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I would like a Jugdral remake I guess as well, as long as the game is accommodated to the modernized mechanics of Fire Emblem. And nerf the lol50uses Silver Sword.

Modernizing all of Jugdral's mechanics would take away from what made them unique in the first place, I feel if they remake them we need a mixture of old and new.

Tamper too much with how FE4 and FE5 work and you may as well make entirely new games honestly.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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If they did remake FE4, I'd at least like for them to make inventory management less of a pain.

Edit: Also maybe some smaller indoor maps to break up the ridiculously huge outdoor maps.

Edited by shinpichu
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(I was going to add FE7 to that, but being unable to recruit everyone put me off, so...).

Which is exactly something a remake could fix.

Fe8 is one of the FE games that really doesn't need a remake. It's mechanics don't need to be updated, and it has recent exposure thanks to the Ambassador release.

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Sacred Stones (I was going to add FE7 to that, but being unable to recruit everyone put me off, so...).

I think the GBA games are the least priority for remakes. If any game should be remade, it should be one that wasn't localized in English. As for Sealed Sword, I think the game functions well enough that a remake would be a waste of effort that could be put in a new game or a remake of 2, 4 or 5.

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As for Sealed Sword, I think the game functions well enough that a remake would be a waste of effort that could be put in a new game or a remake of 2, 4 or 5.

I could say the same thing for FE4/5. Really the only game that needs to be "modernized" is Gaiden.

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Could you explain this? Honestly I feel that the Jugdral games have aged rather well. Unless you meant they need more exposure.

Compare the enemy phase speed and interface to those of the more modern FEs and you'll see that some of it is very outdated. Enemy phases are a drag without the turbo button, the menus are wonky (in part due to imperfect translation), and the whole "the cursor returns to the unit you highlighted after you deselect it" is a minor PITA.

The core mechanics don't need to be changed beyond little tweaks, but changing the things I mentioned above would make the game a LOT more enjoyable.

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Compare the enemy phase speed and interface to those of the more modern FEs and you'll see that some of it is very outdated. Enemy phases are a drag without the turbo button, the menus are wonky (in part due to imperfect translation), and the whole "the cursor returns to the unit you highlighted after you deselect it" is a minor PITA.

The core mechanics don't need to be changed beyond little tweaks, but changing the things I mentioned above would make the game a LOT more enjoyable.

Well I suppose those could stand to be updated, but those are hardly pressing issues. IDK whether or not that really pushes it over other FE games as needing to be remade though.

Really if they remake FE4 I hope they at least consider breaking up some of the maps. I know some people think the huge maps are cool. but honestly they're the result of a fair share of problems IMO.

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I think the GBA games are the least priority for remakes. If any game should be remade, it should be one that wasn't localized in English. As for Sealed Sword, I think the game functions well enough that a remake would be a waste of effort that could be put in a new game or a remake of 2, 4 or 5.

In that case, I'll pick the "none of them" option, then.

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Honestly I just want magic completely rehauled. Have it be used only on player phase for AoE attacks and have mages use daggers and priests use maces to fight.

But then again I play many RPGs and FE's magic system is probably one of the worst I ever saw.

I like the elements separated like in FE Jugdral and Tellius but the games don't make them differ enough.

Edited by Woodshooter
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I prefer having different magic categories mainly because it adds variety to the classes. I will agree however that they need to do a better job making the magic types more distinct.

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Yes. In fact, I liked how we had TWO trinities of magic in Radiant Dawn. It added to the challenge and strategy of the game! The first one was fire beats wind, wind beats thunder, and thunder beats fire. The second was light beats dark, dark beats anima (which are fire, thunder, and wind), and anima beats light. So neat. ^^

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Don't particularly care

If we get one great if we don't get one whatever

I never really felt much impact of it anyway it's not like how I play physical units where I actually think about the weapons used with tomes I just sic Lucius on everyone the end don't give a fuck

I feel if the tome triangle is back they should make it more meaningful

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i'd prefer if magic was kept simpler like anima > light > dark

one thing i like is how fe keeps magic pretty much the same as physical weapons and just has them hit res instead

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