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i hate kids/teenages the thread™


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kids are the reason films like robocop are being remade

do kids these days even know what a robocop is?

you're twenty. robocop is from 1987.


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you're twenty. robocop is from 1987.


lol i know that. i just feel like action films from the 80s aren't as popular now as they were. the terminator films are an exception because, well everyone knows about terminator. but no one knows about robocop (my favourite film of all time)

maybe its just me

EDIT: shit, i just realised i spelt teenagers incorrectly on the topic title

Edited by Aizenberg
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So true. I hate people my age group.

90% of them actually are scumbags or are rich, spoiled bastards.

Crudely put, it's just the time where everyone decides that if they aren't banging someone, they're wasting their lives.

It's where the porn epidemic begins. (No offense meant to people who enjoy it)

It's where the social pyramid comes falling down on your face if you even slightly care.

It's not a hard time per say, it just isn't fun. It doesn't excuse the actions of my fellow teenagers, yadda yadda yadda, I won't apologize for the little, pardon my French, shits I have to associate with.

Hell knows where I qualify according to that.

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it doesn't really matter how old the people i get associated with, since i saw everyone as 17-25 years old in forum...

but i really did associate with 26-30's on Woodus at 2010-2011 anyway

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i'm indifferent

i tend to give any human being the benefit of the doubt, regardless of age, until i see them acting like a cunt

then i hate them as an individual, with no bias towards other humans

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Why hate? People are dying and killing each other all the time. In time we all die so why not just be happy with the people that are around us and think at least neutral to all others so, hopefully the extremist get the message and stop killing each other and all other uninvolved parties, that is the part that bugs me.

hate breeds hate

one party wrongs the other and it is a viscous cycle.

Well, we live in a wonderful world if you ask me,

Edited by sifer
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Why hate? People are dying and killing each other all the time. In time we all die so why not just be happy with the people that are around us and think at least neutral to all others so, hopefully the extremist get the message and stop killing each other and all other uninvolved parties, that is the part that bugs me.

hate breeds hate

one party wrongs the other and it is a viscous cycle.

Well, we live in a wonderful world if you ask me,

naïve, good sir

Edited by Tryhard
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Why hate? People are dying and killing each other all the time. In time we all die so why not just be happy with the people that are around us and think at least neutral to all others so, hopefully the extremist get the message and stop killing each other and all other uninvolved parties, that is the part that bugs me.

hate breeds hate

one party wrongs the other and it is a viscous cycle.

Well, we live in a wonderful world if you ask me,

yeah thats all fine and dandy but not everyone thinks like you surprisingly. teenagers only care about the yolos and social acceptances and the whatnot.

they think they are immortal. they just need a fine dose of reality every now and then.

also robocop 2 sucked because the main villian was a fucking kid

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sifer quoted:

People are dying and killing each other all the time

In time we all die

hopefully, extremist get the message and stop killing each other and all other uninvolved parties

one party wrongs the other and it is a viscous cycle.


Nah, a realist that lives a happy life despite death and destruction around him.

as I said, what a wonderful world despite these things.

Teenagers are a way to little thing to hate in my view, why hate them when doing so causes no measurable gain for anyone? Beating them won't make society any better, it increases the chance your house will be robbed though. Helping them out has a better chance of affecting society for the better, but then I don't volunteer much myself, some cannot be helped so you have to keep an eye on those teenagers. Hating won't decrease the chance of your house being rob so there is no gain in me hating teenagers. So I choose not to hate and instead treat them kindly, hopefully this makes me last of their to hit list when planning house robberies :) .so there is a ulterior motive of not hating teenagers...

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Nah, a realist that lives a happy life despite death and destruction around him.

as I said, what a wonderful world despite these things

I'd imagine most people have a different definition on what a "realist" is, but go ahead.

yeah thats all fine and dandy but not everyone thinks like you surprisingly. teenagers only care about the yolos and social acceptances and the whatnot.

they think they are immortal. they just need a fine dose of reality every now and then.

While I would try not to single out a group when talking about human stupidity, as it's fairly universal, being around teenagers, most of whom you don't like, for the majority of high school is just painful.


Teenagers are a way to little thing to hate in my view, why hate them when doing so causes no measurable gain for anyone? Beating them won't make society any better, it increases the chance your house will be robbed though. Helping them out has a better chance of affecting society for the better, but then I don't volunteer much myself, some cannot be helped so you have to keep an eye on those teenagers. Hating won't decrease the chance of your house being rob so there is no gain in me hating teenagers. So I choose not to hate and instead treat them kindly, hopefully this makes me last of their to hit list when planning house robberies :) .so there is a ulterior motive of not hating teenagers...

Are... are you being serious?

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I am being very serious

so very heavy reading below:

this came from the Colbine School Shooting


"I was walking out for a cigarette and I told him, 'Hey, man' and he said, "Brooks, I like you. Now, get out of here. Go home.' And so I didn't think twice about it.

"I went to go have my cigarette and heard gunshots, so I took off and started running. I went to random houses, called the cops and told them I knew who it was; it was Eric, it had to have been."

so the moral is be kind to everyone or someone will turn like that... in other words don't hate or exclude. Extreme examples but hey... hate breeds hate, bullying can lead to shootings, look what exclusion did to this fellow.

so the moral is be kind to everyone.

And also remember! it is always the least favorite teacher to be egged and not the most favorite teacher.

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