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FE10 Rout Draft 2

Ema Skye

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Like, everyone agrees to it. Doofina is just being stubborn just to annoy me or something.

You know there's something wrong when an experienced drafter and LTC'er has patience issues with a chapter. That should instantly signal an alarm. But Doofina is apparently always right.

EDIT: If the host doesn't have any respect for the drafter's wishes in this thread. I say we just treat 2-1 as free and get HIM annoyed like Quint said.

Edited by PKL
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Wow PKL, this is the first time I've seen a draft participant be so blatantly disrespectful to a host and actually encourage the other participants to disrespect the host. This "respect" thing is a two-way street, you know. If I were still into drafting, I'd ban you from any draft I'd start in the future.

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One of the things I've always made sure of, is to respect the participant's wishes. A draft isn't just for the host, there are participants too. I've changed rules because of complaints before multiple times. If something hampers a participant's enjoyment, I think they should be heard. I have 2 options here Boron: continue the draft I was enjoying and make my way through the chapter in the way I enjoy doing it. 2nd option: unload the draft. The 2nd one I didn't want to do, because I was actually having fun with the draft. Besides, there really is no reason for the host to ignore all complaints. And honestly, I'd rather ban myself from drafting completely. Drafts lately haven't been exactly enjoyable what with them having no one finish.

EDIT: Also, Im pretty much a co-host. So if you don't know the full story, Kindly walk away and stop white knighting.

Edited by PKL
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Have you at once considered that maybe the way you word things makes people more irritated with you and not likely to listen to you? Again, if I were Doofina and you said something like, "Doofina is just being stubborn to annoy me or something" and "you know there's a problem when an experienced drafter says it's a problem [...] but no Doofina must always be right" in regards to me, I am not inclined to listen to you. In fact, I am inclined to think that you have a very bad attitude and that you're acting like a spoiled child and that you need to learn how to word things more respectfully. I don't really care about the "full story". I care about your conduct, which appears atrocious and honestly doesn't solve issues.

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Can we please just reach a compromise and be done with this? Also, for the sake of not leaving anyone out of the loop, can Doofina please respond to PKL's questions in this thread? It makes it hard for anyone to know the "full story" when there can be numerous PMs between the two of you addressing this issue that everyone else is just unaware of. Because from my perspective, it seems as if the complaints/requests of other participants (mainly me and BearClaw implied it) are being ignored. I don't care what the final decision is, I just want it to be made clear. I'll still finish the draft either way because I really have been enjoying it.

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Boron- note that I was originally going to be the host. We worked on the rules together and I couldn't post the thread like Doofina requested of me because I was very busy. Doofina didn't listen to me after giving a lot of valid reasons to change the rule. There are 2 other drafters here who also want the rule change. But doofina preferred to just ignore us all and even me, who is practically another host but without the OP editing requirements. Do I have reason to be annoyed and come off as angry? You tell me.

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1-7 7 (51)

Paragon goes to Nolan, then him and Miccy BEXP'd to .99

Nolan goes up and hits the myrm w/ a hand axe and Savior!Sothe and Miccy go up the stairs. Turn 2 Miccy is knocked into Resolve range by knight and then goes to the ledge to kill the Javelin Knight trailing behind Tormod and Friends. Nolan kills the Steel Axe fighter by the door and then damages the rest of the guys over in that area. By Turn 4, all of the enemies by the Hand Axe Knight are dead and the two mages are killed by Sothe. By this point, Tormod has reached Sothe, but I don't recruit him just yet. Sothe picks up Miccy and Nolan Hammers a Knight. Next turn, Nolan hand axes an archer that attacked him on enemy phase and Sothe drops Miccy 6 spaces away from the seize point. A mage that was left alive down low attacks Nolan and dies on EP. At this point, I could have done the reliable thing and recruited Tormod and have Muarim take on the boss, but I take the selfish way out instead and place Miccy right in front of the boss (she also kills an archer). Sothe moves in to give Miccy support bonuses and kill the remaining archer, and Nolan gets in range of the two mages guarding the ledge. Turn 6 EP the boss misses a 40% on Micaiah and the two mages die to Nolan. Turn 7 I recruit Tormod, kill the remaining soldier with Nolan, and seize.

Micaiah 13.11 HP 18 Str 6 Mag 18 Skl 13 Spd 13 Lck 19 Def 9 Res 15

Sothe 6.26 same stats

Nolan 4.12 HP 34 Str 22 Mag 3 Skl 17 Spd 22 Lck 13 Def 14 Res 8

Muarim base everything

1-8 4 (55)

Bought a Hand Axe and Olivi Grass from the shop. Also, two BEXP levels for Miccy so that she can max magic. It was pretty important for this map.

Nolan takes on the top left of the map with assistance from Rafiel while Celerity Sothe runs to the boss. Muarim grasses up turn 1 and runs toward the lower left side bandits to distract them and fill up his gauge. Miccy kills the bandit at spawn and then moves around in order to manipulate which villager the dracoknight attacks (the middle one needed to be attacked first.) Sothe attacks a hand axe bandit turn 2 because he can't ORKO him without a crit. Turn 2 EP Sothe kills the bandit and the soldier while Muarim gets attacked and his gauge is filled. Turn 3 Nailah stands next to the top right villager and Volug rescues Tormod. Sothe goes into the boss area and uses a vulneary, and Muarim transforms and kills one of the three bandits in the lower left corner. Nolan wrecks some dudes.Turn 3 EP a bandit suicides onto Muarim, Sothe obliterates everything by the boss and drags a bandit out of the swamp to attack him, the southern reinforcements move up, and a bandit kills the lower left villager and the Dracoknight kills the lower right villager because he is afraid of Nailah (as he should be, like holy shit those stats). Turn 4, Micaiah attacks the hand axe bandit w/ Thani, Sothe kills the healer by the boss, Nolan kills the top left healer and is vigored and then kills the bandit reinforcement, Muarim kills the bandit who killed the villager, Nailah rescues the top right villager, and everyone else gets out of the Dracoknights range. EP, the hand axe bandit whiffs at Miccy and dies, the Dracoknight attacks Miccy (there is no one else in his range beside Nailah) and is OHKO'ed by Thani, and the last reinforcement bandit knocks Miccy into Resolve range and dies. Also, Sothe kills the bandit that attacked him last turn, obviously.

Edited by Mar Mar
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So many villagers dead :(:

Also PK, why your 1-9 TC is 5 turns and not 4? Iirc, the archer appears by the end of EP3 and Jarod is defeated by PP4, was there another enemy I've ignored?

Maybe I derped? I think you might be right. Turn 4 PP is indeed when I kill the last archer according to my writeup lol.

Turn 1: BK kills a fighter. Micaiah attacks Myrm, enters resolve in EP

Turn 2: land in first thicket

Turn 3: land in second thicket, enemies die, archer appears

Turn 4: finish

Yeah, makes sense.

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You can't 4 turn 1-9 in this draft, you fail to kill a soldier who spawns at the bottom left of the map on the same turn as Jarod. Jarod will attack before the soldier suicides onto Micaiah, so I think the minimum TC is 5.

Edited by Mar Mar
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Also, iirc there's also a Steel Lance Soldier near the south western corner. Dunno if he's still there when the archer appears (don't remember, though, if said soldier dies to Miccy in the same EP4).

edit: ninja'd/10

Edited by Quintessence
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You can't 4 turn 1-9 in this draft, you fail to kill a soldier who spawns at the bottom left of the map on the same turn as Jarod. Jarod will attack before the soldier suicides onto Micaiah, so I think the minimum TC is 5.

Even then if the soldier dies after Jarod (but in the same EP4), the chapter TC will still be 4, because the soldier will hypothetically die after Jarod.
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The map ends when Jarod dies, so if you can't kill him until you've routed the map.

1-9 5 (60)

RFoF's 4 turn strat but took an extra turn to rout the map.

Miccy's stats before

16.11 Hp 19 Str 6 Mag 20 Skl 14 Spd 15 Lck 20 Def 9 Res 18

Miccy's stats after

18.57 Hp 21 Str 6 Mag 20 Skl 14 Spd 17 Lck 21 Def 9 Res 20

1-E 8 (68)

Sothe ferrys Micaiah up the ledges with Rafiel and BK following him. Nolan stays near the bottom of the map to take on reinforcements, and Muarim runs up the stairs and takes out the armors there after using his grass. The strat for this map was just go up as quickly as possible. Sothe and Micaiah end up near the left platform by Jarod, triggering the knight reinforcements, and Muarim breaks the door to the seize area and kills the knights. Miccy was knocked into Resolve range at one point, and for some reason the longbow archers started attacking from 2 range instead of 3, I have no clue why, so she killed them pretty easily. Turn 7, Miccy hops down from the left platform and Sothe remains up there to clear the remaining enemies. The Black Knight kills Jarod and a majority of the soldiers on the right platform, except for one that had Miccy in his range. The map was finally routed on Turn 8 PP and I have Micaiah seize. Muarim finally contributed, woo go Muarim!

Micaiah 20.-- HP 23 Str 7 Mag 20 Skl 14 Spd 18 Lck 23 Def 10 Res 20

THWOMPCAIAH GOT MAX DEFENSE YESSSHHH. Pretty god damn awesome Miccy. Resolve turned her into a massive threat.

Sothe 9.69 HP 40 Str 22 Mag 7 Skl 24 Spd 24 Lck 18 Def 16 Res 9

Sothe does everything and he does it the best. Will never underestimate this man again.

Nolan 6.55 HP 36 Str 23 Mag 4 Skl 19 Spd 24 Lck 15 Def 14 Res 8

Nolan was pretty good. Obviously one of the better DB members, but I completely forgot how abundant Wind Edges were in this game. If I had known, I might have picked Edward over him. He still did everything he had to do and is extremely blessed. I'm expecting good things from him in Part 3/Part 4.

Muarim 19.70 Base

Feeding him grass every turn was pretty annoying, but when he was transformed, he did work. Not bad considering how late of a pick he was.

Rafiel 12.80

Such a bro.

Black Knight

Lol ez mode.

Ilyana was given an ashera icon, a blue gem, a seraph robe, an energy drop, celerity, adept, and I think wrath.

I'm slowly approaching 2-1. Not looking forward to it :(

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I'm slowly approaching 2-1. Not looking forward to it :(

good luck >_> you'll need it if youre gunning for a low turn count.

Also I recounted my turncount for Part 1 since I had rout stuff.

1-P 5

1-1 5/10

1-2 6/16

1-3 8/24

1-4 4/28

1-5 4/32

1-6-1 4/36

1-6-2 7/43

1-7 7/50

1-8 4/54

1-9 5/59

1-E 8/67 (redid with modified strat when Fox told me the rout turn wasnt the one that counts)

2-P 6/73

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2-P 7 (75)

Marcia was the freebie. She ran right to the boss and then slowly dragged all of the dracoknights back to the spawn where Haar appears, then she recruited him and he killed the remaining hand axe guys and the boss. There was one stray dracoknight that Marcia was unable to have target her, so I just sacrificed Leanne to him once he headed to my undrafted units and then had Marcia chase him down after getting Haar.

2-1 10 (85)

I matched Ciarre's turn count from the first rout draft and got Heather, which was my goal. But haha no descriptions for you, yall can figure it out :P Also Neph got two really good level ups.

2-2 7 (92)

Free Neal and Lethe. Nephenee and Leanne go up and Neal and Lethe go down. Nephenee reached the boss by turn 6 and killed him on EP. Neal got torch from one of the enemies and used it on turn 5 and dragged out a soldier from the bottom right corner, who Nephenee killed.

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