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A giant cockroach fell on my foot


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EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! I would be screaming and kicking if I were you. UGH I HATE COCKROACHES. And the sac of cockroach eggs. UGH THAT'D BE JUST AS BAD. I'd have to get my dad or someone else nearby to dispose of it. And I could never live in a cockroach infested place. The instant I saw them swarming I'd be screaming my head off and refusing to go back inside until the place has been exterminated. And then I would only go back in to get my stuff and move it all out before finding another place to stay. UGHHH SD;FLASD;LAKJSD;LKJl;

Not really. Finding a dead roach means there are at least 10 alive ones on the same place. They're never alone.


Edited by mewyeon
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EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! I would be screaming and kicking if I were you. UGH I HATE COCKROACHES. And the sac of cockroach eggs. UGH THAT'D BE JUST AS BAD. I'd have to get my dad or someone else nearby to dispose of it. And I could never live in a cockroach infested place. The instant I saw them swarming I'd be screaming my head off and refusing to go back inside until the place has been exterminated. And then I would only go back in to get my stuff and move it all out before finding another place to stay. UGHHH SD;FLASD;LAKJSD;LKJl;

I did react almost exactly like that. I screamed at the top of my lungs and then threw my shoes on so I could run out the door.

I ended up waiting outside for an hour, until my partner got home, so I could make him find it and kill it. I was shaky and on edge for a couple hours from it, even after he killed it. I also made him check everywhere to make sure there weren't anymore cockroaches before I'd go to bed.

That was my first time seeing a cockroach and I never want to ever again. :<

Edited by Sumia
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From the few cockroaches i have seen, i have to say they aren't that bad


and im my house there are a lot, fat, eewwwewe the size of my palm big spiders and i almost get a heartattack whenever i see them ;___; and my brother REFUSES to remove them, and if only he is at home i sometimes can't go in my room or to the bathroom because i know somewhere inside there is a monster waiting for me, waving with its 8 legs and smiling sadistically.

.... weeeelll

On the topic of cockroaches: Kafka's Metamorphosis is a very interresting, yet disturbing and depressing book. GO READ IT NAO!

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i remember once a cockroach was silently sitting on the kitchen.. out of interest, i tried to pull it out of the kitchen, but it reacts towards my approaching hand, then ran and crawling to the plates where all the food for the dinner was putted in.... x__x

oh and i remember there was once a sinking worm inside my bathtub and i didn't see that sinking worm since all the water was covered with soap bubbles...the worm tickled my hand a bit and freaked out when i realized it was a worm..

in the end, those stupid insects was bought to my garden anyway....

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I'm usually tolerant of insects (If I see an insect that wandered into the house, I'd get paper to scoop it up and proceed let it go in our garden) but roaches get me really riled up for some reason. I don't know if it's because of that unnerving pattern they have on their head, or how their legs are strangely spindly, or how the formation of their underside looks like something from an Aliens movie but roaches really bother me.

My reaction to seeing one is to grab the bug spray as fast as I can and douse it heavily in the cleansing waters of insecticide.

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My bathroom has a thing for spiders

I always have to use my towel-fu on them before bathrooming in peace :S

I am totally scared of spiders too, but I don't hurt them anymore, I trap them and put them outside.


I can't bring myself to cause this pain even if it is a creepy-crawly :(

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I am totally scared of spiders too, but I don't hurt them anymore, I trap them and put them outside.


I can't bring myself to cause this pain even if it is a creepy-crawly :(

jumping spiders are the most adorable insects-- cuter than moths even!

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jumping spiders are the most adorable insects-- cuter than moths even!

Did you know jumping spiders were so named because they'll leap down your throat and carve their name into your esophagus if given the chance?

It's true. Scientific papers have been written about it. They used 12-point font and everything.

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Wah, I used to live in a house with horrible roach problems. Once we set out some roach killing thingy....

And then... the bathroom floor was covered in... maybe 20-30 corpses >~<

This house that I live in now doesn't have a problem with roaches thankfully~ Except one year we had some of them. And idk how this happened, but I guess once I was getting paranoid about the cockroaches, and I remember I was grabbing something out of the refrigerator, then I thought "ugh, I better check to make sure no cockroaches are going to crawl on me from under this fridge" and then I looked down, and guess what I saw had crawled onto my foot?? ;~; Of course I kicked my foot so it fell off~ But I have nooooooo clue how I managed to get that to happen, because I didn't feel it at all.

Buuuuuuuuut thankfully I'm super tolerant with buggies now, roaches are still a little bleeeeeech but I'll tolerate them way better than most people I know~ They're icky and get all over things and apparently are not afraid to crawl right onto you, but as far as I have experienced with them they cause no physical harm! I feel guilty hurting things that have never physically hurt me ;u; The only reason I ever kill a bug is because my youngest brother doesn't like them, but as stupid as it sounds I always cringe in regret for squishing them =<

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And then it'll walk out unharmed. :P

But seriously, I lived in a cockroach infested apartment for a year.

Well, maybe more like "a lot of cockroaches" then "an infestation of cockroaches."

But still, they were everywhere. In the piano, in the closets... EVEN IN THE CD PLAYER. ._.

But my mom generally kept the place clean, so it wasn't as bad as it could've been, fortunately...

Who knows? Maybe after humans die out, mutant cockroaches will rule the world.

Fuck I hate it when they're in the piano. I was playing a piece once when some small thing appeared from in between the keys. iw as like "HOLY FUCK WHERE DID YOU COME FROM I HATE YOU I'LL SMACK YOU OFF IT RIGHT NOW!"

Cockroaches are disgusting but I'm used to living with them in the house. The number of them has reduced significantly though, now.

Also I've dissected cockroaches and its kinda fun. Like, they're chloroformed and then you're supposed to make a slide of their muscle fibres. So you pin them to the slab with a needle and then using a scissor you cut their thigh out. Then smash out the flesh from the thigh and put it on the slide. After staining it it looks p cool under the microscope.

But that lab class it was funny cuz one of my friends was throwing cockroaches at another classmate. boy it was hilarious.

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