of implementing an Avatar, I have no expectation a third or fourth or fifth MU would work any better than what we already saw and frankly, I'm not shelling out money for Ego Emblem: The Gary Stu Chronicles.

#10: Nerf mounts. Specifically, nerf cavs.

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I like doing 2 at once.

Day 11: If you could get rid of 5 playable FE characters, as in, make it so they never existed, who would they be!

Day 12: conversely, if you had to build a 5 character dream team, who would you include? (provide classes if said units have multiple trees)

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Day 11: If you could get rid of 5 playable FE characters, as in, make it so they never existed, who would they be!

1.Seth, because he is broken.

2.Eliwood, because he she is piece of crap.

3.Neimi, see Eliwood.



Day 12: conversely, if you had to build a 5 character dream team, who would you include? (provide classes if said units have multiple trees)

1. Ranger!Gerik

2. Priscilla

3. Ephraim

4. WK!Cormag

5. Miledy

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I like doing 2 at once.

Day 11: If you could get rid of 5 playable FE characters, as in, make it so they never existed, who would they be!

Most of these are cut for being redundant units.

1. 1 of Bord/Cord. Three Axe Fighters is overdoing it. Really there should only be one, but Barst + 1 of these two should have been enough.

2. Vyland - Blegh. Fe1/3Book1/11 have way too many Cavaliers, and this guy is the least interesting of the bunch. (Roshea gets spared because of BSFE)

3. Macellan - Honestly if you wanted to use an Armor Knight in FE1/3/11, Draug or maybe Roger should be more than enough.

4. Dolph - See above.

5. Tomas - Um....why does this guy exist?

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Day 11:

1. Zealot

2. Harken (I just never liked him for some weird reason.)

3. Samto

4. Moulder

5. Either Bord or Cord

Day 12:

1. Guy

2. Lilina

3. Athena

4. Alm

5. Fir

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