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How many US States have you been to?


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Two; I live in Washington, and I visited California once. I also flew over Oregon during my flights to and from California, but that doesn't count.

In terms of Canadian provinces, I've only been to one: British Columbia.

Edited by Timeslayer7117
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Illinois, New Mexico, Amish Country Pennsylvania, and New York for vacations, and everything between Maryland and Ottawa while traveling.

Other than Ontario, only Canadian province I've been to is Quebec

Absolutely none (and I hope it stays that way).

we love you too, NM

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i've been to the u.s. a couple of times and from what i remember i've stayed in california, texas, florida, new york, massachussetts, washington DC, probably a few more of those little states in the north east, and i think MAYBE washington?

i've spent the most time in california out of all of those for different reasons

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i've been to the u.s. a couple of times and from what i remember i've stayed in california, texas, florida, new york, massachussetts, washington DC, probably a few more of those little states in the north east, and i think MAYBE washington?

i've spent the most time in california out of all of those for different reasons

Every single D.C. resident just blushed and giggled at being called a state by someone somewhere, and they have no idea why

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I've been to Arizona,


New Jersey,

New York,











New Hampshire,

North Carolina,
South Carolina


And I think West Virginia

That's 20 or 21.

Well, then if airports don't count, I've still been to 12 different states.

IT'S YOUR TOPIC AND YOU'LL COWNT IF U WANT 2, COWNT IF U WANT 2, COWNT IF YOU WANT 2! (I would cownt too if it happened to me)

i've been to the u.s. a couple of times and from what i remember i've stayed in california, texas, florida, new york, massachussetts, washington DC, probably a few more of those little states in the north east, and i think MAYBE washington?

i've spent the most time in california out of all of those for different reasons

I know you've haven't been to NJ because you would never have forgotten our greatness.

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Florida (I live there), Georgia, Hawai, North Carolina, California, Nevada, Washington D.C I saw the Clintons leaving the White House in 2001!

I have been to several countries outside of the USA too but then that is not what this thread is about.

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Maryland because I live there, Illinois because I lived there, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, and California.

D.C.'s right there, so of course I went there, too.

And there's Indiana, Ohio, and Delaware but those don't really count because I just drive through those states.

Although maybe Ohio counts because something eventful happened there: my family's car broke down on the way to Maryland, so we went to an auto repair shop to get it fixed. Because it was going to take a while to get the car up and running, as customer service, we rode a limo to Denny's, ate a free meal, and rode the limo back. Only time I ever got to ride a limo. =_=

I've also been to Canada (Vancouver and the Niagra Falls, Canadian side; the CN tower was scary, although I was a mere eight years of age at the time.)

Oh, and I've lived in Korea for year... and four in Kyrgyzstan. Where the heck is Kyrgyzstan?

And I've been to Turkey for a family vacation.

If you count airports, then I've also been to Almaty, Kazakhstan, London, Great Britain, and some airport in Japan that I can't seem to be able to recall.

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Washington, New York, California, Nevada, and Florida. Washington state is a short drive away so I go to Seattle a few times a year. Went to Ithaca, NY to visit my sister when she was at Cornell. California and Florida are because of Disney, and Nevada was Vegas.

Edit: Somehow forgot Hawaii in my list. I went there last winter, even.

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I have been traveling to other states in years and I think that I been visited like around 30 states or lower, but I did remembered that the other states that I visited that I remembered:

Arizona (two times), Idaho (three times), Montana, Oregon (three times), Washington (six times), Utah, Alaska, North and South Dakota, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Florida, New Mexico, Nevada, Wyoming, and I some of that I can't remember the others that I been to?

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I mainly stay in my own country, but every now and then, I get the urge to give my good ol' passport a workout.

Massachusetts- To see what this whole Boston thing was about. S'all right, I guess.

New York- Because see Massachusetts's reason.

Michigan- Random decisions by bored friends to go see Detroit. NEVER AGAIN.

North Dakota- Lol, Fargo. Remind me next time to stay in Winnipeg if I ever get sucked into the western lands again.

California- It was in L.A. where I stayed in a hotel and a woman walked up to me and asked for room service because I'm brown.

Texas- We stayed in a border town with a good friend, and San Antonio was like right there, but no one but me wanted to there. Don't go to Del Rio, it smells like eggplant.

Florida- DISNEY WORLD, BITCHES! Granted, I was only two and can't remember anything, but we apparently went on a fancy bus ride there. My mom still has the pictures, if she wasn't completely smashed at the back of the bus, she was wearing 80s shades and leggings and camwhoring. It runs in the family, I see.

I kind of want to go stormchasing in Oklahoma, visit another good friend of mine who lives in South Carolina, go on a cruse in Alaska, and check out Hawaii, because California wasn't enough for me.

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