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best video game intros


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1. WarCraft II - It's just awesome. Just how do you make songs which are this catchy?

2. Command and Conquer: Red Alert - Well, once Hell March kicks in at least.


3. StarCraft: Broad War

4. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Though, I do currently have difficulties to find a high quality version of the full intro. I assume everyone is familiar with that thing anyway.

5. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - Because I might at least choose one intro that doesn't involve armies clashing

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1. Metal Gear Solid- You're told the situation, the setting, and your mission all at the start. The game explains the significance of the events, and that you have the odds stacked against you.

2. Batman Arkham Asylum- Already, you're introduced to Batman and Joker, the atmosphere of the game is set up, and you know where you're going to be locked up for the rest of the night. And you get a taste of some of the great writing.

3. Final Fantasy VI- Who are you, where are you, and why are you here? The game starts with a bunch of mystery, and you're already right in the adventure. I only wish other JRPGs could take a lesson.

4. Metal Gear Solid 2- Much like the first one, you're told your mission, the situation, and the game hypes you up for your adventure as Solid Snake. And then back stabs you shortly after when you're forced to play as Raiden.

5. Majora's Mask (including the gameplay up until entering Clocktown)- Mystery, adventure, and the grim beginning of your journey.

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I'm counting the intro as the opening cinematic when the game starts or when you don't press start. Hard to cut down to 10, so:
HM: Final Fantasy X: I try to list only one per series, but the score in this is amazing. And the scene it shows is very important to the game.
10. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: Makes the list mainly because Deadpool stands on top of Phoenix Wright's objection word bubble.

9. Kingdom Hearts: The intro is simply and clean.

8. Fire Emblem Awakening: Best combination of the Fire Emblem theme and an intro. The intro takes new meaning when you actually see the scene with Emmeryn.

7. Soul Calibur 2: Link's part gives me chills when I watch it.

6. Chrono Trigger (DS and PS Version): The Akira Toriyama style drawn intro combines the original intro's musical power with great retellings of the story.

5. Mega Man 2: IN THE YEAR OF 20XX....

4. Final Fantasy VI: When Terra's theme starts playing, it is just chilling. This intro tells you that this isn't just a game... it's work of art. 16-bit limitations be damned!

3. Super Smash Bros Melee: All the series of Nintendo just meld so well together. Each gets about 5 seconds, but it just uses those 5 seconds to tell the story of entire series. It's basically the history of Nintendo, and thus, gaming.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The power of the score is incredible, as Link gallops through Hyrule on Epona.

1. Street Fighter 4:


It starts of with Ken and Ryu fighting. The middle of the intro showcases Akumi and Gouken's last fight (?), as the music changes. Gouken thinks he has Akuma beat, but Akuma uses the raging demon to vanquish his opponent. Or does he? It goes back to Ryu and Ken. The cool ink effects recall the initial reveal intro, and Ryu hadoukens into the Street Fighter 4 logo. The King of Fighting games is back.

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My mind was blown when the Sonic fan in me saw this the first time, especially when Open Your Heart kicks in and introduced me to my favorite band of all time Crush 40

Lords of the Realm 2 really puts you into the whole situation and I've always loved it


Megaman X4 Both Japanese and English here for your convenience

I remember back in the day when I first played Budokai 1 and was still a huge DBZ nerd [still am just not as much as I used to be] I loved how they emulated the old intro

Sakura Wars.. Man this needs a localization

I'll post some more later, I love alot of game intros

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2.) Suikoden III

3.) Dragon Shadow Spell (Mainly because I LOVE 'Rainbow' (the opening piece)

4.) Tales of the Abyss

5.) Yoshi's Island

6.) Dragon Quest IX

7.) Illusion of Gaia

8.) Kirby's Adventure (as it taught me how to draw Kirby)

9.) Legend of Zelda Link to the Past

10.) Super Bonk

Honourable mention to the hardcore opening of F-Zero X.

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Can I be lame and say Project X Zone?

If so, Project X Zone.

That's not lame! The opening captures the game pretty well. Go check out Namco x Capcom; I am a huge fan of A Brave New World!

Ahem, back to the topic. . .I see a distinct lack of Yggdra Union (PSP) and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.

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Accept no substitutes.

The best part was when the numerous company logos appeared. The robot stuff was cool too.

EDIT-Yes, I'm being completely serious about liking the logo spam.

I guess my favorite is the Suiko II opening. Even though they're really heavy on character portraits, I like the music a lot (especially the end of it).

Final Fantasy XII's opening seems thematically similar to Suiko II's in terms of its ups and downs, I like this one a lot too. Of course I bet that if I thought about it a lot of games would be the same.

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