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FE10 Rout Draft 2

Ema Skye

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Micaiah, Edward, Sothe, Rafiel, Black Knight, Tormod

1-P 5 turns

Standard strat. No resetting to get a 4 turn BS.

Micaiah 1.58 base
Edward 6.42 21 HP 9 Str 1 Mag 13 Skl 14 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 0 Res

Eddie got 2 amazing levels though <3

1-1 5(10)

Eddie and Nolan go up. Nolan attacking the Javelin Soldier and then countering 3 enemies in EP.
Eddie also countered a fighter and left it at 1 hp. Micaiah finishes off that fighter, Nolan visits the Hand axe
Village. Edward attacks a Fighter and finishes him off. In EP, Micaiah finishes off a Fighter.
Nolan countered a dude for 18 damage. Then Micaiah finishes him in PP 3. Eddie goes up and attacks the Fighter choking the point. Nolan attacks the Archer. in EP, the archer attacks Ed and the Fighter also hits him and leaves him at 1 HP. Nolan countered a soldier. Micaiah finishes off the Archer. Eddie heals and parks in front of Hand Axe dude near boss. Nolan finishes off the Soldier. Eddie wraths the Hand Axe Fighter. Next Turn I YOLO the boss and Ed wraths him first hit.
Nolan finished off the Fighter and Micaiah escaped. Everything was reliable-ish until YOLO. Also
Micaiah got a terrible first level.

Micaiah 2.68 16 HP 2 Str 7 Mag 9 Skl 7 Spd 10 Lck 2 Def 5 Res Light D
Edward 7.89 22 HP 10 Str 1 Mag 14 Skl 14 Spd 9 Lck 8 Def 0 Res Sword C
Nolan 10.00 30 HP 12 Str 0 Mag 12 Skl 11 Spd 8 Lck 9 Def 3 Res Axe C

1-2 6(16)

Eddie goes north and ORKOs the Fighter with Steel Sword. Nolan Hand Axe a dude in the east.
Leonardo grabs Laura and hides in a corner. Micaiah is in range of a soldier. Turn 2 I have Edward move into range of 2 soldiers with Steel Sword equipped. Nolan heals and goees up a bit. Micaiah and Leonardo choke the ledge so the soldier cant go up. Eddie kills the soldiers and nolan kills/counters stuff in the east. Turn 3, I have Micaiah attack the Javelin soldier from above the ledge. Edward goes up and uses a Herb so that the remaining soldier will put him in Wrath range again. Sothe goes right. Nolan goes left and uses a Vulnerary. In EP, the soldier comes up the ledge and dies to Nolan, another soldier dies to Nolan and a Fighter is countered by Nolan. Eddie wrath kills the soldier and an Archer attacks Sothe. Turn 4, I have Eddie ORKO the Archer that attacked Sothe. Micaiah finishes off the Fighter that Nolan weakened earlier. Sothe steals a Vulnerary from a Sodlier and Nolan KOs the Javelin soldier from above the ledge.
Turn 5, I have Sothe attack the boss. Eddie ORKOs another Archer, Leonardo drops Laura in range of the blue tile and Nolan attacks the Myrmidon with Hand Axe (58 hit) and he hits. Micaiah comes closer to the ledge. EP, the boss dies to Sothe. Nolan doesnt miss again, obtaining the Chest Key. Turn 6, I have Sothe get the energy drop. Nolan gets Thani and Micaiah goes down, trades Chest Key and uses it on the Wind Edge chest. Laura arrives.

Micaiah 3.39 HP 17 Str 2 Mag 8 Skl 10 Spd 7 Lck 11 Def 2 Res 6 Light D
Edward 9.15 HP 24 Str 12 Mag 1 Skl 15 Spd 15 Lck 11 Def 9 Res 2 Sword C
Nolan 11.47 HP 31 Str 13 Mag 0 Skl 13 Spd 12 Lck 9 Def 9 Res 3 Axe B
Sothe 1.60 base

1-3 will suck with this Micaiah, won't it?

Edited by PKL
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1-3 8(24)

Having Eddie here is so much better than having Leonardo.
Turn 1, I have Sothe ORKO a Myrmidon. Edward goes to the right. Nolan chokes a point and Micaiah stays behind him. Ilyana takes Micaiah's Wind Edge and Leonardo is near Edward's spot. In EP, the Armor and Fighter attack Nolan and get countered. Edward ORKOs a Fighter in the east. Turn 2, I have Ilyana trade the Wind Edge to Leonardo and Leonardo gives it to Edward. Micaiah Thanis the Armor. Nolan KOs the Fighter. Laura trades Nolan's Axe for Hand Axe and heals him. Sothe ORKOs a soldier and is now next to the stationary Javelin Soldier. in EP, Soldier goes for Nolan, Aran attacks Sothe and the Javelin soldier dies to Sothe. Turn 3, I have Ed open the door. Sothe now ORKOs a soldier. in EP, sothe kills things. Ed counters an archer. Aran attacks Nolan. Turn 4, I have Laura recruit Aran and heal Nolan. Micaiah Thanis an Armor so Sothe can move and ORKO a soldier. Eddie stays put and uses vulnerary. Nolan attacks an armor with Hand axe and doubles it. EP the boss attacks Sothe and retreats. The other armor dies to Nolan now. Now I have Sothe attack the boss with Bronze Dagger for 14 damage and Micaiah is shoved by Laura so she can trade the Bronze Dagger for Kard and finish the boss with Thani. Nolan moves towards Micaiah. Eddie is done with his side. In EP, a Hand axe fighter attacks Sothe over Micaiah for whatever reason. Next PP, I have Eddie move towards the reinforcement area. Nolan attacks the Hand Axe fighter with Hand Axe but misses so sothe cleans up. EP, an Archer attacks Nolan and a soldier dies to Sothe. Next turn, I have Edward ORKO the Archer reinforcement. Micaiah Thanis the Armor near the escape point. Sothe ORKOs the Longbow Archer and Nolan finishes the archer. In EP, the myrmidon dies to Edward and I make Sothe Nolan and Micaiah escape in Player Phase 8.

Micaiah 5.42 HP 18 Str 3 Mag 10 Skl 12 Spd 8 Lck 13 Def 2 Res 8 Light D
Sothe 2.09 HP 35 Str 19 Mag 4 Skl 21 Spd 20 Lck 16 Def 15 Res 10 Knife A
Edward 10.53 HP 25 Str 12 Mag 1 Skl 16 Spd 16 Lck 11 Def 10 Res 3 Sword B
Nolan 12.43 HP 32 Str 13 Mag 0 Skl 14 Spd 12 Lck 10 Def 9 Res 4 Axe B
Laura 1.33 base

1-4 4(28)

Standard Ed strat modified a bit so I can get the Beastfoe.

Micaiah 6.86 HP 19 Str 3 Mag 11 Skl 12 Spd 9 Lck 13 Def 2 Res 9 Light D
Sothe 3.02 HP 35 Str 19 Mag 4 Skl 21 Spd 21 Lck 17 Def 16 Res 10 Knife A
Edward 13.08 HP 27 Str 14 Mag 1 Skl 17 Spd 18 Lck 13 Def 13 Res 3 Sword B

Edited by PKL
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People have bothered to get enough crits to 4 turn 1-P? Well, props to them for having the patience for that I guess...

Nice 6 turn clear of 1-2, I knew there was a way to get it while still getting the energy drops, just couldn't figure out how.

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Yeah 4 turning both 1-P and 1-2 are BS with edward, and the worst part is that peep base their Edd>Nolan arguments on "a better 1-2 and 1-4".

Edward's 4 turn 1-4 is reliable unlike Nolan's though. Nolan has to like, proc spd every level.

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Edward's 4 turn 1-4 is reliable unlike Nolan's though. Nolan has to like, proc spd every level.

Edward's durability is worse, rigging hits and/or dodges for wrath crtkills is worse than rigging str and sp from Nolan.

What are we talking about, Ilyana is clearly the best for 1-4 4 turn clear, old methods of drafting should be replaced, let's try 4 turning it with Mehg

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Edward's durability is worse, rigging hits and/or dodges for wrath crtkills is worse than rigging str and sp from Nolan.

What are we talking about, Ilyana is clearly the best for 1-4 4 turn clear, old methods of drafting should be replaced, let's try 4 turning it with Mehg

Nolan has to get 3 levels worth of str and spd. That's very very very very very unlikely.

With a 15 crit forge, Edward doubling (14 spd required for Tigers which is 2 from base and he can get 5 levels before then) and wrath giving him 50 crit. He has 70+ crit chance vs tigers and he only needs 1 crit per EP. Micaiah can help take down whatever he left alive (which is usually one of the tigers) and then the boss is easily dealt with because lol untransformed. Also, Nolan would need to double/OHKO cats. Which he can never ever ever do.

Also, he has 100 hit wtf dude

Edited by PKL
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Nolan has to get 3 levels worth of str and spd. That's very very very very very unlikely.

With a 15 crit forge, Edward doubling (14 spd required for Tigers which is 2 from base and he can get 5 levels before then) and wrath giving him 50 crit. He has 70+ crit chance vs tigers and he only needs 1 crit per EP. Micaiah can help take down whatever he left alive (which is usually one of the tigers) and then the boss is easily dealt with because lol untransformed. Also, Nolan would need to double/OHKO cats. Which he can never ever ever do.

Also, he has 100 hit wtf dude

Nolan has to deal with what... two cats? He has the option of crting them or having micaiah kill them or make the cats die at EP. So the cats are not a problem because there are turns for even micaiah lure them or finish them.

And Nolan/Edward don't need to face any boss, that's Sothe's job, so nope.

So it's str+sp lv ups => clean orko + durability vs pure crts + hp/def manipulation for wrath to be activated.

I go for a mag+sp lv up from Ilyana. Nolan and Edward are so overrated :smug:

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You just ignored everything about why Nolan can't 4 turn 1-4 ever.

I actually did it once with him, and he only needs to get as many exp as he can. He won't double tigers as soon as you begin 1-4 though

edit: what I mean is that Nolan needs pretty much the same effort Edward needs to clear the chapter successfully. In one hand Nolan needs str+sp lv ups from 1-2 and 1-3 and BEXP + the same lv ups in 1-4. In the other hand, Edward needs one or two sp lv ups (which are plenty for Edward because level difference between him and Nolan) and needs hp/def manipulation. Like, what about Edward tanking two cats and a tiger... he needs to dodge one of those while Nolan can tank them with Edd's same resources. Both of them require plenty of effort to achieve the 4 turn clear. Reliable is Sothe 6 turning it :/

Edited by Quintessence
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Eddie doesnt need to counter 2 cats and a tiger ever. Quint, have you even used Edward? >_>

nvm, I meant the case where Eddie was unable to orko the two cats and had to kill one of them next phase, and thus, tank the incoming tiger. But then realized I was wrong >_>

ñAnyways the point is still there, what I think is that Edward can't be better than Nolan just because 1-4, specially since Nolan has a better 1-2 ranged combat and has a more consistent ability to ORKO lategame enemies. Eddie will, unfortunately, rely on adept/wrath/crts/astra to orko most enemies.

Also, Nolan's da DB boss

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