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After playing Awakening, I can no longer play any of the previous Fire Emblems.


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I don't remember the last time I bothered not skipping the text playing FE13 after I beat chapter after chapter. The way the Avatar is always praised for doing stupid shit makes me upset. ;/

"Hey Robin, nice job burning all our ships down! Truly you are a master tactician."

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I don't remember the last time I bothered not skipping the text playing FE13 after I beat chapter after chapter. The way the Avatar is always praised for doing stupid shit makes me upset. ;/

me too...

gah, i wish somebody cooler like cherche got praised so much.

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Oh that's right, the main difference between playing the older games and FE:A, is their speed.

Holy sheet, RD even with animations completely off, takes like 5 mins on an EP.

FE:A does not skip level up like FESD, which is a plus for me >_>

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Sort of hate to agree with this dude (edit: this dude being the op), but me too. The older games are still fun, just FE13 eclipses all of them in just about every single regard.

It's more imbalanced, but I've never given half a shit about that 'cause I just handicap myself if it's too easy. At that point it's better because I can set the difficulty for myself from "let's roflstomp through the game" to "actually trying" if I want.

Edited by Integrity
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Quite frankly, the only thing I miss from Awakening is the ability to merge items and the unlimited storage space. Everything else is just annoying or worse.

-The characters comments?
They are annoying because they are universally used to further shove the personality substitute of the units down the players throat.
Though in a way, I am impressed that they managed to reference something like "I like sweets" in so many different contexts. I guess Kellam would even complain that nobody is watching him while he is taking a shit.
Even if this wasn't the case, it's still irritating because they are acting so damn upbeat, further detaching them from the story which just so happens to feature a worldwide war at the time. With people dying and stuff.

-Characters grunting?
They are the reason I turned of voices halfway through the game. They are acting so cheerfully while killing other humans that it appears that THEY are the ones playing a video game. It definitely doesn't sound like they are involved in a fight that could potentially cost their lives. It also ruins the atmosphere that the music tries so hard to build up.

-The Pair up system?
It never gets intuitive. Suddenly Archers can counter at melee. Or melee attackers can attack at range.
But if the main unit can't counter, they are just standing their watching their comrade die.
It looks kinda awkward.

And it controls awkwardly too.
I can't accept that you somehow can't heal the second unit. And that the paired up units can't heal each other. The two units should stay right next to each other. They should both be able to be healed without wasting a turn switching.
And it's annoying to have to switch units to access the second units inventory and then switch back.
Something so basic now feels like performing weapon trading shenanigans.

And of course, there is the matter of separating paired units.
You can use pair-up and then immediately Move and attack. You can use pair-up to transport a unit to the other side of the map. But if you wanna split, both use their turn. But if I merely drop them into another unit, they can keep moving. My brain can't get used to these logic defying rules.
And that comes up a lot with clerics. Because Clerics don't help fighters and fighters are useless while a cleric is healing. But of course, even when there are bad guys left to kill, the Cleric will demand that the fighter watches him because he feels lonely otherwise.

Not to mention that instead of giving the impression that two units are fighting together, it gives me the impression that one units is fighting and the other is just watching. And only gets involved when it feels like it.

But what just kills the system for me fundamentally is that it effectively halves the numbers of units on the map.

One of the things I like about Fire Emblem, is that you control more characters then there are in your average D&D party.
But of course you still have to handle the inventories of both units in a pair up. So it's the worst of both worlds.

I am massively relived that I don't have to bother with this system in any other game.

Not to mention that the dialogue is harder to read because of the completely unrelated voice clips.

The animations are awkwardly to watch because of all the model clipping and because the screen keeps freezing all the time. And the issues with pair up I mentioned earlier.

Even shopping feels more annoying because everything is available at any time. So every time I have to run all over the map to buy new heal staffs, I can't help but wonder why there isn't just ONE shop that sells everything. It makes sense in a linear game because it forces you toplan ahead. Or in a sandbox game where different shops help to give you the impression of an actual world. But Awakening only has a world map in a narrative that does not allow to move all over the place all the time.

So yeah, every game feels more pleasant like this one. I don't miss anything noteworthy. The only advantage it has for me, is that it is more available then most games because of the mere fact that is is a handheld game.

Edited by BrightBow
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Quite frankly I find myself still playing all the FE's FE13 is pretty nice and fun though.

As are they all, this game is the most love/hate I've ever seen for a fire emblem. Congrats guys we split the fanbase, FE is now doomed to the Final Fantasy fanbases current situation where every game will be completely split opinions. Such is the curse of all fanbases. Gather too many fans of the same thing together and it explodes into rage and hate because people feel entitled that the way THEY feel the series needs to continue is the only way for it to do so without it being a "betrayal"

Can we not just love and not hate? Sure you can say you don't like a particular game but to overly attack it when others like it is a bit much.

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-Characters grunting?

They are the reason I turned of voices halfway through the game. They are acting so cheerfully while killing other humans that it appears that THEY are the ones playing a video game.

almost like.................





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Quite frankly I find myself still playing all the FE's FE13 is pretty nice and fun though.

As are they all, this game is the most love/hate I've ever seen for a fire emblem. Congrats guys we split the fanbase, FE is now doomed to the Final Fantasy fanbases current situation where every game will be completely split opinions. Such is the curse of all fanbases. Gather too many fans of the same thing together and it explodes into rage and hate because people feel entitled that the way THEY feel the series needs to continue is the only way for it to do so without it being a "betrayal"

Can we not just love and not hate? Sure you can say you don't like a particular game but to overly attack it when others like it is a bit much.

My feelings exactly. I don't get why people who clearly hate FE13 insist on posting here when they could used that time on a thread about a game they actually like. Honestly, that kind of attitude is what made me reluctant to join these boards for such a long time.

But hey, I see those people as a mere vocal minority and not something to get worked up over, let alone something that would prevent anyone to enjoy the game. It's just like everytime a new Zelda comes out, you always hear people complain and talk about how the previous one was so much better...when some of them likely bashed the hell out of said previous game when it was just released.

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If it left the wrong impression, then I apologize.
My point was that, as Jedi said, the Fire Emblem fanbase is at risk of being split.
Moreover, I'm pretty sure that even in my analogy, I said ''Some of them'' and made sure not to generalize. Please, don't put words in my mouth.

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Why is that a bad thing? Better than everyone endless gushing over a particular game.

Because very split fanbases tend to progressively gravitate from people with different opinions to flamewars galore between two "factions". This doesn't happen with every fanbase but it's a possibility, basically an endless circlejerk isn't good, but a reproduction of the Final Fantasy fanbase is equally terrible.

Edited by Jackos
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