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What's your favorite pokemon?


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Too many to list. No, seriously, if pressed I could probably find something I like about any pokemon, no matter how little.

But my main favorites are the eeveelutions, Lucario, Pidgeot, Charizard, Flygon, Salamence, Gallade, Gardevoir, Milotic, Ninetales, Arcanine, Zoroark, Absol, now Xerneas, and the Latis.

In fact, all of those and more are main/supporting characters in an epic pokemon fanfiction that I have been planning for years; have the basic outline down, but I've never been able to sit down and write it yet because Gamefreak keeps introducing more and more pokemon that I want to include in the story. I have a speaking cast of over 300 pokemon, not counting all the extras. I think that says alot on how many favorites I continue to have...

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Tyranitar. I remember when I first found her toward the end of Gold and Silver. She was accidentally labeled a he because I missed her gender sign at the time. So I called her Dark Man (I named all my characters like Mega Man characters in the game). I later renamed her Dark Woman of course. She became my main pokemon.

Oshawott, squitle, houndoom, and gallade are a very distant 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively.

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  • It's a powerful machine-like Pokemon
  • It's the heaviest non-Legendary as of up to Gen V
  • It has four brains working together. How awesome is that?
  • It looks badass and is dangerous

The only thing I don't like about it has to do with Gen VI: It supposedly gained two weaknesses >_>

I got too many honorable mentions though, but my closest ones include Roserade, Lilligant, Feraligatr, Swampert, Mismagius, Flygon, and Primeape.

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Keldeo is my ultimate favorite, followed by Rapidash, Zebstrika, Ponyta, and Blitzle. <3

I'm a lover of equines, most specifically horses. I just love them and find them beautiful and amazing. ^^ Keldeo is my favorite because he's super cute and his abilities rock! He can FLY with his water hoof jets! :o

Honorable Mentions: Fennekin, Delphox, Infernape, Litleo, Pyroar, Houndoom, Lopunny, Luxray, Buneary, Shinx, Bellossom, Flareon, and probably others I haven't thought of. I'm a big fan of Fire types too, as you can see. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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