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••!•• Would you prefer: Day 13+14


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the most entertaining thing about this topic to me is the changes in the title (the pattern shit)

on topic, i'll just second refa; it was really nice being able to decide between the 10 damage vs 6x2 without having to deal with "OH GOD MY AVOID IS GONNA HIT ROCK BOTTOM"

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Weight - Con is the closest they got to a solid weight system, but it's not without its flaws (mostly with regards to how it's distributed). The way power and weight scale is also flawed: Steel being heavier than Silver often discourages making the jump early on, but once you get over that milestone weight becomes meaningless.

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I like the use of Strength since it means that units can get over their weaknesses wielding heavy weapons over time.

That and I always felt female and younger units were usually gimped by the Constitution system, which was also not very kind to magicians due to how heavy books were in non-FE6 games.

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Good luck in FE6 or FE5.

FE6 isn't bad without Jagen, you only need to use Marcus for a couple early bosses. Unless you mean hard mode, I haven't tried that yet. Haven't got through enough of FE5 yet.

I like FE5's idea on Attack Speed, with con being a growth, although I haven't played enough of it so I'll say FE9's.

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D1 New setting

D2 FE2 remake

D3 don't care

D4 not really other than one-off stupid things

D5 AS-weight. FE4's version was awful, but I think this is one of the few things FE2 balanced really well.

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Why not have a mix of both? PoR and RD already had build/con for rescues and str for weapons, so why not incorporate both for weapons? Con and some portion of your str could affect the AS penalty on weapons.

An alternative would be that slim weapons/equivilants get buffed for the lower con units. I've thought about having a "scaling" system in the games before (slim weapons could get damage boosts for having high skill or speed for example), but I'm torn because it would obfiscuate the damage formula's clarity, which is a HUGE plus for the series.

Edited by Irysa
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Day 6:

Which game's Minor villians (I.E. not Nergal, but maybe Darin. Not Ashnard, but maybe Petrine) do you consider the most well written?

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Caellach from Sacred Stones

He got a well developed past as mercenary buddies with Joshua and Aias.

A rather realistic personality, being merely ruthless about archiving hos goals rather then being directly malevolent, therefore explaining why people like the above two would hang out with him.

And a realistic goal that drives him to where he is in the story: To make something out of himself and become a king.

He is not to bad by the standards of people who oppose the protagonists mostly because they are jerks or love being evil.

Other candidates would probably be Trabant and Micaiah. And Camus for his role in BS Fire Emblem.

Though, I am confused if Camus archetypes even qualify.

They are all antagonists on the virtue of opposing the protagonists but I think they might have to be malevolent in order to be considered villains. If they do qualify, I might make a case for Micaiah instead.

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Using a VERY strict definition of the word "minor", I say Gomez

While I don't think Trabant count for this, he is not the main villain in both 4 and 5 so.... eh he is another. A well written motivation, action, and finally one thing that make him stand out compared to every other villain is the fact that he WINS

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i actually really like yen'fay

as much as his situation really really doesn't make sense (hurr durr i must die to say'ri) i really liked the way they pulled off his spotpass character

probably honorary mention to eldigan

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