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Male Units Only LTC Challenge Playthrough



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* Male units are the only ones that can see combat. No female units can pair with men.

* Hard, Classic Mode Difficulty

* Avatar can only be in the Tactician class tree. He can never be the lead unit if paired with someone.

* Paralogues must be played through when they appear.

* All male units must be recruited, barring the children for obvious reasons.

* Renown is allowed up to the Bullion(L).

* Hope you enjoy!

Units that I can use:















All that said, let's start!

Avatar Creation:


Build: 1

Face: 4

Hair: 3

Hair Color: 1

Voice: Male 1

Name: Sakurai

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Strength


Invisible Ties

2 turns no explanation needed


The Verge of History

Turn 1: I start by making Sakurai pair with Chrom after trading his Bronze Sword to Frederick. Chrom attacks the Myrmidon and gets a Dual strike for the kill. Fred moves up, Lissa hides.

EP 1: What you expect.

Turn 2: Frederick OHKOs the Mage. Chrom parks in range of a myrmidon of the boss group and used a vulnerary. Lissa hides again.

EP 2: Chrom finished off the 2 Barbarians, which made him get a level:

Str Skl Spd Def

Turn 3: Frederick weakens the Elthunder Mage with Bronze Sword.

Chrom kills the mage.

EP 3: Chrom misses the Myrmidon with a 92% chance. Gotta love dat RNG.

Turn 4: Frederick uses Silver Lance on the boss for 23 damage. Chrom finishes the boss with the Rapier and gets:

Str Skl Spd Res

EP 4: Chump Myrmidon now dies to 100% hit Rapier.



HEROES Chrom and Sakurai

Nice levels for Chrom and a decent turncount. It's worth noting that I could've risked a 3 turn if Chrom had killed the Mage instead of having Fred weaken him. The problem with that is that it would've required a Dual Strike from Sakurai since Chrom would've been KO'd had the mage counterattacked.

Unit          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom         3.33      20    9    1   10   10    5    8    2  Sword D
Sakurai       1.15      19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome E
Frederick(?)  1.31      28   13    2   12   10    6   14    3  Sword D Lance B Axe D
Edited by PKL
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I find it funny how the whole set of males have almost just enough supports to keep each other going.

Yeah. Even Gaius and Libra support. I didnt know that before lol. Henry is kinda in the worst spot, not having Sumia anymore and no one boosts his spd out of his male supports I think.

Ah damn I was considering doing a male only run and do a playlogue of it. Beat me to it ]:

I'll keep watch. Stuff like this interests me

I was considering Female only but then someone beat me to it so I decided to do this instead :P.

Why Sakurai?

So that way where he gets a bad level-up he can yell, "SAKURAIIIIIII".

This :P

~Chapter 1~

Unwelcome Change

Spoilers: Marth is a grill, so I can't use her

Turn 1: I kick things off by pairing Fred with Chrom. Chrom then attacks the Mercenary and Fred doesn't dual. Sakurai fled the battle and Lissa too. Such brave characters!

EP 1: Barbarian and Mercenary die to the mighty Chrom. He gets a level:

HP Skl Lck Def Res

Turn 2: Chrom walks to the archer and switches to Fred, who attacks the archer. Chrom gets a dual strike on him even though Fred would've KO'd anyway. Virion Sully Sakurai and Lissa hide.

EP 2: First Barbarian gets Dual Strike'd by Chrom, the second isn't, the third isn't either.

Turn 3: Frederick Silver Lances the boss for a ORKO.

EP 3: Fred OHKOs the remaining Mercenary.



HEROES Chrom and Frederick

Unit          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom         4.23      21    9    1   11   10    6    9    3  Sword D
Sakurai       1.15      19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome E
Frederick(?)  1.98      28   13    2   12   10    6   14    3  Sword D Lance B Axe D
Virion        2.00      19    6    0   11    5    7    6    1  Bow D

Chapter 2 map supports:

Chrom Sakurai C

Chrom Frederick C

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Henry is kinda in the worst spot, not having Sumia anymore and no one boosts his spd out of his male supports I think.

Not even Frederick? I could have sworn Great Knight had +SPD. And well, if he doesn't, maybe you could reclass to Paladin? You do have 12-13 chapters before you get to him...

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The list of guys looks so short...

Are there more females in the game?

Actually, this game has the most balanced cast gender wise.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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~Chapter 2~


Turn 1: I have Sully trade her Lance to Stahl and Virion pairs with Stahl. Stahl heads to the west and gets in range of a soldier and a Mercenary. Sakurai pairs with Chrom and Chrom heads east. Frederick full moves up.

EP 1: Stahl hits the Merc with Bronze Lance and Virion chips with Dual Strike. The soldier hits Stahl for 5 damage and he hits back.

Chrom ORKOs the Barbarian and Frederick OHKOs a soldier and gets:

HP Str Skl Spd Lck

Turn 2: Chrom ORKOs a soldier. Frederick moves up some more. Sully pairs with Lissa to hide. Vaike moves 1 spot to the right and Miriel trades him the Iron Axe and unequips Fire (i'm aware she's in range so she provides him a small bonus anyway but w/e). Stahl moves 1 tile down and a tile to the east.

EP 2: The Mercenary dies to Stahl. The soldier attacks Stahl and Stahl counters. The other soldier goes for Vaike and he counters with 13 damage. Chrom ORKOs a Barbarian, Sakurai got a Dual Strike. Chrom got a level:

HP Str Skl Spd

whoa, Chrom is on fire!

Fred ORKOs a Mercenary and a Barbarian.

Turn 3: Fred attacks boss with Silver Lance. Vaike finishes off the soldier. Chrom gets in range of a Mercenary that drops an Iron Sword. This mercenary doesn't reach Fred in EP, so Chrom being able to ORKO him seems crucial. Stahl finishes off the soldier.

EP 3: Everything suicides on Frederick except for the Mercenary that dies to Chrom.


HEROES Sakurai and Chrom

Unit          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom         5.40      22   10    1   12   11    6    9    3  Sword D
Sakurai       1.25      19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome E
Frederick(?)  2.81      29   14    2   13   11    7   14    3  Sword D Lance B Axe D
Virion        2.05      19    6    0   11    5    7    6    1  Bow D
Vaike         3.40      29    9    0    8    6    4    5    0  Axe D
Stahl         2.90      22    8    0    7    6    5    8    1  Sword E Lance E
Edited by PKL
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Who's going to get the full time Rescue Duty?

Yeah, this is like, my first good Chrom. I think either Libra or Ricken. Both will use Rescue and Ricken will probably do better than Libra if i get him Tomefaire. I have bad expefience with Libra's mag.

Heheh. I want to see some Sakurai level ups. But I guess THAT'S why you don't want him to level up.

Yeah, I'm afraid of what will happen when he levels up!

Maybe I'll trip

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~Chapter 3~

Warrior Realm

Turn 1: Chrom recruits Kellam and pairs with him. Stahl moves to a specific tile in range of a soldier. Kellam moves to the right, transfers Chrom to Virion and pairs with Stahl. Virion transfers Chrom to Frederick. Frederick kills a soldier with Iron Lance on the right side. Sakurai gets in a range of the archer on the right and Vaike sits behind him. Sumia hides.

EP 1: Stahl is attacked by a soldier for 3 damage and he counterattacks and gets a level:

HP Skl Lck Def

An archer attacks Stahl for 1 damage lol. Fred ORKOs a soldier and gets a level:

HP Str Skl Spd Res


He also attained Lance Weapon Level A

An Archer attacks Sakurai and he counters with Fire. Fred ORKOs the Merc with the Door Key.

Turn 2: Sakurai attacks the archer from 1 range now. Vaike finishes him off but wait...he missed. I make Virion get in range of the Archer so he can block him from accesing Sumia next turn. There's not much I can do about this Vaike miss :/.

Frederick moves towards the door and switches to Chrom, Chrom equips Rapier and opens the Door.

Stahl attacks one of the Archers. Sumia moves to a safe spot.

EP 2: Fred dual guards the Armor for Chrom and Chrom uses Rapier on the Armor and Fred gets a Dual Strike for overkill. A soldier now attacks Stahl and a dual strike from Kellam brings him down. Stahl also attains Lance D. Another soldier now attacks Stahl and Stahl counters for 11 damage. The 2 archers attack him too now for 2 damage total. 13 hp remaining. The Archer that Vaike missed earlier attacks Vaike...wait NO

1% crit I prepare to reset until I saw Sakurai dual guarded him LOL. Stupid earlygame critrates...

Turn 3: Now it's time for THE VAIKE to destroy this archer that almost got him. This time he doesn't miss! Stahl trades Kellam's Iron Lance for his Bronze Lance and KOs the Archer that he weakened earlier. Chrom moves towards the boss. I park Virion in the range of the Archer that remains near Stahl.

EP 3: The remaining soldier attacks Stahl and dies, getting Stahl a level:

HP Str Skl Def Res

this is the first Stahl to not get speed in his first 2 levels for me. Oh well. STILL A BRO.

Chrom gets attacked by a Mercenary and he hits him with Falchion and Fred dual strikes for the finish. Chrom gets:

HP Spd Res

not as crazy as his previous levels, but still nice.

The Hammer guy now attacks Chrom and dies. An Archer attacks Virion and he counters for 10 damage.

Turn 4: Stahl kills the Archer that Virion softened. Chrom attacks Raimi with Rapier. First hit does 16 damage, Fred duals for 9 damage. She counters for 3 damage and then Chrom lands the finishing blow.


HEROES Chrom and Frederick

Unit          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom         6.77      23   10    1   12   12    6    9    4  Sword D
Sakurai       1.47      19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome E
Frederick(?)  3.24      30   15    2   14   12    7   14    4  Sword D Lance A Axe D
Virion        2.15      19    6    0   11    5    7    6    1  Bow D
Vaike         3.70      29    9    0    8    6    4    5    0  Axe D
Stahl         4.40      24    9    0    9    6    6   10    2  Sword E Lance D
Kellam        5.10      21   10    0    7    5    3   14    2  Lance D

Chapter 4 map supports:

Stahl and Kellam C


Glass Sword

Second Seal

Orsin's Hatchet

Seed of Trust

Levin Sword

Energy Drop

Beast Killer

Spirit Dust

Celica's Gale

Secret Book


Ephraim's Lance

Goddess Icon

Bullion (L)

from Renown.

Sold the Bullion (L)

Bought 10 each of Str tonic and Def Tonic.

12,000 G left

Forged a Bronze Lance for Donnel next chapter: +5 Mt

Name: Yeeehaw!

9375G left

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~Paralogue 1~

Sickle to Sword

Str Tonic and Def Tonic before starting on Stahl.

Turn 1: Donnel moves to a forest tile above Chrom and takes his Def Tonic and the Yeehaw! forge. Sakurai pairs with him. Chrom pairs with Frederick. Kellam pairs with Stahl after unequipping his Iron Lance. Stahl attacks the Barbarian near the group. Frederick heads west with an Iron Sword equipped. Vaike and Virion do pretty much nothing.

EP 1: The barbarian with 10 HP remaining goes for Donnel, does 13 damage to him and Donnel KOs him, getting 40 exp. Stahl is attacked by the thief and tinked and counters for 19 hp. The archer also tinks him wow. Frederick ORKOs 2 barbarians (chrom dual'd too).

Turn 2: Stahl moves to the left and gets ouf of range of the Thief. Fred moves up, equips Javelin and uses Bronze Sword to ORKO a Barbarian in a pillar, getting his Door Key and sending the Bronze Sword to the convoy to equip the Javelin. Donnel moves down and recovers with a Vulnerary. Vaike pairs with Virion and they go left.

EP 2: An Archer attacks Virion for 8 damage and Virion counters for 12 damage. Frederick ORKOs a barbarian with the javelin. And another Barbarian goes to attack him and gets ORKO'd too because of a Chrom dual strike. Chrom levels up:

HP Str Skl Lck Def

A Hand Axe Barbarian also attacks Fred and gets ORKO'd.

Turn 3: Donnel KOs the Thief and gets a level:

HP Str Spd Lck Def

Virion switches to Vaike and Vaike KOs the Archer, getting a level:

HP+2 Str


Frederick ORKOs an Archer with Iron Sword (chrom gets dual strike exp again) and he levels up:

HP Lck


Anyyyyway...Stahl attacks a Barbarian on the left with Bronze Sword for 14 damage.

EP 3: Donnel gets attacked by the remaining Archer. A thief tinks Stahl and Stahl counters for 15 damage. The Barbarian dies to Stahl, getting Stahl a level:

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def

Very nice!

He also attained Sword Level D

An Archer now also tinks Stahl. Frederick kills a Barbarian (chrom gets a dual again) and attains Sword Level C. An Archer is lured to Frederick.

Turn 4: Stahl finishes off the Thief. Donnel heals with a Vulnerary. Vaike moves to the left and switches to Virion. Fredericks heals with a Vulnerary after equipping Javelin once more.

EP 4: Donnel is attacked by the Archer for 9 damage. Virion is attacked by an Archer and he counters for 13 damage, Vaike duals but misses...an Archer near Fred dies to his Javelin and Chrom's dual saves a use. Another archer attacks him too and this time no dual but still ORKO'd.

Turn 5: Vaike finishes off the Archer. Stahl attacks the Thief that opens the Chest room door and Kellam doesn't dual for the kill :(. Donnel uses Yeehaw! to attack the Archer and Sakurai gets a dual strike. Fred now uses Iron Sword to ORKO the boss.


HEROES Chrom and Frederick

Unit          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom         7.37      24   11    1   13   12    7   10    4  Sword D
Sakurai       1.52      19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome E
Frederick(?)  4.46      31   15    2   14   12    8   14    4  Sword C Lance A Axe D
Virion        2.37      19    6    0   11    5    7    6    1  Bow D
Vaike         4.33      31   10    0    8    6    4    5    0  Axe D
Stahl         5.70      25   10    0   10    7    7   11    2  Sword D Lance D
Kellam        5.10      21   10    0    7    5    3   14    2  Lance D
Donnel        2.11      17    5    0    2    4    12   4    0  Lance E

Chapter 4 Map Supports:

Chrom and Frederick B

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Paralogue 1 before chapter 4? What madness is this?

Good job so far, glad my cavalier bro is getting good growths

Unlucky with the Vaike also, he really needs speed imo. Luckily he can support with Lon'qu so that gets rectified. Chrom too

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Paralogue 1 before chapter 4? What madness is this?

Good job so far, glad my cavalier bro is getting good growths

Unlucky with the Vaike also, he really needs speed imo. Luckily he can support with Lon'qu so that gets rectified. Chrom too

Yeah, Stahl is a bro. We'll see about vaike. As long as he gets decent str he should be alright being Wyvern Lon'qu's pairup partner.

~Chapter 4~

Two Falchions

Before the chapter: Frederick gets a Str Tonic and a Def Tonic.

Didn't deploy: Donnel and Virion.

Turn 1: Chrom pairs with Frederick and Frederick sits on Marth's range with an Iron Sword. Kellam pairs with Stahl, Sakurai pairs with Vaike and they get in range of the 2 Fighters near them.

EP 1: Marth is ORKO'd by Frederick lol. Chrom got a dual on her and got C swords. Stahl deals 14 damage to the left Fighter. Vaike weakens the right fighter, Sakurai gets a dual.

Turn 2: Frederick now ORKOs a mage is now in range of the 2 knights and the 2 Fighters on the north.

Vaike and Stahl just hide from the mage.

EP 2: The first Knight dies to a Chrom Rapier dual strike. The second knight dies too. The left fighter now dies to Stahl and he gets a level:

HP Skl Spd Def

Vaike now kills the other Fighter. The remaining mage dies to Fred (chrom got a dual too) and Fred gets a level:

HP+2 Skl Def

He learned Luna now. A Hand Axe Fighter attacks and dies to Fred. The other hand axe Fighter gets Luna'd and owned.


HEROES Chrom and Frederick

Chapter 5 Map stuff:

Sakurai and Vaike C

~Chapter 5~

The Exalt and the King

Before the chapter: Stahl and Frederick get Str Def Tonics.

Turn 1: I begin by pairing Sakurai with Virion and I have him chip the Barbarian on the north. Kellam now pairs with Stahl and uses Yeehaw! to finish the Barbarian. Chrom pairs with Frederick and Fred ORKOs the Dark Mage. Ricken chips the Myrmidon near him for 12 damage. Maribelle trades Ricken the Vulnerary. Vaike pairs with Lon'qu and Lon'qu gets to one of the Forest tiles. Donnel does nothing.

EP 1: Lon'qu crits the first Barbarian. The second one is dual strike'd by Vaike. Lon'qu dodges the Dark Mage. The myrmidon attacks Ricken and dies. A Myrmidon attacks Frederick and survives because he dodes Chrom's dual. A barbarian dies to Frederick+Chrom.

Turn 2: Stahl uses Yeehaw! to OHKO the Fire Mage. Virion finishes off the Myrmidon. Lon'qu kilsl the Dark Mage, Vaike gets a dual. Ricken takes Sakurai from Virion. Donnel and Maribelle hide.

EP 2: A Dark mage in the boss area attacks Frederick and dies to Javelin. A Barbarian attacks Fred for 1 damage and gets killed by a Chrom dual strike. A Myrmidon attacks Fred and gets killed by a Dual Strike too. Chrom gets:

Spd Lck Def

A Wyvern attacks Frederick instead of Stahl and dies to Falchion. The other wyvern goes for Virion and doesn't quite KO.

Turn 3: Frederick goes up and equips Orsin's Hatchet. Stahl attacks the Wyvern that attacked Virion with Yeehaw!, dealing massive damage to it. Now Ricken finishes that wyvern off with Elwind. Virion pairs with Donnel and they now ruuun. Maribelle hides too. Lon'qu moves 1 tile to the right.

EP 3: A Barbarian attacks Stahl and tinks him, Kellam duals so he dies. Stahl gets:

Str Lck Def

And he attains Lance C

A Myrmidon attacks Stahl and gets countered by Yeehaw! Lon'qu kills a Barbarian reinforcement with a crit and gets:

HP Str Skl Lck

A Hand Axe Barbarian reinforcement attacks Ricken and he counters for 15 damage. He gets a level:

HP Str Skl Lck Def

A Myrmidon attacks Fred and he counters with Orsin's Hatchet. The boss now attacks Fred and gets Luna+Critblicked in the second hit. Ouch. Fred gets:

HP Lck


A Wyvern on the left gets Luna'd and dies to Chrom's Falchion. The other Wyvern just dies to Chrom's Falchion.

Turn 4: Ricken finishes off the Hand Axe Barbarian. I have Lon''qu switch to Vaike and Vaike transfers Lon'qu to Donnel. Lon'qu finishes off the Myrmidon near Stahl. I have Chrom kill the last Myrmidon.


HEROES Chrom and Frederick

Unit          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom         8.59      24   11    1   13   13    8   11    4  Sword C
Sakurai       1.57      19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome E
Frederick     6.33      35   15    2   15   12    9   15    4  Sword C Lance A Axe D
Vaike         4.96      31   10    0    8    6    4    5    0  Axe D
Stahl         7.20      26   11    0   11    8    8   13    2  Sword D Lance C
Kellam        5.20      21   10    0    7    5    3   14    2  Lance D
Lon'qu        5.62      21    7    1   13   13    8    7    2  Sword C
Virion        2.88      19    6    0   11    5    7    6    1  Bow D
Donnel        2.11      17    5    0    2    4   12    4    0  Lance E
Ricken        4.35      21    4   10    7    5   11    7    3  Tome D

Chapter 6 Map Supports:

Stahl Kellam C

Vaike Lon'qu C

Edited by PKL
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