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i don't get it... why can't i cry?


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i just can't get it...

no matter how many tear jerker scenes, sad scenes, touching scenes, i've been through while watching films, movies, stories,animes, etc... i just can't let even a tear out of my eyes...

i mean, yeah, i'm sad, touched and depressed when watching it, but i can't reach to the point where i can put it to tears... why?

am i a heartless? or am i being ignorant?

this is depressing...

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ah you mean the one i posted 12 hours ago?

i don't remember it at all since i'm just awake when i posted, and i'm always not on the mood at morning.. so i hope you don't take what i said seriously that time...

if someone really important to me died, i definetly cried..

but this... i just can't bring myself to cry... it's like.... i forced myself to cry to the point i forgot the touching/sad/depressing atmosphere of the scene....i'm forgotting that there's something depressing happened there..

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I think I might actually like The Cure unironically.

Fight me.

Edit: Uniroic enjoyment confirmed; sending supplies

I don't think anybody would fight you for that, but best be prepared to fight the people who see all the cropped Sakuya hentai.

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Sometimes it's just not in people.

Depends on things like your upbringing, experience with handling emotions, general sentimentality, maybe even your genes

Like I cry relatively easy because I'm very sensitive to sad things happening, especially to other people, because I've had a lot of sad stuff happen to me, but some people don't have those experiences or just don't react that way, and that's fine as long as you still have some sense of compassion/understanding/feelings, not crying isn't really a bad thing :\

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I don't think anybody would fight you for that, but best be prepared to fight the people who see all the cropped Sakuya hentai.

There is nothing wrong or perverted about appreciating sakuya naked

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You can still have the feels for something, but not enough for it to trigger tears. Don't worry about it, you just have a higher emotional pain tolerance (if that's what you want to call it) than other people.

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I don't cry under those circumstances either. Doesn't bother me at all.

I don't cry during funerals or at the news of some death or something horrific either, so I think I'd be worse than you. But I cry easily at other things.

Edited by Elise
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My crying doesn't make much sense, didn't cry at Nan's funeral but did at Clannad Afterstory. Best not put to much thought into such things. So your lack of tears could be perfectly normal... Or you could also be a psychopath. Either way it doesn't harm anyone.

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